In the last few panels the banker is gone and the philosophers are leaving unharmed, so once again the day is saved by the Philosophy Cop.
What a terrible comic. It very much gives a “I just found out about communism” vibe. Without banks, you wouldn’t even have the choice to get a loan to purchase a house or get starting capital for a business. And about the interest part, do you expect them to be a non profit? How will the banks pay their workers? I agree that the rates are too high, but come on, it’s a service that you choose to make use of.
Or you could, y’know, house people without them needing to take a loan.
Banks are not the be-all-end-all of resource distribution.
Banks are also not responsible for housing.
They are taking advantage of people’s hardships. The robber just takes from a well insured institution. A victimless crime.