In case you missed the news, CIQ, SUSE and Oracle basically formed a pitchfork mob against RedHat yesterday
You know things have gone wrong when people are cheering on Oracle.
I’ll never forgive them for what they did to Open Office
Finally Americans discovering Lizard based distros
I always hear opensuse is a really great distro with features and lot of gui accessible settings (starting services, and apps,etc) not available anywhere else, really good stability and the latest packages unlike any Debian based distro, but in the same time they say it’s not newbie friendly so am kinda not sure if i want to use it.
I would say there’s a lot that makes it a good choice for new users. Yast itself gives you a lot of admin tasks in a gui. You have btrfs with snapshots out the box. The installer allows you to install multiple de’s and enable propriety software. Obs let’s you find everything you need software wise. The biggest issue is knowing it’s all there.
There are dozens of us!
🦎 🩳
Baker’s dozens!
I’m OOTL, what?
Basically RedHat changed their source code policy and have ostracized the open source community.
Not entirely, they have restricted access to the source code for paying customers, which is absolutely allowed by the license(s). Whether that’s understandable because they need money too, or unethical because it violates the principles of OSS is up to yourself to decide.
Thanks for clarifying!
are they getting sued?
No, just SUSEd.
Most likely not
SUSE and Oracle formed a pitchfork mob against Redhat yesterday.
CentOS under the chair, lol. I still can’t believe the fiasco with CentOS 8.
It’s mostly sad but I had to laugh really damn hard when Oracle wrote about “keeping open source open”, fucking Oracle!!!