All companies seem to be doing their best lately to cure us of our social media addiction.
Back to videogame addiction it is boys!
I missed it tbh
I’m back on internet forums now. Screw the big companies.
Can you recommend some general forums that focus on a wide array of topics? Or do you only visit niché community forums?
The Whirlpool forums are probably going to meet that requirement, though they’re local to Australia. I’m not sure of a global equivalent…
Open your ublock Origin dashboard and add the following 4 lines:, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
You’re welcome.
I highly appreciate your effort but I’m not sure if I even want to go to YouTube anymore. Is my life really going to get worse without YouTube?
Nah it definitely won’t lol. But there’s gonna be those times people link it and you’re gonna get annoyed by it otherwise.
One day peertube will figure out peer to peer at large scale and then everything will change.
That’s true, worth the effort no matter what
I’m worried one day they will re-encode videos with advertisements themselves, or something similar to that. Although I guess SponsorBlock takes care of that, until they straight up just break/remove extensions with their crazy “Web Environment Integrity” proposal.
That would screw up those who actually pay for YouTube. But who knows.
Not if they serve a different video based on your account status. They always have ways of doing things lol
Yeah, I knew there was some way for them to make it work.
Thank you.
Just commenting so I can remember to do this when I get home.
Hey don’t forget
You can just bookmark it.
But then people won’t comment and I’ll forget lol
Did you do it yet?
Did you remember
Just to double-check. Do we add that to “my filters”? That’s where I added it.
Yep that should usually be the first thing that opens.
I have never had any issues with youtube ads since the changes with this. They will probably adapt to it eventually but so far no problems, european region though so who knows if they have different approaches to different regions. Judging by your instance choice I assume you’re in the UK like myself though.
Ah. I went through the ublock settings from the addons page, maybe thats why I threw ke the first page.
Let’s just hope it carries on, but I’m not a programmer, so I couldn’t tell if there could be a workaround.
And yes, I am from England.
There’s loads of things they can do but ultimately it’ll just provoke a new method of countering it. This is why they want to push software level changes to browsers that would allow them to prevent adblocking entirely.
Yeah, I don’t see how they think they could ever win this.
Much like a lot of others on here, I am fully prepared to lose access to sites if they force me into their bullshit.
The fediverse makes the internet feel more alive than ever.
It feels less mindless scrolling and more interaction.
There are also discussions and (small) flame wars ☺️
Feels like ‘back in the day’ where everything was a bit wonky but people could actually help eachother (and not being nudge nudge nudged all the time to be distracted by something else).
They can suck my balls and pay me a million before i enter their shitshow of a website without adblocker(s)
Indeed, I’ll go through any technical challenge to keep watching adless, or just quit if it becomes impossible (which wont happen)
Facebook has been able to get around ad blockers for years. Google’s probably going to be able to do the same.
The illusion of infinite growth on “free use” ad based business dies when investment funds demand more benefits from former startups now turned into corporations whose only asset of value is the their users’ data. You are the product, so it’s time to squeeze you.
I think such data is currently overvalued on a overgrown ad-targeting market with too many competitors, and adding more ads only devaluates each ad value further, because users’ consuming capacity also has a limit. So I see a severe correction coming. Another bubble burst, and another crisis inside the crisis that late capitalism itself is.
Excellent analysis!
That’s one part of how the internet dies, there are others. For example: soon the vast majority of the content on the internet will have been created by bots (AI or not). Or even by malicious folks pushing narratives.
TLDR: not only the internet is becoming more annoying to use it is also constantly becoming less useful with worse content replacing everything that was ever good
And the problem with content created by bots is that it is usually made to not look like that was the case. Sometimes that’s not the problem like some random site with information about a video game can have all of its content generated automatically based on data extracted from that game. That is fine.
But other cases, specially with AI content, can be much worse. There was a recent example where some site with history content had generated some pages using an AI and that AI created a page about Scimitars which included information taken from Dungeons and Dragons, but presented then as historic facts.
And the main problem here is that the internet feeds on itself. Texts are copied from one site to another by non-AI bots. Some text created by AI in one site gets copied to multiple threads on reddit, hacker news, stack overflow, 4chan and all sorts of places. Places that are scanned by search engines and often picked as preferred search results by users.
Then Google these days try everything to make a larger profit from you. That includes “stealing” content from inside websites to display on top of the search results page - so that you never click away from the Google site. In order to do that more efficiently, they give preference to sites that allow this behavior over sites with actual better search results. Try googling “country in Africa with the letter K”.
So in the end all your search results will soon be stuff that was written by AI. And remember: AI doesn’t think. It won’t ever do. AI is just a robot role-playing as human.
When you see a comedian doing a Stephen Hawking impression, you don’t expect them to publish scientific papers, in fact you don’t pay any attention to what they actually say, because you know it’ll either be rubbish or just a repeat of something that Hawking had said before. AI is the same thing. It’ll never be intelligent, it’ll only get better at imitating humans, by looking at what humans say. And with their content taking over the internet, it’ll soon be imitating itself.
And the only memory of the golden years of the internet, will maybe be Wikipedia. Have you donated to them yet? Think about how many times you’ve used it and remember it has never shown an ad other than their pleas for donation. Please consider giving them a few bucks when you’ve some to spare.
I think the solution is to just return to the old web
I think you’re probably right but I also think that people will try to adopt by going back to the old forum model of access-restricted, highly moderated, trust-based spaces for individual topics instead of mega-aggregators like Reddit.
Maybe that’s just hopium and nostalgia though.
I think you might be right. Imagine a fediverse app that allows content creators to self-host videos. They get the generated revenue directly instead of going through the website, they get paid in direct relation to how many videos they serve, and when I see an ad there, I know I am effectively paying the content creator.
deleted by creator
While there are a billion things Google does that annoys me I’m not able to figure out how to create and maintain a video streaming platform without ads or paywall that finances both creation and the providing material.
I mean, who are the competitors and how do they finance it if not in a similar way?
I’d argue Youtube was better when creators weren’t paid and people were just having genuine fun. The internet used to be free and filled with content by people with passion. Much like users and the current state of the fediverse.
I can absolutely understand that point of view and even agree to an extent.
However, as a counterpoint: creative people being able to support themselves with their work means they can focus on their art instead of it just being a side hobby to their money making job
Yes, but then you get channels like Linus Tech Tips where it became less about product reviews and just about volume production garbage content and forced contraversial content to keep revenue stream.
You also get countless other smaller channels that are just large enough to have youtube be their primary income, but small enough where they stay true to their original intent.
Anytime it is your primary income there is built in propensity to stray to ensure you income is maintained when viewership might wane. I think the channels where a dude works full time and youtube is the side gig has more chance of maintaining integrity.
A channel where a dude works full time and YouTube is a side gig wouldn’t buy a $250k sound chamber to measure how loud the fans are on a crappy prebuilt (GN - the people who made the initial video about LTT). There are significant benefits to being full time dedicated to creating this content, and being paid well in response. Something like this would only be possible following your model if they already made tons of money outside of YT, in which case, they’re already rich so what’s stopping them from going full time doing what they want anyway and uploading those videos?
Seems a lot of channels grow and employ more people but for like no reason now they have a bunch of employee’s and costs and have to undermine their morals and quality to push out content to make money. In reality the quality of content has gone down so what was the point except employing friends and family at best.
I really just hate the “influencer culture” it spawned, and every idiot trying to emulate that meta instead of just making content.
This is just how art is in general.
You bring a great point I hadn’t considered before. Only people with passion for something will do it for free while many more people with so that for cash. Though it’s interesting to see that cash doesn’t make passionate people’s content better it just makes more mediocre content.
Well, people with a passion also want to do what they do for a living.
There’s also a class issue at play. If it can only be an unpaid hobby, then only people with the time to dedicate to it (in lieu of a second paying gig) and the disposable income to buy the necessary equipment (financed entirely by their paid job) are able to participate. For example, I work with people who are also working artists. They use the income from selling their art from their hobby to pay for those materials. It’s not enough to live off, so it’s not their primary income, but they wouldn’t be able to participate in their hobby at the level they currently are if they weren’t able to sell their work. Allowing people to profit from their labor makes these spaces more inclusive and diverse.
Certainly - and there still are those channels that we all love for their dedication. But there are a lot more mediocre channels too
I’m a little torn on this and I think it is relevant beyond video. I can see an emerging non-commercial web coexisting with the commercial one.
paywall that finances both creation and the providing material.
Finance creation? It promotes lazy copycat contents. Even respectful (at least before their YouTube career) tech/artisan/DIYers etc are falling for the clickbait, the YouTube’s basic/teen humor… I pass on the tabloid stuff.
You want to make views. use these keywords:
- Apple
- I spent $$$ on …
- AI
The thing is that platform is just a TV.
I guess content creators should also pay for their access on the platform, not just a cut on the revenue. it will enforce good/honest creation .You might criticize the content all you want but it’s another discussion for another time. The question is still it still how to finance a site like YouTube, with the content and amount of viewers it has, without ads or fees.
Your solution with content owners/creators paying for the housing of their creation is Vimeo.
Not even close to YouTube
I spent $$$ on Apple AI! You won’t believe what happened next!
Just use PeerTube or Jellyfin.
deleted by creator
Hosting regular websites with heavy traffic can start to get expensive. Video streaming is extremely expensive.
deleted by creator
If one video stream to one user uses 128 kilobyte per second out of your 100 megabit internet connection 781 users can watch that stream at the same time. However, the ISP will charge you per transferred gigabyte each month. So let’s say that you serve 781 users that video 24/7 in a full month of 31 days … It will be 100 megabit divided by 8 to get 12.5 megabyte. So it’s 12.5 megabyte per second. That’s 750 megabyte per minute. That’s 45 gigabyte per hour. That’s 1 terabyte or day. So around 31 terabyte traffic per month. (If you use this much bandwidth you will get a discount but it’s still not going to be
Now, that’s just for 781 simultaneously users.
What is we need to serve 781000 simultaneous users?
Now, this far we’ve only been talking about one video on repeat 14/7. What about 100000 videos and enough programmers and computers to design as system that lets each and every user choose any video whenever they need to? Now you suddenly have thousands of servers and harddisks running in a couple of hundred places on earth 24/7.
Now this is for you to provide your users 100000 different videos even before you start to pay content creators for their hard work.
Also, you need to be available 24/7 so now you have to make backups, redundant servers on different location that can take over in case of an accident, dedicated internet connection (being alone on the internet cable is not the same as sharing it with 100 other sites) and a whole lot of other things you need to take care of.
What about offering the 500 million videos YouTube offers their users?
… and all of this cost is paid out of your pocket?
deleted by creator
Text things are extremely data light. All of wikipedia’s text is smaller than a 2k movie. There is absolutely data stuff happening in the background on the server that makes it more complicated, but the actual piped data that goes from a google search result is actually quite small (though larger than it used to be).
Video is at the other end. There’s only so many things you can do to a video to reduce the amount of stuff you send to the user (and a lot of the things you do put more strain on the user’s computer to interpret what you’ve sent).
Music, singular images, video game data, and mass data tend to be somewhere in the middle, though context does matter for each of them.
Comparatively, sending videos and storing videos for later use is many times a more resource-expensive task than sending an image, forum post, email, weather updates etc.
It doesn’t have to be ads before videos, but it does have to be something (subscription services, the page itself being littered with ads, state backing etc).
By your reasoning, every single platform should be in the same shitty state of yt
What comparable platforms are you talking about that is not running ads or have some sort of pay-to-watch?
If we talk about Twitch and their revenue I can promise you that they would not be very profitable without female streamers dressed sexy that doesn’t always play video games.
We now live in a world where users got used to never have to pay for content or experience. Even though Google makes insane money in different areas the cost for running and developing YouTube is huge. I’m not a fan of ads (I don’t see ads when at home because of how I have set up my network) and the subscription plans always seems too pricey for the value I get when using different streaming services
But all of this doesn’t change the fact that even though I don’t like ads or paying for content I still haven’t come up with a better solution myself.
Could something built on ipfs not compete?
Yea of all the things to bitch about with Google, this one’s pretty understandable tbh
Please drink a verification can
Better than having to watch ads IMHO
Drink verification can.
Proferring it as ToS violation is actually quite concerning for anyone using the same google account for their primary email and as a youtube account’
Note to self: create a burner account just for YouTube.
Wait I already did.
Unless you also have a burner device for using it from, Google definitely know that both of those accounts belong to you, and a TOS violation on one will cause both to be suspended anyway. They will quote the section of their TOS related to using another account to get around a suspension.
Well I don’t have a main Google account because Google, so having a burner YouTube account is great for privacy.
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Actually I don’t think there is anything wrong with odysee tehcnically. It is just marketed awfully.
The alternatives are expensive to maintain.
Odyssee I tried them ages ago and stopped, because of the crypto stuff and lack of content interesting to me. I quit YouTube a while ago so I’ll give them another try. :)
I switched to Nebula its affordable and has lots of interesting content from YouTubers I most often watched. Their business is sustainable, pays the creators fairly and has no ads or recommendation algorithm.
I’ve also tried out Odyssey and had the same issues with it. There was one or two channels I would actually watch, but I think the crypto stuff attracts a certain libertarian type. I don’t think it’s sustainable long term.
Affordable is basically a nonstarter for me.
I checked Nebula and it seems super empty.
It also takes much less time and effort to create content for a foum compared to a video platform, that might interfere when trying to build a community from the ground up
Dear Youtube,
I’ve been using you daily since before you were bought by Google. I have watched undoubted millions of youtube videos over the last 17 years.
The mother fucking nanosecond you start blocking me from watching your content because I have an ad blocker is the moment I sit here and just rip every each and every single mother fucking video I want to watch to view entirely offline. Given you’ve tried and failed for a decade now to stop us from doing that I trust it’ll solve both our needs, you won’t have me blocking your ads, and I won’t need to ever see em. Savvy? Savvy!
With a level of spite indescribable,
Edit: For those whining about my entitlement: QQ more idc.
Edit 2: Ya’ll still commenting and downvoting a week later while I haven’t thought about any of you at all lmao. Rent free!
I mean… ‘oh no a person who doesn’t watch our ads is going to not watch our ads’
Not sure they’ll care about the ‘loss’’
Now it’s “a person who doesn’t watch our ads isn’t using up bandwidth”
Then they logically wouldn’t have cared about the adblock in the first place…? Although I’m intending to go back to doing the same and it’s not about whether I make them sad or not. It’s a quality of life thing.
I mean they care about adblock because it blocks their ads… They don’t expect people to know beyond just using adblock
undoubted millions of youtube videos over the last 17 years
4 million would be just over 644 videos watched every single day for each one of those 17 years.
I salute your dedication.
I’m having a bad, bad, day
It’s about time that I get my way
Streaming whatever I see
oh, indescribable me
I’m having a bad, bad, day
If you block my ad blocker that’s not okay
Watch, this is so fun to see
oh, indescribable me
Oh no, YouTube has been losing money on you for 17 years, they’re gonna be so sad.
Quick! Let’s move all Youtube channels to the fediverse (PeerTube), before people are getting conditioned to another sick behavior created by rich people.
I will continue to use ublock and let Google lose money in the process I don’t mind. In fact I’m all for it
If you were watching YouTube videos without watching ads, they were losing money on you. You not watching videos on YouTube is going to be a net gain for them.
I’m on vacation for the next two weeks. I only really need to log into Google for work. I got proton mail subscription and I’ve been moving all my personal stuff to that slowly. I’m going to finish it off and just cut Google out completely for personal use.