If more people acted like Everett True, we’d live in a much nicer world. We’ve given assholes far too much free reign.
Does Ev have an Iron Cross on his hand?
Edit: questions bad?
Its the x mark from where he back handed the guy, the dotted line shows that
Everett true began in the early 1900s as in 1900-1909.
Nobody had decided to co-opt it for their shitty ideals yet.
The iron cross is still used by modern German armed forces
The cross pattée has many heraldic uses, but this is more like an “x marks the spot” like on a treasure map.
We don’t just give them free reign, for the most part the world promotes being selfish.
Damn near everything we ever hear takes no one else into account. Living wage is less and less common, billionaires have all the money in the world and zero accountability, healthcare (Mostly US specific) is an overpriced scam with no guardrails, food costs whatever the fuck the people who control it tell us it costs regardless of production costs, housing costs way too fucking much, fake news is more and more prevalent and conning more and more fools.
Its easy to see why people focus on no one but themselves anymore, its just the way of the world, toxicity is winning.
Being massive assholes to people you feel are being assholes. No contradictions there.
The paradox of tolerance shows us that, indeed, there is no contradiction.
I’ve been stuck on a train with a girl wearing headphones and singing along to Savage Garden. We all suffered.
She was even shutting her eyes tight and doing these ones…
If you’ve ever listened to just the vocals of a song without music, it was that, but also awfully off-key because she, of course, could not hear herself. Obnoxiously, I think she thought she was putting on a performance we were all impressed by. No one was impressed.
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the brie
I wanna slay like this forever
deleted by creator
Ungh my manager at my last job did that shit all the time. Infuriating, because I wasn’t allowed to have headphones (inbound tech support), and it was really distracting when I was on a call.
And just like, so incredibly rude, who the fuck does that??
She’s just trying to get discovered
That’s exactly how it felt. Like her imagination had daydreamed the scene long enough, it was time to put it out to the universe and be approached by all those agents and producers crammed in the commuter carriage of the inner south line.
You just unlocked a repressed childhood memory from when I was 10 and we spent our lunchtimes playing MTG outside the school hall. Every day for months one year a group of girls decided to rehearse a dance they were choreographing to Animals by savage garden so we had to listen to it being constantly played, rewound, played again, stopped, repeated, ad nauseam. It made me hate savage garden for years after with an unrequited fury. I don’t think I ever fully recovered.
That’s horrible. Think of all the blood someone else has to clean. For that reason I suggest strangle.
“You haven’t thought about the smell, you bitch!” vibes.
(from always sunny)
Automotive Keel-hauling is better, keeps the mess outside and feeds carnivorous wildlife.
People around where we live mount Bluetooth speakers to their bicycle and ride around on nature trails sharing their music with everyone because who the hell goes out in nature to experience nature?
I’m a cyclist and I’ve noticed an uptick in this shit lately. At least with a cyclist doing it they’re past you pretty quickly, I suppose.
Yeah, as a cyclist, this pisses me off. I wear bone conduction headphones so I can listen to something while also hearing what’s going on around me, and those idiots with loud music playing interfere with both.
There’s a guy in my area that does that… He told me one day that it’s to help give people and animals a heads-up that he’s coming, which is helpful when overtaking people from behind, or around blind corners.
Sounded like an excuse at first, but it actually did help some of the time when I saw him after that. I have begrudgingly changed my mind about it.
He’s still being selfish, Cyclists and mountain bikers yield to hikers, runners, and equestrians, Hikers and runners yield to equestrians. Downhill users yield to uphill users.
Yup. I slow, inform, and then overtake when safe. If they don’t seem to respond, I’ll wait to overtake. On a bike path, I can usually just overtake with 3’ (1m) space.
I mean if he seemed to think that that meant he was allowed to blast past people and they were obligated to move out of his way, then yeah that’d be pretty selfish… But when I’ve encountered him he’s been otherwise reasonably considerate. The music isn’t even really that loud, you probably only hear it from like 20-30m away.
I’ve got a bell on my handlebars for that.
That also sounds like a good option. Wouldn’t really make sense for this guy cause he’s not on a bike, he’s on one of those electric unicycle things… But I’m glad it works for you.
I have scared people with my bike bell before. They almost ended up more in my path. Speakers seem like a better solution to me.
That means you’re waiting to use the bell until you’re right behind people. That’s missing the point of the bell entirely. You’re just grasping for excuses to have music regardless of how rude it is to other people on the trail.
I don’t have a speaker when I bike, only seen it with others.
I don’t think urinating on people in public transport is a good idea. But otherwise, spot on.
When else are you supposed to urinate on people?
When they ask politely at home, after supper
Asparagus supper
In the privacy of your home? Like a civilized person.
What about furious masturbation? Because that happens whether it’s a good idea or not.
This is why the removal of 3.5mm jacks is bullshit.
I can’t just forcibly attach headphones to someone’s phone and silence them anymore.
But you could shove the phone gently up their rectum.
Something to ponder.
Meanwhile, Google’s like, “We’re removing the ability to silently check your notifications using your Pixel Buds. You have to use the voice command now. No, we don’t care that you primarily use them in public spaces. And we really don’t care that our voice recognition has a 15% success rate.”
Wow bummed for you on that
Someone raised the question of whether Google might have had a security concern. Since you can pick up
unpairedheadphones and listen to notifications from a locked phone. Though Apple does have a similar feature with AirPods: Announce Notifications.Edit: not “unpaired”
I feel like I’d rather give hackers free access to all my devices than jump through all the security hurdles that are put in place to stop them.
I might not go that far but I feel that sentiment.
Ooh they could announce 2FA/MFA codes… maybe that could be toggleable
That’s shitty but I fail to see how the course of action there would be to start using the voice commands instead of just, you know, silently pulling out the phone and checking the notifications with your eyes.
To be fair touching them also has about a 15% success rate to do what I intended it to do.
I dunno, I didn’t have much of a problem with them unless my hands were wet. Occasionally couldn’t make the triple-tap work, and maybe some issues with accidentally adjusting the volume. I found the “push and hold to play notifications” function to be super reliable, though.
90% of the time it triggers some random function for me when I am just trying to push it back into my ear (pause, skip forward, some sort of tutorial crap, notifications,…)
I was in the surgery waiting room for 12 hours while my mom had spinal surgery and some piece of shit Boomer kept watching political commentary videos on his phone and would very aggressively say to people “This isn’t bothering you, is it?” And when we let him know it was, he’d just move a few seats away - not far enough to make any real difference. I wanted to beat the asshole to a bloody pulp, but I was equally as mad at the hospital who didn’t put an end to it.
Same with fuckers in restaurants watching sports on their phones, or on speakerphone calls, or kids playing their fucking preschool games with their volume turned up. If we can’t kill these motherfuckers then we should at least be allowed to smash their phones out of their hands.
I just tell people to please use headphones or turn their whatever to silent. I’ve only once had a guy react not so nicely to that.
Shooting them is a kindness. They could be reported to the RIAA for violating public performance copyright.
I think most people are opposed to torture on moral grounds.
A lot of people blame this on people losing their social skills during COVID, but I remember people doing it when I was in high school in the mid-2010s.
There was a whole scene in Star Trek 4 with the same premise and I think that released in 86.
i love how cory doctorow is consistently right about literally everything
i imagine he’d be first to warn you that is insane thinking
i can of course draw no conclusions about the future from the fact that he’s been right about everything he’s ever said thus far – he could be wrong about something tomorrow and i’d look like a fool – but he is a pretty righteous dude
He spends his entire life curating information sources. Selecting the absolute best and burning the rest with holy fire.
He’s a living spam filter.
Basically you take what’s left after the bullshit filter and you end up with a lot of his writing.
It’s truly a gift.
I was once on a Greyhound bus where a guy was loudly talking on his phone, but not on speaker. The issue was he was just repeatedly saying:
“Listen… Listen… Listen… Listen… Lemme tell you… Listen… Listen … Listen lemme… Lemme tell you … listen”
For half an hour.
Finally a hero yelled out: “Listen! Lemme tell you to shut the fuck up!”
He said “lemme call you back later” hung up and shrunk down on his seat as the whole bus clapped.
Was his name “Navi” and he looked like a small glowing light?
“and everybody clapped”
It’s true, I was the phone
i actually believe this one though
It feels a bit exaggerated imo
I’m so old I remember when you’d get thrown out of restaurant if you used a cellphone
Back in the day when cellphones could only take calls.
Abso-friggin-lutely. Shoot them twice to be sure.
It’s such an annoying, disrespectful thing to do in public. If you do it, you’re either a giant asshat or too dumb to keep around.
I had to listen to someone blast Tiktok and parts of some yelling bro-y podcast in the dentist’s office.
I am already on edge whenever I go there, but this put me on a different level, as I was ridiculously overstimulated by the time I was in the chair. They almost did not continue because my blood pressure was alarmingly high.
What kind of dentist measures blood pressure?
There’s a few reasons why that can be relevant.
In the US, a lot of dentists use nitrous oxide for pain management and/or sedation. Taking a blood pressure is one of the safety precautions for pretty much any sort of sedation. In Europe we usually use local anaesthetic; it’s less invasive.
There are also certain complications that can arise from a high BP. It can result in more bleeding, which is not ideal especially if the patient is taking medication like blood thinners.
And on a general note: a lot of people don’t know they have a high blood pressure. It’s a good thing to check occasionally if you don’t. High BP can have a wide range of health concerns.
Someone else commented before me and had a very accurate answer!
In short, blood pressure can mess with anesthetic, making it not work or work less effectively. My dentist wants to make sure they are not torturing their patients with unneeded pain.