I was thinking about some raw fish or something like that, he seems to really like salmon. Any suggestions or things to watch out for?

  • FuglyDuck
    2411 months ago

    So… I would suggest steaming the fish unless you can get very fresh seafood. Alternatively, baking it on some parchment.

    I’m not sure that raw fish is particularly dangerous on its own- but do check for bones and such. Especially the pin bones. Fish can be an allergen, but if you’ve served it before it should be fine.

    I’d say go with whatever they beg for when you’re doing your thing in the kitchen.

    Also give the birthday kitty some scritches for me!

    • silly goose meekahOP
      11 months ago

      I haven’t served raw/fresh salmon yet, but his dry food is salmon and his favorite snacks are as well. His wet food is a mix of basically anything, but also sometimes salmon. So I don’t think he’s allergic.

      Thanks for the heads up regarding the bones!

      He wants to try basically anything I eat. Even when I scratch my skin in my face hes like “huh?! What you got there??” so it’s hard to tell what hes really craving.

      Scritches delivered!

      • FuglyDuck
        111 months ago

        saw this list of recipes

        The beef and carrots amused me- my “time share” kitty- he’s an escape artist that used to get into my greenhouse and steal carrots. not that he was eating them- didn’t show up in his poo; what he was doing with them is a mystery.

        A word of caution… cats probably won’t care if it’s super expensive “sushi grade” or whatever, and certainly not more than you would.

        • silly goose meekahOP
          111 months ago

          Thanks for that link! I might try to cook one of these meals.

          Your time share kitty sounds like a very cute rascal!

          • FuglyDuck
            11 months ago

            Yup. What’s fun is when you offer him a carrot. He looks at it like… “wtf am I going to do with that?!”

            Torties, amirite?

            • silly goose meekahOP
              211 months ago

              I thought he liked apples for a short while. I kept giving him small pieces and he at them. Then one day I decided to chop a whole 1/8 of an apple into small pieces and he barely ate any of that 😂 but yeah often he really seems disappointed when I offer him some of my food

            • @QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world
              211 months ago

              Sorry to go slightly off topic here, but do you have a male tortie?? Those are quite rare, because it requires 2 X chromosomes to produce the tortie coat.

              • FuglyDuck
                211 months ago

                I assumed he’s a tortie. He’s got that coloration. (Or I’m just an idiot. But he has black/brownish-tan.)

                Didn’t know it was rare. Gonna have to ask his people about. (It’s probably something they knew… it he’s getup their in years so, they probably never mentioned it.)

                • @QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world
                  111 months ago

                  Maybe you’re thinking tabby? Brown tabbies are often referred to as the “standard issue cat”, and are commonly found as both XX and XY cats. Torties are black/brown and orange, and their coloring is the result of having one X chromosome for black/brown, and a second one for orange.

                  My apologies, I just find their genetics so fascinating!

    • @villainy@lemmy.world
      511 months ago

      My cat loves these so much. He just walked into the room and I assume it’s because he sensed the image of these treats being displayed on my phone.

      • @Tartufo@lemmy.world
        311 months ago

        With raw meat you always have to be careful. If it’s super fresh cats can eat fish/chicken raw. However if you’re not sure about how fresh it is I’d definitely steam it because salmonella is a thing.

        There’s special raw meat (chicken mainly) sold as food quality for cats l where I live and that one I’m feeding to my cats raw: They adore it.

        However when I just buy chicken in the supermarket I’m always steaming it before chopping off some pieces for my cats because I can’t be sure about there maybe being bacteria or so that really should be heated to death first. There’s differences in how much the stores and such have to pay attention when labeling something “food quality in raw” vs “food quality after properly heating up”.

  • kindenough
    311 months ago

    Chicken filet plain cooked and shredded into thin strips. I make it for Surinam Bami and always give the cat some. When I make bami he is always close on the lookout for his share. It is gone in seconds, eats like a hungry dog.

    Also chicken livers cooked and finely chopped or puréed.

    Normally he eats BARF…hehe.

    • @MissJinx@lemmy.world
      211 months ago

      I have a tuxedo lady that only eats her dry food and don’t like anything else… beaides Tuna sashimi and Ham. She’ll come runing for it