not literally 2 miliseconds, but you get the point
This is why you get a password manager to manage the other password manager.
Bro… It’s password mangers all the way down…
And then you manage pwm2 with pwm1. Passception!
Nah, that’s passcursion
but what do you do if you’ve forgotten both passwords?
Oh that’s easy. Just look on your bitward-- dammit
If you create a secure password in the first place and only ever use it for bitwarden whats the point in changing it?
How can a meme be so specific yet so relatable?
It happened to me once. I had to wipe my vault to reset the password. Fortunately I had a backup lying around. Folks remember to take regular backups.
That’s one of the worst password to forget
I saved mine so I wouldn’t lose it! It’s in Bitwarden.
It’s also the only one I could possibly forget, cause I obviously don’t know any of the randomly generated ones. I probably never even seen 99% of them ever. Blissful ignorance
That’s why I prefer passphrases.
Like a good book about the history and culture of butterflies is way more secure than 6YXf%p+d@V and you might have even remembered it now.
That’s why you set your password to something funny so you remember.
My password was a dick joke for the longest time
My password was a dick joke for the longest time
I tried that but apparently that password was too short…
‘your mom’ should be big enough
Mine has a dick joke and a JoJo reference, so that I don’t forget it ever
Clearly the solution is to get a second password manager to manage your password manager password for you.
Your password manager solution should be like an onion
The perfect password
Time to change it now that everyone knows
If you saved the master password in BW as well and have it installed on another device like a phone, would it work to put the phone on airplane mode before opening the app so the vault doesn’t refresh? Also, does changing the master password automatically remove the pin lock so you’re forced to use the master password to get back in?
- Yes, if it disconnected and is unable to sync, you can still access the vault.
- If you change the master password elsewhere, when your app is able to sync, it will log out automatically.
Ideally, since you want to write your master password down to keep it safe somewhere (because you can forget), you write the new password down before you change the password.
I always copy my new passoword or i take a screenshot