The Cooper Davis Act would force tech companies to report suspected drug activity to the government. Experts say it would be a disaster for digital privacy.
it’s never about the drugs, it’s never about the kids, it’s never about the anything
It’s about the money and power.
With a seasoning of hate.
Truer words were never spoken
Yep, “they do it for that” and not to do the same as they did with dotcom
jesus fucking christ that’s dystopian
tell ballsack shaver to fuck off
I love living in the freedom country, not like those other, nonfreedom countries where shady unnacountable secret police organizations spy on you all the time.
Wow it’s crazy what happens when you have idiots in important positions.
Fucking Jeanne Shaheen. I’m from NH, I’ve unfortunately had to vote for her repeatedly. She is going to go to her grave an unrepentant drug warrior. I absolutely loathe the Clinton generation of neolib Democrats, they cannot die off fast enough.
She also voted against student loan debt relief multiple times, unsurprisingly.
This won’t stop drug sales, it’ll just make them sneakier. Fools.
I’ll just leave this here
Edit: I misinterpreted - I thought this was focused on ISPs and identifying customers that go to sketchy marketplace sites through inspection of DNS logs. If you’re buying drugs on Facebook market place or something like that and are not expecting to get caught… have fun in prison, I guess? It’s Meta. You don’t have privacy on their products. If you do sketchy shit on any of their platforms, you should expect to get caught.
I don’t think a pi-hole will help with that.
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Combating drugs is good, spying is not good, you need a very transparent law that tackles the issue in a smart way.
EDIT: Why the downvotes? Is this a pro-drugs community?
Simplistic sentiments like ‘combating drugs is good’ is exactly what leads to people to think spying on citizens should even be considered.
What about pedophilia? Should we also let it go when we give up all investigations on drugs?
Try harder.
I don’t understand, try harder in the investigations? I thought you were telling us to stop investigating them!
Let me guess, you’re an anarchist.
Now you’re trying too hard.
I see, we’ll investigate the drug traffickers but ONLY A LITTLE. Arrest like 20% of them. Same for the pedophiles and human traffickers.
People can consent to taking drugs. Children cannot consent to having sex.
Keep trying.
deleted by creator
So, what specifically makes combating drugs (not specific ones, just drugs in general) good, and how is it comparable to fighting pedophilia? And is it important enough to encroach on individual rights like privacy and due process?
So, what specifically makes combating drugs good?
Did your elementary school not teach that drugs are bad? Just asking, I can point you to another number of sources if you want proof.
and how is it comparable to fighting pedophilia?
Both are crimes largely committed through the internet.
And is it important enough to encroach on individual rights like privacy and due process?
Necessary evil. Go too far in the human rights narrative and society crumbles.
LOL, the argument drugs is bad cause death is a elementary school level of reasoning, the world is more complex than that.
Did your elementary school not teach that drugs are bad?
I see, so you think elementary school is valid jurisprudence. This says everything about your ability to form logical conclusions.
I see, so you think drugs are good. This says everything about your ability to form logical conclusions.
I see, so you think drugs are good. This says everything about your ability to form logical conclusions.
Thank you for demonstrating my point.
I think our government is over stepping their bounds. My body my choice. They aren’t doing this to go after kids. They are doing this to put more bodies in jail. If they cared about the well being of people then they would be making programs or other such things to help people. This proposal to hand over our info is only to hurt us.
Schools say all sorts of stuff, then you grow up and find out it was mostly BS.
Now I’m pretty sure you are trolling
“bUt ThiNk oF thE cHildrEn!!1!1” is not an excuse for surveillance
“Fuck the children” is exactly the vibe I’m getting from this thread. They’ll have a good life being raised by drug addicts and then sold to some human trafficker.
drugs are much more complex than “doing them is bad” and banning encrypted messanging apps and implementing surveillance does very little in terms of capturing pedos, while people who use them for legitamate reasons are screwed over
Scroll up and find the part where I said to ban encrypted messaging. You’ll find the following sentence instead “spying is bad”.
You also said
Necessary evil. Go too far in the human rights narrative and society crumbles.
in response to
And is it important enough to encroach on individual rights like privacy and due process?
You didn’t say it, yes. But established survaillance can be countered by encrypted messanging apps, so the next logical step is to ban them. In fact, the US has been trying to do so for a long time now and the same excuse is always given - “think of the children”. There’s a video by Louis Rossmann and another one by Mental Outlaw, both going into detail about why this is just that, an excuse. Survaillance isn’t normal and should not be normalised.
Perhaps you might consider asking what we ought to do instead of continuing the failed war on drugs?
I’d point out that this is a classic ‘waddabout the children’ non sequitur, but you already know that.
Nah, he doesn’t understand Latin
Pedophiles harm other people. Selling drugs that are inspected and tested not to contain additives and are of a set potency would do wonders preventing accidental overdoses. The taxes made off of the legal sale of drugs can be used for education and harm reduction programs.
Because the war on drugs was lost before our government (or any government) even started fighting it.
The DEA is neither necessary or helpful. Legalizing and regulating drugs - and yes, I do mean all drugs - would do far more to improve safety for people who want to, for one reason or another, use drugs (and “drugs” absolutely includes alcohol - it’s a substance that affects your mental state when consumed).
Or, you know, we could actually correct the root cause, which is wealth inequality, general despair over much of what’s happening in the world these days, and endemic poverty and homelessness. But that wouldn’t be profitable, and supply-side Jesus wouldn’t like that.
combatting drugs is bad. it leads to a black market and unreliable product, resulting in overdoses & deaths
A drug addict does not make any contributions to society, he’s the living dead.
Funny how alcohol addicts are allowed to participate in society normally though while no one in any high paying job is allowed to smoke a joint.
I know lots of alcoholics that still show up to work and contribute to society everyday
Alcohol, cigars and then… cocaine, LSD, crack? Are you honestly making this comparison?
Could you look someone in the eye and tell that cocaine and tobacco are the same thing?
The fact that you put LSD between cocaine and crack made me literally lol.
You’ve clearly lived a very sheltered life and have been fed all of your information on drugs from entertainment media.
Maye LSD is “less bad” than the others, fine. I’m not a drug connoisseur.
That was obvious when you posted cocaine then crack.
It showed that not only are you not a connoisseur, but your understanding of drugs is most likely mainstream fiction and copaganda regurgitated as news.
Crack is just cocaine that has been processed so you can smoke it instead of snorting or injecting it.
Disclaimer: don’t Fuck around with cocaine, it dumps your dopamine and eventually makes it impossible to feel happiness outside of continued use, and the use diminishes in its dopamine dumps
Edit: I didn’t even read the comment two up, they had the same assessment, lol
Do you consider medical professionals to be ‘drug connoisseurs’?
not a drug connoisseur.
wants all drugs banned because “drugs > bad”
- alcohol deaths per year: 140,000
- tobacco deaths per year: 480,000
- cocaine deaths per year: 15,000 (including crack)
- opioid deaths per year: 68,000
- LSD deaths per year: 0
- cannabis deaths per year: 0
Our drug war is a fucking farce. It is, and always has been, a fascist culture war.
Now we’re talking, I like to see numbers and data. You’re clearly different from the others here.
Now go a biiit further and check usage statistics for alcohol, cocaine and opioids. Is it the same number of people using all three?
No thanks. But you go right ahead.
I am not saying crack or other drugs are harmless, but man, have you ever seen an alcohol addict? It completely destroys your body, mind and family (which you like to mention when it comes to other drugs). You can absolutely compare it to crack.
I see, so you’re arguing we must ban both alcohol and drugs? You bring a hard bargain, I’m interested in the connotations of this.
This has already been tried and didn‘t work. People consumed it anyway (surprise).
So you want to go back to prohibition ? Because alcohol is a drug.
Want to see a video of how someone looks like after using psychedelic drugs for some time? Will you still make this comparison afterwards?
If you people establish that banning alcohol is a absolute requirement for banning cruel drugs that destroy entire families, so be it.
EDT: Downvoted in 20 seconds.
Look, you’d have to be both purposefully oblivious and living under a rock to not have a notion of what drunk people look like and the research done on the health risks of it, and all the addiction and alcoholism… Like, give me a fucking break.
Edit: I’m saying this to say that humans have accepted the risk associates with alcohol (not saying not to regulate it) and it should equally allow the same for drugs. The only difference is that some drugs are plain out less harmful than alcohol.
Down votes are because studies have shown that programs like DARE and the “war on drugs” didn’t really make drugs go away, and that we need better solutions that address quality of life and mental health issues to keep people from turning to drugs in the first place. Also, saying we need to “combat” drugs is very adversarial, and reinforces the boogie man of “evil drug users”, which helps the passage of overly powerful laws, and often make it easier to exploit minorities.
I also think the simplistic “[let’s just] tackle the issue in a smart way” might rub people the wrong way, like “oh, well why didn’t we think of that?”
EDIT: Your edit of “people don’t agree with me, I guess that means they love drugs” is very assumptive, and close minded.
and that we need better solutions that address quality of life and mental health issues to keep people from turning to drugs in the first place.
You’re almost there, one more step and you’ll realize the true enemy is capitalism. Some of the weaker drugs can be legalized as long as they’re kept in strict control.
You’re almost there, one more step and you’ll realize the true enemy is capitalism.
So there are no black markets outside of capitalist economies?
There are criminals too, and gulags.
Then how would eliminating capitalism resolve anything related to drug use?
and that we need better solutions that address quality of life and mental health issues to keep people from turning to drugs in the first place.
You’re almost there, one more step and you’ll realize the true enemy is capitalism.
and that we need better solutions that address quality of life and mental health issues to keep people from turning to drugs in the first place.
Sounds like you can’t really connect those statements, you just feel like capitalism and drugs are bad so naturally their badness must be connected.
Why, is this an anti-drug community?
It is downvoted because you appear to think that more drug laws are the way to address the opiate addiction public health crisis.
Why is it a crisis? I thought you believed drugs were good!! Isn’t it almost an utopic situation with all the opiate addicts around? Is this not what you were looking for?
Where did I say ‘drugs are good’?
Oh, are you not a pro-drugs individual? I’m being chased by those who defend drug abuse and a lawless society, sorry if I mistook you for one of the evil-doers.
Eh no, you are repeatedly and dishonestly conflating ‘it’s a public health problem not a criminal justice problem’ with ‘I love all the drugs’. I think I’m done. Arguing with clowns is pointless.
You either defend drugs or you oppose them. Can’t look all hipster and defend strict control at the same time.
false dichotomy followed by strawman. You are clowning yourself.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8