Haha. Honestly Elite: Dangerous can already be Space Truck Sim if you want. I’ve made plenty of money that way. That doesn’t mean I won’t buy this though.
Mhmm that’s my initial reaction, too. I’ll probably look into this, but Elite: Dangerous and, to name another good example, X4 can both be played as pure space trucker sims already. And to a fulfilling degree, I believe.
I have too little experience as a trucker, to say what could be added that is currently missing from E:D and X4. I mean it would ideally be similar to Hardspace: Shipbreaker vs. X4. X4 has a ship salvage mechanic that is pretty abstract (you carry a a ship to a salvage station and then the ship is turned into materials). Whereas in H:S you are the person who receives the ships and you actually pull and cut the ship apart until nothing but the basically worthless bags of space doritos are floating in the salvage bay.
Honestly based on my experience with ets2 and ats I don’t think there’s a lot missing from elite. Maybe just a requirement that you sleep/rest every 8hrsish, but it’s a real time game so you’re probably going to sleep reasonably often irl anyway.
Yeah, but unlike both of those games this one looks like you can go outside of your ship and repair it, which looks badass.
Will this be terrible? Probably.
Will I buy it? Probably.
Damn, this looks good.
Although I wish it was as campy as the film it’s obviously loosely based on.
Space Truckers (full movie free with ads on YouTube)
This movie is such a god damned stinker its a pleasure to watch. Dennis Hopper and Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones) giving some of the worst performances of their lives in the campiest piece of shit you’ve ever seen. Bonus George Wendt. This movie wanted to be The Fifth Element so badly and failed so miserably. Magnifique.
Man, I love this movie and I’ve been talking about it for years. Pull start wing-wang.
3 words: Martian Square Pigs…
bro, everyone forgets that Stephen Dorff was in this too. No love for Deacon Frost
Well maybe more people will remember now that I’ve posted the movie to !videos@lemmy.ml
As a fan of both games, this is perfect. And even though you can already be a space trucker in Elite Dangerous, there’s no truck-shaped space ships, so I guess that’s the untapped market they’re going for.
Depends on what you consider a truck. Those flat-faced European trucks with an enclosed cargo compartment look a lot like a Lakon Type-6.
Oh yeah, that’s true. I’d also throw in the Type-7. Albeit I’m more of an Asp Explorer guy.
I love the look of the Type-7. I can’t wait for Starfield where I can make my own blocky, bulky cargo ship like that.
hahahah what?! that is an interesting premise for a game
Holy crap yes take my money!
That’s interesting! I was not expecting a game like that, but it kinda looks…fun?!
By the way, for some reason the link didn’t work for me so I had to look it up on YouTube. Here is another link that worked for me.
Elite dangerous and even eve online always boiled down to me becoming a space trucker. I’ll have to check this out
I even become a space trucker in Star Citizen. This is promising.
It was fun doing transports mission in ED with the big transporter ships. It was pretty barebone and got bored rather quickly though. Hopefully a game where it’s the sole purpose should have more features and interesting things to do