Anyone else see this?
I am getting to old :D My first thought was Johnny 5 https://robotics.fandom.com/wiki/Johnny_5
Ha! That’s a good one too
Well I do now
Awesome compucter😁 Looks unique ❤️
Looks like a certain stabbin’ robot to me…
Heck yeah, such a unique design! I’ve got a widescreen one in my collection, but without the speakers, sadly.
The widescreen ones look sick
I want Apple to make something that wild again. They’ve been a bit more on the conservative and safe end lately.
They had to steal much needed market share from Microsoft/Intel at the time, so they did crazy stuff. Now they’ve got something to lose.
I would not say that completely replacing Intel is a conservative move
I don’t think I implied Apple was being conservative from an engineering stand point. I meant it from a design standpoint. From an engineering perspective, what Apple has accomplished in computing in recent years has bene nothing short of game changing in every product category it’s touched.
They tried with trash can Mac Pro and everybody and their grandma hate it.
I think it wants to know if I have any games on my phone.
I love the sunflower Mac! I remember being a little kid watching the commercial where a guy makes faces at it and pops its disc player out!
I remember how frustrated I was with that. We got them in the office, and nobody could figure out how to open the CD drive. We were all Windows users previously, and we spent way too much time trying to open the drive, without any success. One of my coworkers knew a guy who was using Macs, so he called him over. The Mac user looked at us as if we just recently fell from the sky, said “but it’s so obvious!” and proceeded to click and drag the CD drive icon into the Recycling Bin, which opened the drive.
Should have also thrown the MAC in the recycle bin 😂
Only way I found to open it was using the cd ripping function in iTunes lol
I miss the old G4 TV
Omg its ugly. I love it
I really loved the early iMacs. Such standout computers for those made at the time.
Yeah I remember seeing them on display in John Lewis (uk department store) in like 2002 or whatever and thinking they looked like the coolest fucking computers I’d ever seen. Really great design imo shame it only lasted one generation.
Man those hinges were just so solid and 🤌🤌🤌
That screen was just floating on air, taking the slightest touch to adjust. But never wobbling with your typing! One of the most over-engineered things and it was glorious
Very nice. With the original speakers too.
Very nice. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s speakers.
I’d love it if they went back to some of their more ‘experimental’ designs. The current iMacs look good, if a bit…derivative.
Yeah some of the earlier jobs 2.0 era designs were really cool
They really let themselves go crazy before going full ‘minimalist’. It’s a shame they never went back to some of their crazier ideas.
Again but with the tongue sticking out :P