• Blackout
      727 months ago

      How not once did Picard hang dong in the entire series. Writers just don’t understand what people want these days.

    • mosiacmango
      7 months ago

      Seriously. You can barely get through all the problems in Picard season 1 in just four hours.

      Why even do a video if you’re just going to half ass it?

    • @paddirn@lemmy.world
      327 months ago

      I think the first two hours was her going over Star Trek, then through season 1 in detail (probably too much), then realizing how long she’d been on it and flying through seasons 2 & 3 in an hour, and then finally about 3 hours in actually getting to the title subject.

      She makes some good points about season 3 being about just as dumb as the other seasons, despite being “the better” season. Having every young officer in Starfleet simultaneously assimilated by the Borg and turning on/killing a large number of older officers has given a huge number of them PTSD for years and created a large number of older officers who now hate anyone younger that turned. They hand-waved the solution and it’s just like, “Hey, it’s all cool now!”, but the mental damage would traumatize a good portion of Starfleet for a generation or more.

      • @Taleya@aussie.zone
        207 months ago

        Legit, we saw how both Wolf359 and the dominion war utterly fucked up Starfleet and the federation, the absolute nightmare fuel of an assimilation virus would swnd both right over the edge, full howard hughes

    • @Soup@lemmy.world
      237 months ago

      I don’t know about this video but for a lot of her stuff it’s absolutely worth the longer videos.

      • @CaptSneeze@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        If this the same person who did the 2 hour Disney Star Wars hotel one? I put that on because of the buzz about it on Lemmy, just expecting to get the idea and quit after 2 minutes. Ended up watching the whole damn thing.

        • @shinratdr@lemmy.ca
          187 months ago

          That was Jenny Nicholson, and it was also 4 hours. Also not an outlier, all of her long form content is amazing and worth watching, even if you aren’t directly interested in the topic.

          I’ve watched her The Vampire Diaries video multiple times, and a CW teen show about vampires is about as far removed from my wheelhouse as it gets.

        • Chris
          87 months ago

          No that is Jenny. Different people and different vibes but both great people to watch.

  • Blackout
    407 months ago

    My next video is how Star Trek fans ruin Star Trek. It was the subject of the thesis for my PhD in Trekology.

    • @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
      157 months ago

      The die hard fans ruin their favorite shows and movies all the time. It’s a universal truth.

      Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, it happens to all the big ones. Heck with Mass Effect, the Andromeda blowback resulted in DLC being cancelled and the entire IP essentially being abandoned until recently. That boiled down to some poor animations from a brand new team, with limited time (because EA is dogshit), and a few fans being extremely vocal about how the developers had the audacity to follow a new set of characters in a new setting instead of milking the finished trilogy and bringing Commander Shepard back to beat like a dead horse.

      That same type of bullshit is exactly what Star Trek went through at the beginning of TNG. Some original series fans were extremely vocal about the lack of Kirk, Spock, etc. and refused to even give TNG a chance. Not to mention the audacity of the show runners for DS9 making a serialized show based around a station instead of a ship! And while those were before me, just reading about it after the fact, I personally saw the same with Picard, and Discovery when they first launched, and even continuing on now with some people even refusing to give it a try like some sort of child refusing to eat their veggies. And while Enterprise has managed to bring many people back in to watch the show, the absolute hatred for the intro is one of the biggest mysteries for me. It’s like a bunch of fans just turned their brain off as soon as they heard the word faith, assuming it must be about religion, and started trying to justify their knee jerk reaction when others pointed out that faith isn’t inherently religious and that in the show it clearly has nothing to do with religion, but rather faith in things like yourself, your crew, and humanity as it ventures out beyond Earth at a meaningful speed for the first time.

      Star Trek fans have a long history of being intolerant of new shows.

      • kbal
        267 months ago

        Both Mass Effect sequels and Picard are fine examples of the recent abundance of things where the fan base (or the Internet as a whole) having earned a reputation for being inclined to complain about anything new is often used as an excuse to try and discredit the opinions of anyone who dares to point out what was a fairly disastrous drop in quality of the new thing compared to the old. Maybe there’s bullshit in the field but that doesn’t mean there aren’t also apple trees, and maybe you’ve fixed your gaze on the wrong one.

        • @zephorah@lemm.ee
          147 months ago

          I was cool with ME ending in 3, and Shepards fate, though the specifics of the end were an eye roll, story wise. There was more wrong with Andromeda than franchise fans screaming about a lack of Shepard. Generic tasky repetitive questing and plain oatmeal level companions (imagine Mass Effect 2 with 10 Jacobs). I gamed when gaming was a lot of reading (see Baldurs Gate & Neverwinter Nights), so I don’t complain about graphics, I figure it will sort itself by the next patch and it usually does. Story “punch” and companions matter though, and Andromeda didn’t deliver there. Andromeda was more like Fallout 4 than Mass Effect. It wasn’t new in that sense, and that was the real problem.

        • @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
          47 months ago

          Andromeda’s gameplay was clearly better than Mass Effect 3. Yes some facial animations were clearly worse, and were since updated, but it didn’t actually affect gameplay at any point.

          And considering the original end of Mass Effect 3, before they changed it after the backlash, anybody claiming things went downhill in Andromeda are out of their damned mind.

          There’s a lot I can say about the direction they went with Picard, especially considering the massive difference in the Borg they showed across 2 directly adjacent seasons. Like freaking whiplash.

          • Kushan
            137 months ago

            Andromeda’s gunplay was better but the gameplay as a whole was worse. The switch to an open world system wasn’t handled well, you ended up with too mooch filler and not enough interesting story.

            It felt like every side quest in ME1-3 was a little story in its own right that was worth exploring, with interesting and unique characters and plot twists. Andromeda was shallow by comparison, repetitive and not worth the time investment.

            I completely agree about fans ruining things and the facial animations thing was way overblown, but let’s not pretend that Andromeda was unfairly punished for minor issues and that fans are entirely responsible for it, there core game missed the mark on several fronts.

            The gunplay was excellent though.

            • Kaldo
              37 months ago

              Agreed 100%, I got Andromeda at a heavy discount after more than a year after the release and I was still extremely disappointed. The animations are the least of the problems that the game had, it was just an soulless formulaic empty open world with terrible writing and horrible characters and dialogue.

              If it weren’t a mass effect game it’d just be a commercial flop and nobody would remember it in a month. Since it was, people were disappointed instead of being apathetic. It was by no means unfairly judged though, it is a bad game.

          • kbal
            67 months ago

            The first Mass Effect game was the good one IMO.

            • @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
              37 months ago

              Yeah while I enjoy the rest of the trilogy, the world building they manage in just 1 game was amazing. Most games need multiple games to manage that level of world building.

      • @Tattorack@lemmy.world
        37 months ago

        Weird take to suggest that it’s the fans ruining an IP with criticism. As if we should all just be content with some executives shagging a hollow corpse of a franchise simply because it exists in name.

        Mass Effect Andromeda didn’t just have a few crappy animations. The whole story, quest, and dialogue writing was incredibly bad. People hated it because it sucked. And it got canned because it sucked.

        If Star Trek were to get cancelled right now it would be a good thing. What we have today masquerading as Star Trek is cheap, low effort garbage that tries to make up for it by wasting its budget on as much off the shelf CGI sparkles that can be thrown at it. But no, of course it’s the fans who are ruining Star Trek.

        The first season of TNG got criticised because the first season of TNG is actually, genuinely bad. The difference with TNG and STD, however, is while STD remained the same level of mediocre throughout its entire run (with some aspects actually getting worse), TNG drastically improved in season 2 and only got better after.

        • @teolan@lemmy.world
          57 months ago

          What we have today masquerading as Star Trek is cheap, low effort garbage that tries to make up for it by wasting its budget on as much off the shelf CGI sparkles that can be thrown at

          Strange new worlds is good though. And it’s “true trek”. You know, with more than 1 character doing all the things. A full diverse crew with diverse skills working together to solve issues and having fun.

          After Discovery and Picard, it’s really refreshing. And even though it’s reusing old characters, it’s not in your face constantly the nostalgia.

          • iltoroargento
            27 months ago

            I stand by SNW and LD. Strange New Worlds is a solid return to form and Lower Decks was the kitschy fan service with a lot of heart that I needed after some horrendously bleak years in real life near the end of the 2010s and through the pandemic.

            I think both are doing a good job of keeping up with the times as past series have done when they aired. Cannot make it through Discovery, though. That one just did not grab me, despite me wanting it to and giving it multiple shots because I was stoked for Michelle Yeoh and Doug Jones.

      • Jonathan
        37 months ago

        I, sadly, agree with you. I’ve gotten to the point where if I am reading a thread or forum and the comments turn into nothing but criticism about things that I don’t personally feel deserve the time to read or apply energy to, I close it and never look back. I don’t mind constructive criticism, but I don’t make these things (like TNG or Andromeda) so it’s never practically constructive for me to endure the critique.

        Speaking of Mass Effect: Andromeda, I was really enjoying that game when it came out and then I made the mistake of reading threads on Reddit and they were so fucking negative and hateful that it actually soured the experience for me. My own fault for letting it drag down the thing I was enjoying, but there was just so much vitriol that it got under my skin even though I didn’t really agree with the majority of it. My general rule now is to stay away from the fanbases of anything I truly enjoy and care about. Which obviously sucks. Somewhere along the line it became the norm for internet discourse to become an echo chamber of hate.

        • @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
          57 months ago

          I generally agree with you, but then there are also situations where massive negativity is warranted.

          The Witcher and Halo TV series for instance recently. They both deviated so far from the source material that it was clear the writers wanted to make their own story and couldn’t get that approved, so they instead hijacked an existing IP and still tries to write what they wanted anyway.

          For viewers that didn’t know the source material that would probably be fine, but they decided to go with two very large IPs with very devoted fanbases and a lot of established lore. Interviews with the showrunners for Halo that mentioned the negativity just resulted in answers that showed clear contempt for the fanbase, shifting blame anywhere but with the writers/showrunners, and no actual attempt to understand what they might be complaining about. Or in the case of The Witcher, attempted to shift all blame to the one person the fans loved, and the only person that was keeping many people watching the show, Henry Cavill, trying to smear him personally. A person they were avoiding to cast for over two years before seemingly running out of options. It is my personal theory that this was solely because they knew he was a huge fan of The Witcher, and he would be advocating to make sure it was as accurate as possible, which would be an issue with them doing whatever they wanted with it. Cavill said publicly he was on board for 7 seasons if they kept it accurate to the books, and we clearly saw them make major changes immediately in the first season fundamentally changing main character personalities and core interactions, making it impossible to follow the original storyline well.

          There are situations where overwhelming negativity is valid, the issue is that so many times it’s overwhelming negativity for small issues blown way out of proportion by fans.

    • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      127 months ago

      Did your PhD recognize that most people don’t post their opinions on the internet, especially if they find something to be mediocre?

      To me it’s the internet that ruins everything. Many times when I see something and I feel like “meh it wasn’t great but it was ok” I end up seeing an endless stream of negativity towards it on the internet. But who am I to say the the ending to Game of Thrones was ok but needed a few more episodes so it didn’t feel rushed, or Rise of Skywalker was really interesting but the editing was a bit janky or whatever? Say things like that and you get an endless stream of people telling you that you’re an idiot for liking something and not conforming to the hate train. But talk to people in real life about these things and it’s a different conversation.

      I think the main problem is that the people making things in these franchises listen to the internet too much. This has resulted in a general lack of confidence by writers because they’re too worried about how the internet will criticize them. But that’s gonna happen no matter what they do. And the studio execs looking at the internet data and basing a lot of decisions on that.

      • Are you trying to tell me real life is real life? You need to spend more time indoors, you’re clearly out of touch with what real people are actually saying on Twitter.

  • Davel23
    367 months ago

    She recaps each season episode by episode and has a lot of interesting points. And few to none of them are political.

  • @ummthatguy@lemmy.world
    297 months ago

    Much as I don’t care for seasons 1 and 2, the show does provide some interesting bits of history that fill in the gaps from the late 24th century. Primarily, the destruction of Romulus introduced in the Kelvin timeline is confirmed (beyond just Spock saying so) to still occur in the main. The android ban could use some more exploration.

    • Sundray
      217 months ago

      Sure, but I can’t get past the tedious plot, the “oh by the way” style exposition, and so much of the dialog is so unnatural and bad it gave me a headache.

      But I do love Shaw! I’d be happy for a series that focused on him–oops, nm.

      • @ummthatguy@lemmy.world
        67 months ago

        I know, the 10 episode seasons really hamper the writers’ ability to explore and “show not tell” what’s going on. As for Shaw, I should think it’d be possible to utilize a form of ECH (Emergency Command Hologram) like the Doctor. Not that we’re gonna get a Legacy show anyway, sadly.

      • @ProtoToss@lemmy.world
        87 months ago

        Good for you! Just let people enjoy things. You know, even if they revealed that Picard was just a suit full of tribbles the whole time, it wouldn’t have ruined a thing. All of those TNG episodes stand up. Why do people have to be so weird about stuff.

        • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
          47 months ago

          There’s a weird bias where criticism is seen as wrong.

          If you don’t like Picard and want to tell everyone what you found wrong with it, that’s fine too.

          • @cRazi_man@lemm.ee
            37 months ago

            Absolutely right!

            Don’t dunk on people for liking things and let everyone enjoy… but I refuse to keep quiet about things I don’t like. The best talks with friends are about movies/games/shows they liked and that I didn’t like. What did they like about it? Why have we both seen the same thing and taken away something completely different? Maybe I’ll go back and watch it again. Maybe we’ll laugh about it.

            There is a non-toxic way to talk about what you don’t like…if you can’t be non-toxic then keep your mouth shut. If you’re the sort to get personally offended when someone says they didn’t enjoy a show you liked, then there’s something wrong with you.

            Normalise talking about opinions without causing or taking offence. Accept that everyone is entitled to their opinion and the opinions in people’s heads cannot hurt you.

  • Chris
    137 months ago

    Angela is great, haven’t seen this but I bet it’s a good discussion

    • @cRazi_man@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      I’m watching it bit by bit every day. I’m enjoying it. Especially since I tried watching Picard and bailed out half way through season 1 because it was so bad. Then I watched all of season 3 because people recommended it.

      I would say I enjoy watching YouTube videos of people talking about bad movies/TV, way more than actually watching good movies/TV.

  • Skua
    127 months ago

    As a non-Trek fan, I enjoyed having this video in the background while I did other stuff. I like her videos generally (they’re usually about physics, especially astrophysics), and I have no attachment to the subject matter, so it was nice to listen to someone chat about something they care about. I’ve got no idea how valid what she said was. It sounded plausible enough to me, but obviously I have no context for it besides what she said

  • @Tattorack@lemmy.world
    107 months ago

    I mean, the headline couldn’t be more true. Not sure if I’m willing to watch a multi-hour long critique about it, but I’d say she’s probably right on a lot if things in the video based on its title alone.

  • @Nuke_the_whales@lemmy.world
    -37 months ago

    Can someone give me a quick explanation why Picard is hated and bad? I never liked TNG, tried it a few times and I couldn’t get through the first two seasons I found it so cheesy and cringe and that’s saying a lot considering I love TOS. But yeah I never got into TNG so didn’t watch Picard and don’t know why people hate it

    • @ummthatguy@lemmy.world
      157 months ago

      Starting on point 2 with TNG, I’d recommend going back more or less where you left off. Season 3 is where things finally start to gel with the crew and most of the writing. Expect the occasional speedbump along the way (oddly more with season 7, but that’s because it was used as a dumping ground for unused story ideas).

      As for Picard: there’s a fair amount of weak writing, a lot of exposition without showcase, underdeveloped secondary/tertiary characters, and a good amount of fanservice. I’ll admit, the fanservice actually helped season 3, despite Patrick Stewart’s disdain. Terry Matalas salvaged, to whatever degree, the shows last hurrah. Probably faced a ton of studio interference, but I still view his work as a general success.

    • ZephrC
      87 months ago

      I’ve never watched Picard myself, but the the main thing I took away from watching the video was that the person who made it loved TNG for being a show that tried to take a realistic look at our problems and present a fun show about a world where we have found solutions for them, while inspiring people all over the world, including the person who made the video, to become scientists and engineers. Meanwhile Picard is a show that is miserable and hopeless and will never inspire anyone to do anything. Also it just wasn’t well written.

      That’s just my personal main take away from a single video about a show I haven’t watched, so take that for what it’s worth.

      • @Nuke_the_whales@lemmy.world
        17 months ago

        Tbf even Gene Roddenberry had given up hope on the idea of a future humanity where we have overcome these basic issues. By the end of his life he knew that the human race he portrayed in TOS was unrealistic, and that humans in a thousand years would be exactly like they are now, and how they were a thousand years ago. Same ape brain.

        • ZephrC
          27 months ago

          Trust me, I am all too familiar with losing hope in humanity as I get older and more cynical. That doesn’t mean I want to spend my time watching a show about torture and misery and sadness and hopelessness. I want something better out of fiction than I get out of real life. Otherwise, what’s even the point?