Maybe Reddit should’ve done that part first?
This feels like one of two things;
1- Their threats aren’t actually working, and they don’t have enough quality mods to replace the ones they’ve overthrown (as evidenced by subs where the mod teams were nuked remaining frozen)
2- PR move to pretend like they’re listening and reduce anger.
Seriously, what is the point of this attempt AFTER they’ve nuked so many mods and users?
Edit: I feel like this comment is right on the money
better yet, they will listen but only in “small groups” of people “they pick” as to curate the the overall mod “response” and then will claim that all mods across all communities will share this same slated opinion.
Why not both?
Definitely both.
“We’re sorry 😔 buy reddit premium to remain a mod”
I agree. This is a) a PR move and b) part of their “divide and conquer” strategy: They’ll keep on schmoozing the mods who go along with Reddit’s bullshit and keep on kicking out mods who aren’t.
Has to be #1, or I think they would have replaced the mods on /r/pics by now. They’ve silently removed mods from other big subs without much, if any justification already, so them not doing it in this case makes me think something is wrong.
Love this one:
So you won’t listen if it’s an outcry from your entire platform but you’ll listen if it’s in a weekly feedback meeting?
Three or four months too late, wouldn’t you say?
At this point anything they do seems like a ploy done in bad faith. They have burned all trust to ashes.They are panicking
IPO during this time will be a PR disaster (although the Lord of Snoo spez probably doesn’t even care about this).
IPO will be boosted by a flood of bots, regardless.
I think Huffman may have gotten rid of the “other people’s opinions matter” part of his worldview, due to decades of everyone in his life telling him that he sucks, and needs to get his shit together.
It’s either public feedback, or it can’t be trusted.