McSweeney’s bringing some hard truths with this one. We could all be doing better.

You forgot to go back in time and tell people that subsidizing the oil industry might be a bad idea.
When the oil and auto industries teamed up to bend public policy to their will, making a system of roads and parking lots that now function as a continuous subsidy and magnificent symbol of the normalization of injury and pollution, you had a lot of options. You could have objected. You could have shifted public opinion. Instead, you weren’t even born yet. And, rather than go back in time, all you’ve been doing is riding to get groceries and occasionally saying, “Please stop killing us.” On the effort scale? 1/10.

  • Zeke
    2 years ago

    I was hit on my bike while heading to college. Simply crossing a crosswalk with a stop sign and someone decided they didn’t feel like stopping while I was already crossing. I now live with back pain. Drivers can’t be trusted to follow traffic signs.

        12 years ago

        That’s ridiculous. LINES WONT STOP CARS! Only if they paint the ground near the edge a different colour will it be safe to cycle on roads.

    • TurtleJoe
      12 years ago

      Yes, but I once saw a cyclist run a stop sign. These two things are obviously exactly equal, and bicycles are just as dangerous as cars. I am very smart.

  • Blackout
    262 years ago

    In 20 years of commuting by bike I’ve been hit twice. Both times were from cars exiting driveway without looking. Times cars driving recklessly and nearly merging into me have happened too many times to count. Sure bikes cause accidents but it’s got to be 99 cars to 1 bike.

  • Polymath
    212 years ago

    Thank goodness this reads, at least to me, as largely satire. But then again Poe’s Law is certainly a thing.

    I have been hit twice by motorists/cars while road cycling, and will die on the hill that US motorists are entitled asses, too self-absorbed to care that, LEGALLY, on just about any roadway bicycles are allowed to take up one entire lane, as a full-fledged vehicle.

    Drivers can piss off and cry, that the whole world isn’t cars like the auto manufacturer lobby and oil magnates/giants have tried to force us all to become dependent upon and addicted to.

  • sadreality
    202 years ago

    Auto and oil created a country where you pretty much have to be upper income to live in a few high income cities where no car life is possible but you got to pay top dollar for it.

    192 years ago

    If a car hits a pedestrian or cyclist, the car is always legally at fault. At least here in the Netherlands. Is this not the case everywhere?

      • TigrisMorte
        42 years ago

        Was that the one that posted ahead of time that they were going to do so?

        • queermunist she/her
          2 years ago

          Different guy.

          This guy used his wife and child as eye witness testimony to prove he did nothing wrong when he drove into the crowd.

          How long before they start selling pedestrian shields to drivers so they don’t dent their vehicles when running us over?

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      112 years ago

      Oh lord, no. Drivers are rarely held accountable for murdering cyclists. The “accountability” usually caps out at weekends in jail, picking up some garbage on the highway, and being real real sorry.

    • Veraxus
      72 years ago

      Your mistake is assuming that places like the US are as rational, practical, just, and/or civilized as the Netherlands.

      42 years ago

      what matters most is who can afford expensive lawyers and if they cost enough; it doesn’t matter whose legally at fault.

    • Feydaikin
      12 years ago

      I think it is a general standart in europe. But I can’t speak towards the americas or asia.

    • Pablo M.U. :vericol:
      02 years ago

      @BorgDrone @pbrisgreat Unfortunately no. In the United States the pedestrian or cyclist can be at fault (I, thankfully, don’t live in the US but I lived there for a while and I noticed the laws are skewed towards cars).

    • Kalash
      -32 years ago

      God I hope not, that would be really stupid.

        102 years ago

        Cyclists and pedestrians are more vulnerable, the law is there because drivers have a duty to be extra careful around them.

        • Kalash
          -12 years ago

          Yeah the part I have a problem is, is where you’re automatially at fault even when you were careful and did nothing wrong.

            82 years ago

            It’s a concept called “strict liability,” which is well-established in U.S. law, we just don’t apply it to cars. The idea is that when you knowingly engage in an activity which is inherently dangerous, you have to accept liability for any consequences, even if you did nothing wrong. The example that sticks with me from an ag law class was the organic farm that sued a crop-dusting company when an unexpected wind caused pesticide to drift onto their land. The organic farm won. The court found no negligence by the crop-duster, but held that it was a case of strict liability. The act of putting pesticide in the air simply carries that risk, and liability with it.

            The Netherlands is just saying that hitting a vulnerable road user is a risk of driving, even if it’s not your fault. It is your responsibility to factor that in when making the decision to drive. Framed that way, I think it makes more sense: Don’t blame the person hit for the driver’s decision to drive a car.

            • Aesthesiaphilia
              12 years ago

              In most places in the US we have pedestrians, vehicles, and bicycles all mashed together in close proximity. Statistically, there will be people killed by drivers who did nothing wrong.

              Hell, there will be people killed by drivers because the pedestrian/cyclist did something stupid like run into traffic.

              This law would cause a lot of harm to innocent people and I’m glad we don’t have it.

                12 years ago

                Oh man, this is old, but it didn’t pop up as a notification in my app.

                Anyway, I think we should apply strict liability standards to driving, like the Netherlands does, and here’s why:

                First, it’s a concept that applies to torts in civil courts, not criminal courts. Nobody would be going to jail for something not their fault. The remedy in tort law is usually monetary damages, so briefly, it would at worst cause insurance rates to go up.

                The higher insurance rates would apply more to bigger, heavier, taller vehicles which do more damage to vulnerable road users. That would put a downward pressure on the size of vehicles, which protects everybody.

                And, as I see it, nobody is blameless in a collision. Wisconsin (and many other states) has a “modified comparative negligence” system, which assigns damages in court based on each party’s percentage of fault. It assigns a certain, low percentage of blame to each party in a collision just for being on the road. So, by that same principal, choosing to drive a vehicle per se assigns fault to the driver. In the case of hitting a vulnerable road user, that decision is almost solely responsible for the severity of the other person’s injuries. It might’ve been their fault, but crushed bones is not a fair and just consequence for a moment of inattention by a kid.

                To avoid rambling on longer, the upshot is that I’d trade higher insurance rates for saving children’s lives.

          • WalrusDragonOnABike
            12 years ago

            Seems pretty unlikely. If yours actually being a reasonable driver, even if someone suddenly steps out into the road without warning right in front of you, you won’t hit them. The only exception would be if they were doing something like hiding behind a sign at night and jumped out in front of you. Almost anything else and you actually weren’t driving carefully.

            • Aesthesiaphilia
              12 years ago

              If you’re going at a slow speed maybe. A lot of cyclist infrastructure is next to roads with speeds of 40, 50, 60 mph.

            • Kalash
              02 years ago

              I gave an example in a comment below. The driver just rolled out, expecting to stop smoothly at a red light when he had to make a really serious emergency brake and it did work out. Barley. I just don’t think you can just assign blame in such a general way.

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    112 years ago

    When I was riding, I actually found by night it was better to make myself as invisible as possible and assume cars could not see me, since when I went out bright and shiny they were unpredictable and more dangerous.

    • HeartyBeast
      212 years ago

      As a daily cyclist - and as a motorist, please don’t do this. Being invisible at night on a bike is a bad idea.

      • I’m from a country where we have no fucking sunlight half the year, and seriously, reflectors etc are a must and we have halfway decent infrastructure for biking. So many people injure and cripple themselves or get killed, just because a driver couldn’t see them. Remember, a ton of drivers are not just assholes, they’re idiots. Half of them are on the phone or doing shit on their phone or focusing on anything other than driving. It’s no more noble to die by an idiot than an asshole.

      • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
        02 years ago

        Well the alternative is to be lit up and at the mercy of motorists who don’t know how to share the street. As I said, it was more typical they’d drive erratically near me when I had lights and reflectors up than when I was shrouded.

        Maybe when we automate our cars so they’re not dependent on human beings, it might be safe to be near them.

        • HeartyBeast
          2 years ago

          I don’t know where you live, but cycling in London on a daily basis for a commute, I don’t commonly see the kind of driver aggression you describe.

          I absolutely do come across cyclists with no lights/reflectors, wearing dark clothes that aren’t visible until the last moment- and it is all to imaginable how they could be part of an accident with car - or pedestrian.

          The most common threat is someone ‘dooring’ you as they get out of a parked car, or coming out of side turn without noticing you. Both threats are magnified my invisibility

          • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
            12 years ago

            I lived in San Francisco until 2015. (I got pushed out due to gentrification, and ceased biking at all after the epidemic lockdown of 2020.) It’s possible I just bicycled quieter routes. Here in California, those exiting vehicles into traffic know to open their doors slowly, lest they lose doors and limbs to high-speed motor traffic. I’ve never hit someone – or near-missed, for that matter – exiting a vehicle.

            I have been run off the road from lingering in blind spots but my reflectors weren’t a factor in those cases. San Franciscans are not great at consistent turn signaling.

            I’m in Sacramento, now, and yes, the drivers are less aggressive here, but I haven’t been cycling at all, yet, let alone cycling in traffic. I can’t speak for London drivers, and would probably adjust my cycling habits accordingly if I were to move there. But in San Francisco, cyclists are infamously not well liked, either by motorists, law enforcement or city hall, though there are now more bike lanes, and The Wiggle is now a recognized route.

            • Aesthesiaphilia
              22 years ago


              1. SF cyclists are entitled douchebag tech bros. Just unlikeable as people. Cycling (or at least, being vocal about your cycling) seems to attract the worst kinds of people.

              2. No one is targeting cyclists. That’s not a thing. It’s a persecution complex dreamed up because: see above.

              3. SF Bay drivers are some of the worst in the country. No, you’re not being targeted by the person running you off the road. They just do that. All the time. To everyone.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        52 years ago

        Ever been in the car with an actual grillman ?

        Their road rage ignites the moment they see a cyclist, especially if somehow the cyclist looks gaaaaay to them. grill-broke

        • BidensGranddaughter [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          I found the most effective, consistent method of triggering grillman into a blind rage is to simply smile and give them a thumbs up. I wonder if it’s something about appearing content and happy while they are bound by all the contradictions and inconveniences of owning a car, especially in a city.

          I actually had to stop doing it because one guy sped up so much to beat me to the next red light, he first very nearly hit me on the way and then had to slam on his breaks so hard he lost traction and almost spun out - all this in the middle of a city intersection with narrow roads, no less.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            52 years ago

            I wonder if it’s something about appearing content and happy while they are bound by all the contradictions and inconveniences of owning a car, especially in a city.

            You may be on to something.

            On a similar trip with a grillman driving, the grillman was rambling about how much he hated “the wife” and how men are always miserable when they are married and other peterson-pill-dinner tier misogynist bullshit.

            I responded that I loved my wife, and said so with in a non-confrontational exceptional way to his claim that every man must be unhappy when married.

            He got so enraged he swerved and almost hit something. grill-broke

    42 years ago

    I was actually hit by a car on my electric scooter. In my case, it actually was my fault. Actually felt bad for the person who crashed into me (she seemed more affected by the ordeal than me)

  • KING
    22 years ago

    lmao McSweeney’s consistently knocks it out of the park.

    -282 years ago

    Conveniently misses out “you ran the red light and cycled straight into fast traffic because you don’t think the rules apply to you.”