I know you can play the game at chrome://dino, but it doesn’t evoke the same nostalgic feeling of a 10yr old me turning on aeroplane mode and spamming space bar to try and beat my brother’s high score. Good memories.
Here we go.
I use edge exclusively on Windows and have zero issues
It’s just Chromium in disguise anyway.
Indeed. It works fine. More efficient tham chrome.
Are you happy with it? If so, that’s all that matters.
I wouldn’t be very happy if my browser injected ads into webpages.
It does that? I use Edge with ublock origin and have zero issues.
uBlock origin might be able to block Edge’s embedded ads, but yes, Edge does that. For example, if you go to the page to download Google Chrome, a banner ad covers the top half of your screen that advertises Edge’s features.
Even if uBlock fixes this, I don’t know why anyone would want to use a browser that does this in the first place when better Chromium based browsers exist, especially Brave. (I prefer Firefox, but I understand the need to use Chromium instead of Gecko as webpages are generally slightly more reliable).
Brave and their crypto bs? I wouldn’t touch them.
In no way to you have to enable that you know. Unlike edge it doesn’t default to on for monetization
Brave hate over their crypto is super overblown. I don’t, and obviously never would, use any of those features; so I just turn them off. There are a lot of annoying Firefox defaults as well, albeit not as garbage as Brave’s crypto.
I think its stupid to write off brave because of these optional features, when it is the best Chromium based browser available otherwise.
Google search does the same thing of you search for mozilla firefox… lol
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True, but thats a search engine. They inject ads into every search, your web browser has no business doing that.
Honestly speaking, I’ve used Edge on Windows and have had no issues. It’s a decent browser not taking privacy into consideration. The only thing pissing me off is supporting the Chromium monopoly.
I’m very glad it works for you. Edge is a perfectly fine browser ever since they ditched their engine and copied Google’s Chrome with a coat of paint and a couple extensions baked in.
To be frank though, if Edge forking Chromium is the best the tech titan Microsoft can do, I’m genuinely disappointed in them, and I’d rather just use Chromium.
I think it was a sensible decision to drop their own engine as nobody liked it anyway. Might as well go with a proven one and use your resources on stuff your customers want you to focus on. Since Nadella took over, Microsoft has been very well managed imo and they made a lot of right moves, like their move into cloud computing, embracing open source, integrating linux subsystem on windows, etc…
Their choice to ditch their IE/edge engine is a symptom of these better managerial choices.
nobody liked it anyway
Hi, I am nobody ;-; I am a dirty casual not caring for privacy too much ( more than every day Mark, quite a lot less tha you folk ) but I absolutely loved Spartan Edge. It was quick, low memory usage and I absolutely loved it. Dropped chrome for it. And…then it was killed ;-;
Edit: I feel a lot of hate towards Edge comes from people connecting Edge to IE which…couldn’t stray further from truth.
They haven’t forked it though. They’re actively contributing to Chromium so Chrome users benefit as well.
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You really didn’t need to say all that… xd
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Are you suggesting that the operating system doesn’t already do this?
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I am literally using windows anyway… what difference is the browser gonna do? All internet traffic travels through the OS before it hits the browser.
I know the linux comments are coming. But i cant use linux.
I use edge for my work accounts on my work computers. It’s nice to have passwords auto fill and everything integrated through my windows sign on, and be “air gapped” from my personal stuff. I find experience to be basically identical to my home surfing on other chromium-based browsers.
I do the same.
Chrome for home and Edge for work.
Edge’s baked in coupon code finder is incredible.
If it works for you, great!
For real I don’t even mind Edge. I use it for work though and it’s been great for what I need it to do. Firefox is for everything else that’s not work related.
Edge is actually better than Chrome. Don’t @ me. I still prefer Firefox to both and always have.
I have to use it at work and it’s fine. It’s just chromium. I don’t get the hate. I do get the hate against internet explorer though.
It is just Chromium and the hate most likely comes from it being made by Microsoft which is completely stupid because it’s not like Google is any better. In fact, I would say they are worse that Microsoft since their business is entirely reliant on selling user data. Microsoft at least has other avenues of income allowing them to not completely relying on selling your data to the highest bidder. Let me be clear on this, I am aware that they all sell data because that is the business they are in.
Also, Edge preforms better and does not phone home to google like other Chromium browser so…
Edge UI is shit tbh
Yeah too chonky for me to use it, I want as much space of the window to be taken by the website as much as possible
Edge probably has the smallest “chrome” of the lot once you enable vertical tabs and merge the address bar into the title bar.
I don’t know why but there’s some websites I frequently go to that either don’t work/load correctly with chrome or Firefox. I always made fun of my brother for using edge, but since I’ve started using it months ago I haven’t had any issues like I had before. Additionally, it seems to be better at managing memory because I’ve never seen it consume anywhere near the amount of ram that chrome does. Also, edge allows you to neatly put your tabs vertically on a side bar and allows you to group tabs without having to get 3rd party add-ons.
Making fun of edge is like making fun of internet explorer, but feature-wise it’s the same/better than other browsers. Props to Firefox but it’s just never worked well for me
Out of the 3 browsers. Edge freezes most of the time for me, and with each update Microsoft inserts more uneeded & annoying bloatware and gotta figure out how to disable it.
Use Chocolatey and cut out the middleman :D
I just got a minisforum UM790 which comes with windows. So until I get my new SSD I’m checking out Windows 11. One thing I was happy about was that I could create a local account with no issue. No Winget without an internet account so I’m using chocolatey like I did long ago.
no winget without an internet account
Lmao wtf?
You need to log into the windows store to use it.
I know, but like… wtf?
Is that a wtf about me not wanting to log into a Microsoft account to forever link my desktop operating system to the cloud (someone else’s computer) and forever risk a violation of my privacy and security, or about it being a requirement?
The second one
I just thank the gods that I can download and install Firefox via chocolatey.
I agree. I use Firefox on my personal computer (running Gentoo) and use only Edge on my business notebook.
Edge was better before, now MS is already adding intrusive info screens and aggressive configurations…
Chrome is the “One of my fuck ton of Firefox addons broke this site but I don’t want to waste time figuring out what one” browser.
Tbh id just use ungoogled chromium for this, having the “pros” of chrome without the spying and spook
Lol same. I also use it for time critical stuff where you don’t want to risk a site breaking, like when trying to get tickets for good seats on a concert when sale opens.
Interestingly, a lotta sites that involve banking seem to make Firefox choke.
This is why profiles are so useful. You can use one when the other breaks. I’ve got about 7 profiles each perfectly tuned to a specific niche.
The meme was designed in LibreOffice. It worked surprisingly well. Only open source software was used for the creation of this meme.
Chrome existed when you were 10, that makes me feel old. 😂
Well, not exactly 10. Was born in 1999. Think I was maybe 14 or 15 when I first played it. Still feels like a long time has passed. Time flies when you’re enjoying life.
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LibreOffice Draw is genuinely quite good for this sort of thing. I’ve used it before to design a rough mockup of a webpage.
My brother in christ, just run
winget install firefox
in command prompt and be done. Fuck chrome and edge.I started a clean Windows install a few weeks ago. Upon first boot, I immediately deleted the program files folder for Edge in an act of defiance to Microsoft. I then realized I had no browser. Had to ask my son to put a Firefox installer on a flash drive for me.
3 days later, I found out that winget exists.
To really stick it to windows try out Linux, there’s plenty of comparable distributions with a windows feel. Else there are programs to disable and limit window’s telemetry and advertisements.
For beginners, I would definitely recommend Zorin OS since it can run .exe files in case there’s no Linux version (.deb, flatpak, snap, etc.) of the software you’re looking to run. You can use Wine in any other distro, but I feel like Zorin OS makes it foolproof with a simple UI.
Does it use wine under the hood? Or how does it do this?
It uses Wine.
I will always find it funny that people use Edge to download Chrome because they are essentially using Chrome to download a worse version of Chrome.
I keep finding less and less ms products that are even palatable…
I understand where you’re coming from (there is a reason I’m a Linux user) but Edge isn’t that bad of a browser. Obviously, browsers like Brave, Opera and Firefox are better but, at least from my experience, Chrome is significantly worse than Edge.
Fair, I just continue to loath ms products more and more. If it wasn’t for works outlook I’d steer clear.
Interesting. In what ways is Chrome worse than Edge? I have to admit, I haven’t given Edge much of a chance. I primarily use Firefox, except for work things (we use Google apps at work) which I’ve been told to use Chrome for.
I can’t think of Edge without imagining it as some sort of unkillable Internet Explorer zombie that just won’t die. Is it actually better than Chrome?On top of have more built-in privacy features, Edge is both faster and more stable than Chrome. For me, Chrome has almost always been very slow and unstable, while other Chromium based browsers like Edge, Brave, and Opera have never given me performance and stability issues. It’s actually kind of bizarre to me that most benchmark tests that I’ve seen online say that Chrome is the fastest when I’ve only every seen the exact opposite.
Also, the dev team that works on Edge is not actually directly associated with Microsoft. This is the reason why Edge isn’t exclusive to Windows. The only reason people don’t give it a chance is because they, like you, just automatically assume it’s just a reskinned IE.
Edit: Can whoever it was that gave me a downvote explain why? I’ve made similar comments on Reddit that also get downvotes and I’ve never understood why. Like, I’m sorry that Chrome works perfectly fine for you but runs like shit for me, I guess.
I might give Edge another look. Our work corporate standard machines are MacOS and Chrome, and a heavy sprinkling of Google Apps. I might give it a go on my home stuff, though.
I used to like Opera until it went Chromium. The performance seemed to tank after that, and it was using waaay more memory than before.
As a daily Edge user of choice:
- Burns less memory
- Looks, IMO, better
- Vertical tabs, bing bot built-in, collections.
I do have to say I don’t know too much about differences because once I tested Edge i simply ditched chrome from the get go and never felt need to return to it. Shit chrome does Edge does too and sometimes even better, so yeah.
Also, Edge doesn’t have really anything in connection to IE.
Laughs in Arch with no preinstalled browser.
I use Arch btw.
winget install -e --id Mozilla.Firefox
dnf install firefox -y
pacman -S firefox
emerge --ask www-client/firefox
flatpak install org.mozilla.Firefox
zypper in firefox
opi in firefox
Also how do you format the text like that?
using backticks for inline code
`some text` ->
some text
or triple backtick for code block
some text
install firefox
… I really like aliases.
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Real Men™ compile from source!
Slap a -h on there to make it silent too.
Edge have a surf game that’s a clone of SkiFree:
You don’t need Chrome anymore
Now with googles DRM plans everyone should consider leaving chromium based Browsers.
The only way to retain the little freedom and privacy that we still have is if we start to care and put in at least a bit of resistance.
F*ck edge and Windows all of my homies use Linux distro which Firefox is installed on them by default.
Edge has replaced Chrome for me actually. If any time Firefox doesn’t work for me, or the website just runs better on Chrome, I use Edge. It’s chromium, so it does everything Chrome can do, plus a few features like PDF viewing, collections, and lower resource usage than Chrome (maybe).
And, the hope is any Data Collection algorithms in it have been replaced by Microsoft. (Maybe with their own, but at least they don’t run an ad network)
They do. https://ads.microsoft.com/
Sorry; you’re correct, I shouldn’t have said that.
Still, that ad network generally has far less influence and presence than Google’s, and I don’t think there’s a huge effort to make it grow to their size.
I mean if you use windows it’s baked right into the OS already, I still just prefer Firefox though, I liked the profiles in chrome especially made it easy to switch accounts with its own bookmarks but I got used to living without that
Why wouldn’t you just go back to the source: Chromium? There’s even Ungoogled Chromium running strong and others similar to it. In some cases you need to do some shenanigans to get extensions to work (from the Chrome extensions store) but it’s locked down enough that you can safely say fuck Google whilst still using the browser code Google colonized and made universal.
Or whatever.
Edge is also what you should use whenever you’re making a public presentation and need to open a browser.Why? Because you never use edge, therefore autocomplete is almost empty which means you can type:
- x
- p
- h
- r
With full confidence that NOTHING will appear that you will not want public.
Now that’s some solid advice!
Or you could use the ProfileManager present in both Firefox and Chromium for maximum carnage.
Firefox: My Web browser
Chrome: for when sites don’t work with Firefox (rare)
Edge: Uninstalleddeleted by creator