What really is upsetting is that Musk has billions with which he can use on a lark. Most of us would consider 100,000 an impossible risk. Billionaires are the problem. I repeat - The problem.
Shame these guys don’t build a hospital or something instead.
That would require them to be mature and not sociopathic.
And that would preclude them being billionaires
and being a billionaire requires being sociopathic
“But where is the fun of that?” says Elon Musk probably.
Totally not a setup, lol. Have you ever been in the hospital industry behind the scenes? I bet the Zuck wants access to the people’s data and/or funneling money through it somehow.
Bold of you to assume they wouldn’t find some way to fuck that up too
I mean, as much as I think gates/bezos have abhorrent business practices, they do both have fairly large charitable foundations, and iirc, both have actually built literal hospitals with their money.
You really want Musk to be in charge where people’s lives are at stake?
deleted by creator
Well yeah, of course lives will be affected but I meant more literally, as in people potentially dying.
And it’s not like American hospitals don’t make money hand over fist
There’s also the UC Beniof Childrens Hospital
Oh wow this is real?
He didn’t build it, but yea his name is on it because of his money. Not that PR money means he has morals. Although, it is a hospital for real human people, not other lizard types.
Just the name really is a mouthful to say seriously.
Yes, it really was renamed after the Zuckerbergs, as buildings sometimes are at the request of a large donator seeking posterity.
See Wikipedia:
In November 2008, San Francisco voters approved an $887.4 million general obligation bond for the General Hospital rebuild, work began in 2009, and was expected to be finished in 2015.
In 2015, Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and his wife Priscilla Chan gave $75 million to help fund equipment and technology for the new hospital.
I don’t think you’d want any part of a hospital that Elon Musk was involved in establishing.
The rich and powerful have always been the problem for thousands of years. Somehow, we forgot that for a time.
This lunatic has billions of dollars to spend on whatever he wants. Make peoples lives miserable. Destroy everything in front of him. Pay no bills. Face no repurcussions.
I’m on disability and asked my worker for some extra funds to be able to get both food and medication in the same week. She said no and said that if I do find a way, that I must tell them so they can reduce my disability payment further. Landlord threatened eviction over a 2 day late rent payment. Pharmacy is charging me a dispensing fee on top of the normal cost and a ‘prescription renewal fee’ because they have to go looking for my prescription everytime theres a renewal because it’s once every two months and not every month.
I don’t want to live anymore.
Upvote for sympathy and understanding. The way the US treats the disabled is fucking criminal. My advice to you as someone who cares for two fully disabled family members is to live as much as you can under the radar. Income is very tricky, as you’re basically forced to work under the table to survive and maintain your benefits - which are nowhere near the cost of living. Never let a savings account get above $2000 (split accounts if need be), and never tell your social workers more about your life than what they need to know to help you.
Regarding your landlord, use your disability to your advantage. There’s very stringent laws where I am (California) that give additional eviction protections to the disabled - you may be able to use similar laws in your area to keep him off your back. This is one area where your social worker can help - ask specifically for rent assistance and mention constructive eviction given that he’s threatening to kick you out over a two day delay in rent.
If you’re comfortable saying be it publicly or via dm, let me know what pharmacy you’re going to.
If it’s one of the ones I support I’m more than willing to kick whine and scream to every management individual I know about it violating our company ethics.
If it’s not, please consider switching to one of the ones I support. I don’t give a shit about your money, I care about you not getting the shit end of the stick.
Now I want to know what pharmacy you work at so I can use them.
I’m in the technology department for any Kroger brand. If your experience violates the company ethics I’m willing to lose the job to point out violatiom of the ethics.
Hang in there Jase. I know life is hard but if you need someone to talk to feel free to message me
My wife is legally disabled and we’re constantly going through that pharmacy crap. It’s criminal how the medical system operates here in California. The runaround with doctors and filling recurring scripts on time never ends. Problem is we have no options. My wife’s medical insurance greatly limits doctor choice and forces us to use a particular pharmacy chain. That should be illegal and is not. Even if that wasn’t the case the pharmacy we’re forced to use (CVS) has established a local monopoly by buying out all competing pharmacies in the area. We’d have to go all the way across town to find a different one.
I don’t want to live anymore.
I know life is tough right now, and it sure sounds like yours is rougher than most. As somebody who’s been struggling a lot, both with finances and healt, lately as well, I can relate somewhat. I know it’s not much of a comfort and kind of a cliche but: when things are as bad as they are now, they can only get better. It sucks waiting while everything sucks, but unfortunately that’s all we can do. Also, look around you. There’s always something to live for, even if it’s just seeing the sunset again or the smell of freshly cut grass. You’re right though, if only money was distributed more evenly and the super rich were taxed fairly, things would be a lot easier for many of us. In the words of the hardcore band Deez Nuts:
“money can not buy you happiness it’s true what they say, but a motherfucker’s still got bills to pay”
I’m so sorry and I do wanna just throw out that mamy prescriptions are affordable at cost plus drugs
Just in case you or someone reading wasn’t aware of it.
You and like 99% of the non 1% as it’s more expensive to be poor 😂 fuck this place
This article came out in February and seems to have been pretty dead on, down to Musk reviving the ridiculous x.com branding.
holy shit, imagine spending $44 billion just to use a domain you’ve been squatting since the Netscape era
I don’t give a shit. I wish social media platforms would stop giving attention to these uber rich. Make them pay their fucking taxes and relegate them to their lives. I don’t give a toss.
Unfortunately the uber rich own said wide scale social media platforms
He had this attention before
That’s some 90s-dot-com-ass thinking from Elon. Nobody wants supercentralized services anymore. We’ve seen how giving one company too much data and too much power over our lives backfires every single time.
Elon rolled high luck and as emerald mine heir was able to take risks some of which paid off. But he was never a super (stable) genius he (and others like him) would claim to be.
We Lemmy users have seen. I mean everyone has seen I guess, but, it really seems like most people just don’t care. They’d rather have convenience and comfort of big brother squeezing their balls in a vice rather than put a little thought or effort into controlling their own lives and choices.
Let him. Twitter is old news. Just like reddit. Irrelevant.
With his day on SpaceX, does anyone consider him a national security risk?
Ah, this must be Elon before the hair plugs were installed.
From reading this article is sounds like Musk was never good at any of the shit that made him money. He surrounded himself with people that were so he seemed good because the group as a whole did good. And by the time people realized all this he had too much power to be removed.
Being in the right place at the right time and a sociopath = Billionaire
Oh, I think Musk has been hard at work making up a whole new slew of mistakes that will dwarf his previous ones in comparison. Let’s sit back and watch the genius work his magic…
EDIT: Well, that was quick…
Very interesting read. This article probably has the most sense out of everything I read about him in the news since he bought twitter. Not sure how close it is to the actual motivation behind all that’s happened, but if it is, it explains a lot.
Sounds like he’s trying to set up his own bank? Who tf would trust him as a bank leader. If he’s trying to give himself loans, launder, etc., then I can see it.
Anyone have a nonpaywall link?
As far as paywalls go, that’s one of the nicest ones. One click and I was able to fully read the article without signing up or anything.
I thought that clicking on “Continue reading” would also send me to a sign up page as usual, so I just read it through the pop up margin while scrolling lol
I got to the wall and didn’t even try.
Sure but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen the site. I’m not sure I want to give them more of my data
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The OP doesn’t have a paywall.