Illinoisan here, Pennsylvania and Idaho need to get their heads checked. I wouldn’t consider anything west of Kansas or east of Ohio(being generous there) as Midwest. Also just about anything south of the Missouri Compromise Line is a southern state, the Midwest is not the home of traitors.
Edit: correct mason Dixon to Missouri compromise
Wait until you see the Confederate flags in PA. Ya know, where the battle of Gettysburg happened. Very much not a southern state. It’s wild seeing this shit in my neighborhood.
Confederate flags are in canada and California, it’s just a flag for racists to roleplay with, the confederacy won’t rise again anywhere.
I don’t think Ohio is mid west… I know(think) it had something to do with the original 13 colonies but at this point the naming conventions need to change definitions.
Not really. Midwest is more west of Appalachia, north of slave states, and east of the Rockies. It’s the land between the mountain ranges
Is your house surrounded on all sides by corn?
Does Napoleon Dynamite seem like a documentary about your town?
Then you live in the Midwest.
Napoleon dynamite takes peace in Idaho. It has a very rural theme to it, but it’s not Midwest.
Exactly. It’s not geographically midwest, but it embodies an idea of the midwest.
An endless patchwork of green and yellow squares. Countryside but not natural.
TIL that 25% of people living in Idaho are even dumber than I previously thought they were …
They are roughly in the middle of the west, as a whole country. I think our Midwest is fairly far east, due in part to the fact that the western edge of the USA was once much further east, and many conventions have survived from that time.
I am from Illinois, which fits most folks idea of what is midwest, but it’s really and truly just…middle
Disappointed they didn’t survey the whole nation. It’d be funny to see figures like “0.1%” for Florida or Hawaii.
It would probably be 3%, as per the Lizardman Constant.
Who are the 8.4% of my fellow Hoosiers who don’t think they live in the midwest and where do they think they live?
In the elementary school Indiana history class (4th grade) it was even a part of the curriculum* to learn where were are in the US.
We were taught that the Northwest Territory became what is now called the Midwest (the area east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio rivers).
- curriculum as of the late 80s / early 90s
Why is “west” in “midwest”? Can’t we just call these states mid?
Oi get those linea out of Texas its Southwest
So living on the line would be living in the Midmid?
“Middle of nowhere” is the accepted term for that region
You have forgotten the face of your father.
We go by Midworld.
Because the US expanded from the east coast towards the west. The midwest is west of the OG colonies, but not as far west as, well, the west.
Ok Colorado and Wyoming thinking they’re Midwest is new to me. As is Ohioans thinking we arent
You’ll never get everyone to agree on anything in a poll.
In fact, weird outliers are a sign that the numbers weren’t cooked. In polling, you’ll always find a Christian who thinks Jesus isn’t real, an Atheist who thinks the ten commandments should be posted in classrooms, people who think Sonic tastes good, and other equally strange and nonsensical results.
Coloradan here. We don’t. I’m very suspicious of this data.
Same thought. No one here thinks it’s the midwest. It’s the west and very apparent. Ghost towns start popping up for attractions, everything’s about the mountains, camping, hiking, skiing/snowboarding.
I believe this is closer to reality. I forgot an east coast subgroup.
edit: It’s called the mid atlantic and people are big mad about its exclusion on a shitty, crude map in context to a discussion about the Midwest. lmao
Idaho should be in the Rockies and perhaps all of Utah.
I’ll concede Idaho. Utah is iffy.