my HP version won’t let me read a book without replacing the Cyan e-ink
No, it’s fine. The text is black. Can it display just the black?
HP being like: … and I took that very personally
Hahahaha! Wait till hp makes these, and charges you a subscription to display anything.
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I spend my days in emacs and terminal emulators and I want this very badly in a laptop form factor so I can comfortably work outside.
Yeah I’m really surprised they didn’t go with a laptop screen rather than a monitor designed to be left in a fixed place! Whoever’s first to market with a good laptop e-ink display is going to rake it in.
I suspect that it’s simpler to make a standalone display as proof of concept. If it’s popular enough, laptops could follow. This monitor will be great for film sets & videos. No flicker!
Framework should offer an e-ink display as a component you can drop in to their laptops.
It’s already possible, with a remarkable 2 and a special vnc client Though I have not tried it yet, it looks great, but the screen is way smaller than an usual pc monitor
I have a Onyx Boox Max, an A4 b/w e-ink device. I can’t use that as a screen, due to too low refresh rate. Writing on it with it’s pen is great, but typing on it is horrible. The slight delay breaks the usability.
I don’t know how that stacks against the remarkable 2.
Try learning vim. If you’re typing confidently and using the commands you can use it with higher latency.
I’m fully keyboard driven in my current editor, the issue is not that. It’s that the symbols I type show up with a noticeable delay. It’s like IRL lag.
The device looks neat, but I don’t like the “Connect costs $4.99 per month” stuff when you’ve already paid for the device. Is the device fairly locked down to force you to pay for their cloud service?
I’ve never needed it, I have a remarkable 1 and it’s perfectly enough for my usage, I use it only as an ebook reader that can takes notes, I don’t need the fancy colors features of the new one.
Someone would make a killing of they created an easy to use home dashboard with an eink display. Low power, 8x11, customizable with Android apps. Refreshes once a minute. Has weather and traffic and calendar in the morning, and displays photos in the afternoon.
LCDs are terrible in terms of power consumption. But a big, slow eink would be great.I’m not so sure, I think it would go the way of smart speakers - a solution without much of a problem to solve
You say that as though people aren’t buying the shit out of them
I agree it’s kind of a dumb product, but people buy the shit out of smart speakers. Their market size in 2022 was 10.8 billion USD and rising every year.
I could absolutely see a consumer driven home wall panel selling like crazy - I have a HA driven wall panel at my house and every guest thinks it’s the coolest thing and asks where they can get one
What’s an ha driven panel?
Sorry, Home Assistant - it’s a self hosted home automation platform.
Supports practically every smart device out there, can be totally self hosted, and has a great framework for building home automation dashboards for phones and tablets
I’ve got an instance running on my network and a few cheap Fire tablets running the HA app as wall panels mounted around my house, they display the weather and family photos by default, but when you touch them they have controls for all our smart lights, thermostat, etc
My house came with air-conditioning controlled by an absolute piece of shit android tablet connected to the air con unit by an ethernet cable running through a hole in the wall which also powers the tablet. It runs as the server for a proprietary app called ezone that you can connect clients to by downloading the ezone app from the play store on other devices. It frequently decides it can’t use the wifi (despite being connected to it) and therefore can’t communicate with the clients for about 3-6 months at a time before it randomly works again, it also changes the temperature from whatever you asked for, to 18C about 20 seconds after you turn it on so you have to stand there for 20 seconds ready to catch it and change the temperature back. I hate it!
The reason I mention this is, is there any way I could somehow rig up this Home Assistant software to work with the aircon via this ethernet cable? I called the company that installed the crap I got stuck with and they don’t exist anymore but someone else took them over and to get a replacement tablet costs something in the order of $600 AUD. I tried to investigate getting my own android tablet but I’d have to first find a way to get the server software off the old tablet (I wonder if I can just pull the APK off and transfer it to another device?) and still somehow have the whole endeavour cost less then just paying the bastards for a replacement piece of shit, which was surprisingly harder than I thought it’d be.
Transfering the APK should be easy if you can launch other apps. Installing it and authenticating may be proprietary…
Possibly, what’s the brand of this crazy setup?
Well I think I should probably avoid saying the company name that sells the air-conditioning system with the bullshit app and tablet as a package only because it’s fairly specific to where I live but the app is called ezone and when I called them about replacement and balked at the outrageous cost they said it’s because they have the tablets put together for them so they’re custom and not mass produced the same way as an off the shelf tablet. If you go in to the settings on android for it and the about section it says the model number is just ezone1.
They have it pretty well sewn up.i love controlling the aircon from any room easily but the bullshit with the broken connectivity and secretly changing my temperature to 18c all the time is enough that I’d rather have had a traditional IR remote with a digital clock style display. At least it works reliably.
You know what else sucks about this thing? Obviously it doesn’t need to be fast or high performance, but they cheaped out so much that it barely manages to run the only app it’s supposed to run. When we first got it, it was slow and unreliable and connected only intermittently (rather than solidly for months followed by not at all for months) so we updated the app, but now they’ve updated the app to have little animations and it’s too much for the tablet to bear and it almost crashes trying to run a little spinning fan animation and takes forever to wake from the lock screen. So dumb, why make it do that when you know exactly what hardware a huge proportion of the user base will be stuck with? I’m sure if you bought it now the tablet might be slightly better but what am I supposed to do? I’m not paying a goddamn ransom to be able to operate my otherwise perfectly functional airconditioning. A machine that controls temperature is supposed to be the impressive hard to make part not the damned control surface.
Phones kind of suck for the ‘at a glance’ function.
- Widgets take up too much room on the home screen, so you have to swipe over to it to see it.
- once you’re there, you’re tempted to dive in to look at emails or tweets or whatever else. There’s a whole smartphone detox market that’s out there, focusing on dumb phones and escaping attention traps.
- Not everyone in the house (e.g., kids) should be looking at a phone regularly.
- I don’t have my phone with me when I’m walking back and forth getting ready. A quick glance is faster than a grab, unlock, swipe, read pattern.
Smart home dashboards also seem like a perfect fit with this. A low power, regular refreshing, touch sensitive controlled? That could hang on a wall with a battery? Sounds great.
This would be great for those of us with Home Assistant or other home automation setups. Still not a huge market, but a market none the less.
I build a digital picture frame using an 8-color e-ink display and a pi pico.
It works great within its limitations, but the limitations are still pretty big
- 8 colors is pretty limited, especially when it’s a specific 8 colors (not just 8 max).
- Refresh times are slow
- The pico memory and storage are limited
- Due to the above, mine ran in two cycles with a reboot between to clear memory. One to pull images from my website and another to cycle through existing pictures until it needs to grab more
- Images needed to be converted to the appropriate size+ 8-color palette and dithered etc beforehand into a format the pico can read (hence then being on my website where they were reduced to an uncompressed palletized BMP)
Obviously a commercial product could probably do better, or a better screen, but faster-refresh or higher-color tends to jump in price quickly.
Still, it was pretty cool to have a device that would not need power to persist images, and used only a little during the process of loading new ones so could be powered by battery/solar
I’ve thought of doing something similar, the other fun part is that you could stash a big battery behind the display and run the E-ink on a super slow refresh rate since they only use power to refresh. I wish E-ink wasn’t so ridiculously expensive. This monitor would be perfect if it weren’t $1200.
This is the one I got. It’s not terribly expensive but yeah it does have limitations in terms of colors and refresh times
You’re on the same wavelength as me. My ideal product is an e-ink display to stick in the kitchen or some other high traffic area to display relevant family information and with touch controls to do some fairly basic things like toggle digital switches/dials or just switch to alternative dashboards. If I could find a touch-enabled e-ink display that’s a good size but not stupid expensive (keeping in mind this is absolutely a luxury item so I’m not looking to shell out any significant volume of monies on the thing), I could attach one to a Pi and make one myself.
Sounds cool until you realize that you’d have to turn on the lights to read it at night.
If only there wAs soMe technOLogy out thEre already Doing that…
I was just thinking the other day about using e-ink for a smart watch display.
You could dig around for a used pebble watch. Apparently they still work with modern phones
Amazfit and Fossil and othes have them, but I really miss the pebble
Can’t you buy that from Boox?
The title really grinds my gears… “New eInk display is basically like a bigger version of another eInk display”…
E-ink technology uses some pretty fascinating chemistry to display more natural paper-like on-screen textures as opposed to regular digital Word documents and PDFs.
I have a feeling this author might just be fucking stupid.
Wait… Is this… Like that kindle thong mayhaps? Me am the smartyballs thinkerpersen!
That meme takes me back
So LED screens are basically just 25 inc lamps?
Slap a battery in it a call it an e-newspaper
I would seriously kill for an e-newspaper ngl
I’ve been waiting for a flexible, two page, tabloid sized e-newspaper for, like, 20 years now.
I would be sold on that so fast. That’s some Jetsons shit. I would use it all the time
This is the tech I’ve been waiting for
I have been wanting one of these things for so fucking long. I can’t wait!
It’s not the blue emitting light that causes eyestrain on OLEDs, it’s the low frequency pwm used to control brightness. Basically all the pixels turn on and off a few hundred times a second, not slow enough for your brain to consciously notice it, but fast enough for your eyes to react to what is in effect a strobelight right in front of your face. That is how dimming works on an OLED.
You end up with devices that still cause headaches and dizziness because they flicker in this manner, but are “eyesafe certified” because they filter out the blue light right before bed.
That got me thinking: couldn’t that be solved by adding a layer in fron akin to a phosphor screen which “buffers” the light a bit thus bridging the switching which should reduce flickering?
Not without losing brightness. White LEDs work that way and are less bright than an uncovered LED of the same power. Some of the light from the LED becomes waste heat instead of light when the phosphor absorbs it.
Also, not without losing response time. Part of the point of using LEDs for displays is that they can change brightness very quickly.
Eventually, there will something like a 1000 Hz monitor. At some point, it will refresh too fast for the brain to register any difference.
OLED TVs and desktop monitors don’t use pwm, though they do have very slight brightness dips every refresh.
Afaik laptop and phone OLEDs do use (low frequency) pwm.
Why is the pulse width so large? LEDs can toggle millions of times per second, not merely hundreds.
It is possible, by the way, to dim an LED without PWM the old-fashioned way: by varying the voltage of the power supplied to it (“DC dimming”). You can see this in devices that have an indicator LED that stays on for a few moments after power is disconnected, then fade out. What’s happening there is a capacitor in the device is (briefly) powering the LED. As its charge depletes, the voltage drops, and the LED dims. However, controlling LED brightness this way is a great deal less accurate than PWM, creating color distortion at low brightness. See related Android Police article.
I wonder if the problem with DC dimming could be solved by adjusting the voltage supplied to each LED based on measurements made in the factory of its brightness at different voltages?
Fuck PWM, all my homies hate PWM
Does it have a frame rate of like 5? I can’t see any info in the article abt it
The video makes it look reasonable. I could see this being good for coding work - soothing and still fast enough. But not for the $2000+ they’ll be charging.