As a part of older GenZ I can assure you that VHS was still around when I was little
I’m sorry to tell you that if you’re older Gen Z you’re probably not a kid anymore 😅
Oh no! I was thinking that I remember those tapes too ;-;
I realized I was no longer part of the young crowd when I needed someone to explain newer slang words… I literally could not discern what was meant by it… never had the issue when I was younger I always understood the implied meaning of slang…
Never fear, Urban Dictionary is still here.
Welcome to adulthood my friend.
I think OP is probably referring to gen-alpha. The millennial’s kids. The ones that are growing up never knowing a world without Minecraft or smartphones.
Or have ever called a landline hoping the dad won’t pick it up, and then when he does fear for one’s own life.
I see you learned the arcane AT commands to keep the modem from screeching when you connected to the internet.
Or to look your crush up in the phone book after working up the courage for ages. Call, heart-racing. Parent answers. Ask for the girl. They yell across the house. One year later. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me, ivanafterall.”
Classic rite of passage, am I right, guys!? We’ve all been there!
I’m 37. How do I co-exist with fully 100 different “generations?” I can’t keep up.
There’s only like, five or six alive right now. There’s the Baby Boomers (our parents, because most of our grandparents have died off by now), there’s the one after us, the Zoomers, which are Gen-X’s kids. Gen-X is the one that came right before us. You and me are Millennials, I’m 40. We came into adulthood in or around the year 2000. Our kids are mostly gen Alpha. The first generation born entirely within the 21st century and have never known a world that wasn’t fully connected 24/7.
The gen before the Boomers, the Silent Generation, also still has people around, such as Joe Biden.
While that can be well and true now, I had been called before Gen.X then Gen. MTV, there was a time when we were the screwed generation (with similar adjectives to it), then millennials (I was already working though before Y2K, and recently I heard someone refer to FPS from my teen years as a “boomer shooter”.
I’ve been through more generation changes than a dragonball character.
Same. For years, it seemed, when that concept was introduced to me, I recall being Generation X. Then I’d hear “No, no, we’re Generation Y.” Then somehow I was a Millennial. I don’t know what I am anymore. I’m clinging to the original Generation X, if I have to have a label. It sounds cooler.
Occured to me after i wrote the comment
My father hat BetaMax
Superior quality, but didn’t make it on the market, the cassettes and mechanisms were too expensive, the heads as well. Sony thought that wouldn’t matter, so they pushed it… turns out price does matter.
“Be kind, rewind”
Literally no one called them VHSs. They were just called video tapes. The players were called VCRs.
Tape player.
It would make sense in context, if you’re talking about a video or video tape. Otherwise it would get confused with a cassette tape player.
I don’t miss VHS or optical media.
It was fun though. I could tell where did my brother stopped and rewatched a scene in a VHS of Return of the Living Dead.
At some point it even became censored due to the amount of static.
Wow. I had to look that scene up. I must have watched the censored version or something, because I definitely don’t remember that.
Are you sure we’re talking about the same movie?—25364
It is quite memorable
I mean, my memory of the show is pretty fuzzy at this range, but, yeah, I don’t remember any Romero film going that far. Not that I’m complaining, mind you; I get to experience it like it’s new, apparently.
BlueRay came out in 2006, there are Teens that have probably never seen a CD or DVD.
Blockbuster died around 2010, apple stopped shipping optical drives in the last of their computers around 2013, Streaming became the norm, there might be teens that haven’t used “Discs” for video and have streamed everything.
Got one living with me who falls into this category. She about lost her mind when I showed her a laser disc; thought it was some kind of special record. Yes, that’s the world we live in, now: kids collect records and cassettes, but have never seen a blu-ray.
I mean technically it’s kind of like a laser record haha
Even more so when you realize they aren’t even digital, they use analog NTSC, PAL signal modulation / encoding.
Wait, they do? I always assumed they were digital…
Edit: well damn yeah they’re just shiny records… from Wikipedia “The surface of the disc is covered with small holes that are read by a laser.”
Thought it was some kind of special record
Well, there was something like that. CED:
To be fair, adoption of bluray took a bit of time. The cheapest blu ray player was the PS3, and that was like 600$
A lot of people I know had fairly large DVD collections but never accumulated very many Blue-ray releases.
I have never used a blu-ray. By the time they came around I was either pirating or streaming everything.
I have a couple that have floated around my house for years. Not really sure where they came from. One of them is The Life of Pi, if anyone is looking for it.
I used to use my VCR to tell time. It was always 12:00.
What is it? Some sort of STD?
I’m 21 and I’ve used VHSs when I was younger, we still have them and a player and I’ve even recorded something on one by myself.
But genuinely? It is an outdated technology and there is nothing bad if other young people just don’t know about it. The only thing making is special to you is nostalgia, and that’s genuinely okay for you, but other people aren’t worth less for not feeling the same way about it or not knowing it.
This is just saying it makes people feel old, not that there was anything special about it.
What about scary movies? Hbomb onces made the argument that Aliens on VHS was more scary because of the lower image quality. I do think he has a point. In case you are curious:
Well, it’s special because that’s where all our most important family videos are, and I don’t know how to get them onto a computer without paying a bunch of money, because we’re poor and can’t splurge on unnecessaries >.<
VHS to Digital Converter, Video Capture Card USB 2.0 Audio Video Capture Card Device Old VHS Mini DV Hi8 DVD VCR to Digital Converter for Mac, PC Support Windows 2000/10 / 8/7 / Vista/XP/Android
Looks like you can just plug this into a VHS player, hit play, and convert it yourself for $15
Nor floppy disks 💾 or audiocasettes 📼
My six year old asked me if dvd’s were used when I was a kid in the 50’s. I’m 32. 3,000 years for VHS tracks.
Just watched the Futurama episode I dated a Robot, the professor kept the robot dating advisory special in the VCR. Always gives me a laugh.
what about Uni students like me?
I have only seen VHSs when looking at historical artifacts from my grandparents.
I can program a VHS machine to record a show while I’m not at home. Bow to your GOD.
I have MythTV for that
I’ve met adults my age that have never seen a vhs
im like 13 and i know what it is
But have you seen one with your eyeholes?
Honestly I hate gatekeepers, I just like reminding millenials that there are people in their mid-20s that have never used a floppy drive
Rent in Peace by Psychostick. Lovely song.