I know will not be seen by many, but if someone wonders why my profile is dead, they know why. Link sends to join-lemmy.org, if I get banned, oh well…
It’s way easier to get people to move by just showing screenshots or a link to a lemmy instance
Have you been on join-lemmy.org? No one is hearing about lemmy for the first time and deciding to join based off of it. The entire website is all tech speak, and literal lorem ipsum with zero screenshots that actually show off the platform, and zero screenshots of any of the apps (which is how a ton of people browse reddit)
90% of redditors who go there will be confused and never go back. It says “a link aggregator for the fediverse” in big which, 99% of people will just be confused because whats a link aggregator? And for most people, whats “the fediverse”? Join a server? Run a server? What?
Then it says “Lemmy is a selfhosted social link aggregation and discussion platform” people know what some of those words are but definitely not in that order.
Then its screenshots of some code on github? Then its more code saying lemmy is open source?
Then it says “blazing fast” with a screemshot of lorem ispum
Then a bunch if paragraphs and then a small screenshot of more lorem ipsum with teeny tiny vote buttons and more tech words
https://lemmyverse.net/ might be a better alternative for now, with the explanation that it all goes to the same conversation.
Yes, that’s not always 100% true, but new users can learn about the nuances of defederation and other blocking after they get their feet wet.
It seriously needs to be improved
I think they’re removing posts (and maybe banning users?) for posting Reddit alternatives lately
I smell a ban there, spez will get very angy!! No lemmy allowed on reddit!!
You guys are strange, who feels the need to write a going away letter on a reddit account? I doubt any of you had some sort of following on there. Redditors are a truly strange breed.
It’s all helping raise awareness, even if it’s just in small increments.
I’ll either delete my entire account or if possible replaceme all my posts (12 years worth) with “GOTO LEMMY!”
What do you mix?
I still haven’t touched Reddit since Apollo shut down. Feels good to stand up for what you believe in
OP is BASED as fuck, I went to go check out my Reddit account since I haven’t used it since lemy and Reddit just felt so clunky and bloated in comparison
You guys are way too attached to Reddit.