Don’t even know why that was even an option, anyway. NK isn’t ever going to cooperate with its “enemies” and will just continue to indoctrinate its population with propaganda.
The only solution is a military invasion of NK. Always has been.
Jesus. And people think I exaggerate when I call the West a death cult
Well yes, you are definitely exaggerating if you are suggesting that half the planet is a ‘death cult’. Maybe if you want to say that the foreign policy establishment in certain countries is, then it would be a more reasonable statement.
I don’t think that “the West” is even a useful term.
half the planet
I think you overestimate your importance, try 14% of the planet instead.
The only solution is a military invasion of NK
The DPRK has nuclear weapons
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China have a treaty going back to 1961 which in Article II clearly states that: “The Contracting Parties undertake jointly to adopt all measures to prevent aggression against either of the Contracting Parties by any state. In the event of one of the Contracting Parties being subjected to the armed attack by any state or several states jointly and thus being involved in a state of war, the other Contracting Party shall immediately render military and other assistance by all means at its disposal.”
Aggression on them is aggression on China, good luck! 😄