CIQ (Rocky Linux), Oracle, and SUSE announce a new trade association dedicated to providing source code for building RHEL compatible distributions.

The formation of OpenELA arises from Red Hat’s recent changes to RHEL source code availability.

  • umami_wasabi
    122 years ago

    God knows what will happen 10 years down the road. I will stick with Debian.

    112 years ago

    God I really hate to see Oracle involved. Everything they touch turns into an IP lawsuit.

    If they really loved open source so much they wouldn’t have close-sourced ZFS and OpenSolaris in 2010 after they were already open source.

    CIQ and Rocky are solid but remember just because Oracle is the enemy of the enemy doesn’t make them even close to a friend.

    92 years ago

    Remember why CentOS (and WhiteBox) came to exist?

    This is not the first time RedHat pulls that stunt, this is the reason I stick to pure Debian.

    I like SUSE, but I’m hesitant of relying on another commercial entity although business requires it.

    For now Deb and Ian are the safest bet and my daily driver since 2002, they have not let me down.

        2 years ago

        RedHat originally had one distribution called “RedHat Linux”, not to be confused with RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

        RedHat Linux was free, you can buy support if you want, and there was also RedHat Advanced Server, which was a paid subscription.

        In 2002, the company rebranded Advanced Sever to RHEL and discontinued RedHat Linux, pissing off a lot of people off.

        This started people working on multiple binary compatible distributions, the one that dominated the market was CentOS.

        20 years later, the cycle is repeating.

    2 years ago

    There is no such thing as “community-driven” and “RHEL compatible”. If they are actually going to do their own work to create an enterprise Linux distro, it is not going to be bug for bug compatible with RHEL. The only way to get that is to copy RHEL exactly in which case any actual “community” contribution is a bug ( deviates from the goal of being identical ).

    I do not love what Red Hat has been doing lately but all this cheerleading for these companies acting entirely in their own commercial interest under the banner of “community” has been very hard to watch.

    Red Hat wanted to make it a bit more work to make identical copies of their distro and to water down the claims from copycats that they are truly identical. In response, some of the copycats have joined forces. This both reduces the burden on them individually and provides an alternative source of credibility that they can rely on. In the end, despite all the fireworks, barely anything will have changed for most of us. The mechanics of how RHEL clone get built have been altered somewhat but otherwise things are mostly as they were.

  • I’m kinda surprised SUSE is going in on this. They kind of do their own thing, so making RHEL-compatible packages seems a little odd. But whatever, as long as openSUSE doesn’t turn into Fedora, I’m happy.