My Dreamcast… I had almost every game downloaded and there was so much choice I never committed to anything and got bored. It taught me a lesson about piracy and the value of attention.
Honestly, piracy for retro consoles is morally correct. Unless you’re a collector, physical copies offer users no actual benefit beside “the experience,” and only serve to wear down cartridge slot pins/plastic and CD drive lasers/belts.
The original developers are getting no money from retro sales, and people are scalping/overcharging retro games like crazy these days. In nearly all cases, the original publisher/developer no longer even offers these games for sales anymore. No proof of offering for sale means no moral claim to a lost sale. If you want to actually play a retro game, it is totally morally correct to just download it.
Of course it goes without saying, if by some miracle you can still purchse the game from the original developer or publisher, please do so. The developers deserve to get paid for their work, Joe Schmuck doesn’t deserve to charge $900 USD for Panzer Dragoon Saga (good game, but not for that price).
Also, sidenote, I find a Dreamcast owner complaining about too much choice because of piracy to be highly ironic considering the Dreamcast lost developer support due to fears of lost sales caused by piracy lol.
Know what’s funny? The Sims 2 for PC is officially abandonware. It’s not for sale on Origin, despite EA still holding all the rights. You can’t “legally” get it anywhere BUT from previous owners.
Such an underrated console too!
i gave away my dreamcast. 🤦♂️
You chose… poorly.
Silver Gameboy advance SP - times were desperate, it ended up in a pawn shop.
Im sorry old friend
Ouch. I definitely understand that.
Console, no. But somehow my parents convinced me to give away my copy of Pokémon Blue to one of my cousins. One of the dumbest things I’ve done, even if It wasn’t entirely my fault.
I know the feeling, even when I never experienced it beforehand (I wasn’t the cousin just to be clear).
Did your cousin at least took care of it?
Tbh no clue. Never saw it again, never heard about it again haha.
On a totally unrelated note, I’m craving Jolly Ranchers
Assuming it would still work after all these years, I regret selling my Apple IIc back in the eighties. I miss those simple games and emulators just aren’t the same.
Reality is that it wouldn’t still work and all those bottom shelf floppies that I used to liberate games would have long since degraded.
I got an NES when I was 12 and my mom told me that I had to get rid of my Colecovision and games because there was “too much clutter.” I tried selling it in the classifieds but I got no calls, so I wound up throwing it in the trash.
This series of events haunts me on a regular basis.
My modded PS1. It was the first hardware mod I ever did. It was a mess. It booted games sometimes, froze periodically. But, I would love to go back and fix the mod today and play some classics. I do have an unmodded ps1 mini with the attachment screen I have since purchased, but it just isn’t the same.
Trading my Neo Geo AES and some AES games for a modded PSX. Both me and my friend that sold the AES to me are both kicking ourselves.
I made up for it by buying a 2 slot MVS board and consolizing it…and getting a 4 slot MVS cabinet ages later.
I regret all of them, but I needed money so.
I regnet selling my Atari Jaguar. My Brother and i only had 3 Games If i remember correctly. One was Alien vs Predator and it was a blast. We sold it to buy a PS1.
I still shudder over the fact that my mom made me trade in my SNES and a bunch of games for store credit during the N64 era. I can’t remember exactly which games or how many were traded, but I know that we only had enough store credit to buy Mario Party. I may need therapy to truly put this behind me.
My mom made me sell my ps2 (with a ton of games, even with the buzz controllers, microphones, etc.) for 20 bucks. I die inside every time I remember this lol.
She also made me sell my PSP because I “didn’t play” with it. Important thing to say: my parents refused to buy me new games, I only had a few and once I completed them I stopped playing…
When I was young my brother wanted to trade in our crystal xbox for money towards an Elite 360.
I made a stink about it because I didn’t want to upgrade at the time, and I even ended up setting it up in the attic to try and avoid having it sold.
In the end Dad did end up trading it in… for 20p (good riddance to physical game shops).
Ended up getting my own crystal xbox as an adult, and I did end up playing Halo 3 ODST’s multilayer disc religiously. Still, for 20p Dad?!
Fuck, 20p? My mum gave mine away when I was gone one summer and I was gutted.
How much did you pay for a used crystal boy?
I hear your pain. Game shops have always been rip offs with trade ins, and 20p? Can’t even get a chocolate bar with that…
Twenty… pence? What is that, thirty cents in American money? You’d be lucky to get a piece of candy for that price these days. Yeah, Pops really got screwed on that sale. And so did you, by association.
Donates mine to a children’s hospital. NES, SNES, PS1, N64 and PS2 and a whole mess of games. My PS3, Xbox, hacked Xbox and 360 I kept till they all broke so they just got binned and the games given away to family and/or friends.
The only system out of all the consoles I currently want, and have wanted, but have never owned is Atari Jaguar with Jaguar CD. Someday…someday.
Not a console but I used to have a working Amiga 500 in the 90’s which I got rid of in favor of a PC. Wish I’d had held on to that one.