Same thing, no Google.
also great, and entirely in web browser so no download needed: - also works over the internet! no local network necessary
And you can run your own local instance of Snapdrop too! Got it running in Docker on my Synology NAS.
PairDrop is an improved version of SnapDrop that works both locally and over the Internet. I’ve found it more reliable to set up.
Pairdrop is great. Lives in a tiny Docker container and hasn’t failed me yet.
From reading the app description:
Everything happens locally in the wifi network
Does this mean devices have to be on the same Wi-Fi network for this to work? This looks extremely interesting as someone that runs Linux on my home computer, and the vast majority of my transfers are between devices on my home WiFi network, but I’d just like to know if it works elsewhere.
Thanks for sharing! Just a heads up that we typically ask that the original source be posted (in this case, the release from Google at If you don’t mind editing the submission, it’d be much appreciated! On Lemmy, we can update both the title and link :).
Edit: this was actually already shared it seems!
Since the launch of the beta, Google says it saw over 50 million files transferred between PCs and Android devices.
Can someone explain to me why google needs to know when I am sharing a file locally?
Because Google. I will say tho that at least during a beta it’s very normal for the terms and conditions to specify sending info about each transfer and also bugs…
Analytics of how many times users use certain features is very normal in software development
KDE Connect - available for Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows
A ported version is available for Mac.
It supports to transfer files, clipboard, able to access/send SMS, use it as remote keyboard/mouse, pass terminal commands from mobile to pc and many more without Google.
The peer devices should be on same Wi-Fi, that’s the requirement.
I don’t know what the experience is like for other people but KDE connect sucked to use on windows for me. It was a coin toss whether or not it would detect my devices. Nearby Share has been flawless so far.
I remember for so many years people would scream how Apple copies everyone yet here we are. I always said they get ideas from each other and what would be best is if we can all share features that help us move forward but got attacked endlessly. I still believe the same.
The thing with apple is once they release a feature that has been on other phones for ages, they release it as if they had just made the whole concept up “now for the first time users will be able to…” just doesn’t resonate with me if the whole core concept was already stabilised.
I agree with that but what I don’t agree with is the idea none of the other companies also copy Apple or each other plenty.
Now do mac… ? :(
Is it just on my end or it takes about half a minute for the Windows device to detect the Android device, but not the other way around?
For me it takes minutes to find each other
Completely unusable