Meta says its new speech-generating AI model is too dangerous for public release.
Meta announced a new AI model called Voicebox yesterday, one it says is the most versatile yet for speech generation, but it’s not releasing it yet:
There are many exciting use cases for generative speech models, but because of the potential risks of misuse, we are not making the Voicebox model or code publicly available at this time.
The model is still only a research project, but Meta says can generate speech in six languages from samples as short as two seconds and could be used for “natural, authentic” translation in the future, among other things.
Why do companies who develope AI models always say such bullshit. In the end it gets released anyway
they say that because they’re not ready yet. Once it’s ready, you bet they’ll try and release and monetize it somehow.
This is what I like to call “building hype,” or at least an attempt at it.
I have one too, but it’s too dangerous