Goatse is missing
<anything>.on.nimp.org or whatever as well. Nothing like those days when your browser window could move itself around, duplicate windows, set your volume to 100%, the early internet was a WILD time.
For me, the awakening to the vileness of the internet, was the “Offended” page on Encyclopedia Drammatica. People who wanted to ruins other’s time on forums in a raid would basically post it as if it were a rickroll of sorts, just a completepy harmless comment with a link. And then the page would have 3 innocuous image right before showing you horrifying gore and body horror. I’m quite sure some of the most awful stuff usually on these lists, like screenshots of the guy who mutilates his own scrotum, were in there.
I am old enough now to know not to ever go to those sites.
I only saw the 2 girls 1 cup because a friend showed it to me. I thankfully missed out on all the others but I am aware of them.
Actually shocked this doesn’t have 1 guy 1 jar.
shudders. I was almost done forgetting that one.
Me too. I was so naive when I first saw it, I thought there’s no way this is real and actually happening. It was. And it did.
And mr hands
God always takes his best angels early.
I think it was called Jarsquatter, or was that a different video?
I miss the Wild West days. It built character.
Children today never have to see this kind of shit anymore.
Good for them. Seeing that shit so early in life desensitized too many people in my generation in the worst ways and that’s the last thing humanity needs right now.
(Bias: middle aged)
It seems to me like the younger generation are less callous than my own generation, and certainly less so than the boomers.
The worst way to be desensitized is against violence, not butt stuff.
I’m not sure if I’m misunderstanding this or maybe you don’t know what the references are, but the OP is not just referring to “butt stuff”.
I’m certainly not going to go item by item there, but several are entirely consensual and just icky. Older generations are much quicker to kill actual people.
Dude, are you kidding? Did you forgot about Ronnie mcnutt (RIP)? Kekma. ga? And really being decensitized at such a young age isn’t some thing to be proud of lmfao. I think the kids are doing right if they don’t see that stuff lol.
bless all the people who’ve seen those things and provide accurate descriptions so the rest of us don’t have to bear that burden
Agreed. I was aware of almost every one of those but never saw a single one.
2 girls wasnt bad tbh. Disgusting, sure…but it wasnt someone taking an axe to their dick either
True. I was unfortunate to encounter a lesser known pic of a chainsaw accident. More than two decades later and I can still cringe about that one, can still picture his “face”
And wasn’t 2 girls proven to be staged/a hoax? Like it wasn’t feces being squirted everywhere?
Add Mr. Hands and 1 Guy 1 Jar to the list.
I miss the old internet. I loved how it hadn’t seeped in to every part of my life yet. I liked that you had to use a PC as sort of a dimensional gate to enter the world of the weird. It meant most users were also a bit weird.
I mean, one can still choose to do that, it’s just weird now.
I only knew about the existence of some, not all, of the things listed on the geiser. Here starts that mental tug o war in which I want to satiate my curiosity but I’m also afraid of needing eyebleach.
Eye bleach would definitely be needed.
I’m gonna go ahead and guess this isn’t the octopus girl from the meme?
Lemmy should have the option to spoiler/NSFW pics in comments.
It’s close
I’m so grateful that even though I started using the internet fully unsupervised at 11 years old, I never stumbled upon anything fucked up like that, maybe a few gorey photos, but I have never actually seen any of those things you mentioned.
Not sure if I just lack the morbid curiosity most people have, but I never understood the draw to look for those things. I’d hear about them and just put it on a mental list to never touch.
Rotten.com fucked me up back in the day
And my computer
This doesn’t even have rotten on it. Want to see some dudes head get chopped off? Rotten has you covered, baby sliced into sushimi? It had that.
I’m pretty sure most (if not all) of them were fake.
No wayyy, I never saw that last one
If the internet has taught me something. Take everything as a literal and never check the unknown especially when people tell you not to. You may just find something much worse than the last worse stuff.
Damn, I don’t know what any of these are except for the last one and luckily I’ve never seen it. I’ve been on the internet for a long time.
3 guys one hammer
That link was NOT a Pokémon .NDS ROM in that IRC….