Just logged into reddit, from Canada, it’s not working correctly. I suspect so many subs going dark have unveiled a bug that has broken some algorithms. Here’s hoping they are a pain to fix and require a significant reengineering effort. Anyone confirm the same behavior?
Maybe they’re doing “server maintenance” for the next 48 hours so the blackout seems like it was just planned maintenance lmao
“Server maintenance” while they replace all the mods with scabs.
Like the antiwork fiasco. I remember the astroturfing going on where they tried to move people over to “work reform” aka we like work and bosses are good!
no anti work believe no one should work and every should get paid for sitting on their asses, and work reform believes in giving workers what they want, such as higher pay, less hours, better benefits and things such as that.
EDIT: based on my ratio im not sure I want to continue on this site lmao, I have a feeling its just going to turn into another Voat if this shit keeps up
Ah whining about downvotes, now I feel right at home!
at least you get to see controversial entries get both upvotes and downvotes rather than the net number only. helps for better discussion.
Yes. The spirit of reddit truly is still alive over here.
Also with how federation works, I don’t have too see any of this if I dont want to so if Lemmy.World devolves into a communist instance I can just switch to a different one. Win for the both of us.
nah not wining as downvotes are completely irrelevant on lemmy, just thought it was interesting
undefined> EDIT: based on my ratio im not sure I want to continue on this site lmao, I have a feeling its just going to turn into another Voat if this shit keeps up
…Or the people on r/antiwork are here as well and downvoted you for a very bias post to their members?
Like what did you think would happen? This would happen on Reddit as well unless you were on a subreddit that specifically supported your stance.
There is nothing biased about that post. The initial group of r/antiwork was against working at all. With more people joining that shifted to the more reasonable “work needs a major, worldwide reform because being treated like shit for fifty decades to then not have enough pension to survive is fucked up”
Work Reform was then created because of “that” interview, it had nothing to do with cozying up to companies or bosses.
Yeah you just verified my edit thank you
What does Voat mean in this case then? It’s just like Reddit really.
You mean reddit will be like Voat? Voat is gone. You can’t sustain a platform on extremism alone
Literally the two subs are identical in content posted for the last several months
The anti-work sub did a “clear out” of people that just didn’t want to work, and now is more in line with work-reform. The original mod did some sort of interview that pissed off the users.
I agree work reform was slipping but it was not even close to the communist mess that is AntiWork. I’ve seen posts on AntiWork with hundreds of upvotes about burning down walmarts to send a message.
It’s funny they chose that tactic to promote, seeing as walmart corporate will do all but burn the building down whenever there’s a successful union drive or anything that looks like it could manifest one. They’ll close the store indefinitely for ‘cleaning’, toss any spoiled inventory, and hire an all new crew. So not quite burning it down, but they’ll definitely footgun themselves to prevent any worker choice. Burning it down would do all the work for them.
communist mess
They were principally anarchist and banned Marxists, and in standard anarchist fashion they advocated for adventurism instead of promoting an actual political platform lmao
They can claim that all they want but I seen the content that is posted their, they just claim that to skirt reddit from banning them like they do other communist subs.
You don’t reform your way out of capitalism. Any concessions given to the proletariat will be clawed back once the booj don’t have to worry about the threat of revolution.
Bruh I dont even agree with all of capitalism as I think the best economy would be a mixed one like Finland. I am just against any form of extremism as it leads to narrow thinking.
If it is deliberate, I’m pretty sure that’d be a call-our-bluff sort of situation and they’d end up with a longer blackout as a result, at least until the majority of participating mods are replaced/banned.
I’d assumed a minor reverse-reddit-hug, personally - there are a lot of news stories on this today with a lot of links to reddit. Either way, a day in and I’m here and kinda loving it, despite it being a bit … wonky on posting today with all us refugees.
It’s like… 28,000 mods. I don’t know how they’re gonna replace them. Of course they won’t have to replace all of them, but there’s still quite a sizeable lot.
Every mod is just AwkwardTurtle on a throwaway account.
lol. Yeah no y’all aren’t wrong by any stretch, and I doubt they’d really get rid of a lot of those power mods but the smaller subs? Sure. Also, give one of the regular people power-modding power and they could, theoretically, have normal function resuming inside a week. It’d still be a huge mess, though.
Either way, I’m sure there’s an admin script available to mass-remove or ban, though that’d be a really drastic move on their part. The bluff call’s far more likely. Be interesting to see what they do regarding the large subs and their mods, though.
Monday, no long weekend, 10 EDT, perfect time to do maintenance.
Messaging doesn’t currently support that at all though.
It’s cloudflare. https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/
It’s taken down Reddit and also Kbin and Hacker News. Good for Kbin, gives them time to up their resources that isn’t their fault.
Kinda a hilarious timing really.
Kbin and Reddit being down proves that God is on Lemmy’s side. Its a sign from the Lord I tell ya.
Odin is with us!
That’s one hell of a coincidence
I tried to go on kbin to write that reddit was down … only to discover kbin is down too!
good call
Who cares. Lemmy is up.
The only correct attitude
My instance seems to be going on and off though.
Maybe, this is the day the CEO goes…“hmm, maybe I was wrong, and communities are important to reddit, and the value of free moderation far out weighs my API idiocy”, but probable not because CEO tend to be self centered, sociopaths so will most likely double down. Good let’s just move to lemmy and mastodon get federation working between them and get rid of centralized corporate internet that always screws their communities after we create the value.
And then the ceo thinks: “Oh well, better use this downtime to start finding new mods for communities that wont go back up in two days!”
Yup, there’s something going on. It’s down here too and I’ve already seen a number of posts on Lemmy about this.
Definitely something going on. Redditstatus.com shows everything operational. I noticed weird bugs yesterday too like images for different posts on the main page. Funny how less users has made it more broken.
redditstatus.com just updated, now it says that there is a major outage. No specifics though
All the hidden subs has broken every web crawler in the world, so crawler bots have ended up ddos’ing reddit :D
God. Every time I see “new” reddit, I vomit a little bit inside. Old reddit for life, and I guess this is it.
Also discussed in https://lemmy.world/post/74649.
I did not call yesterday that reddit would be having worse availability problems than Lemmy today.
“Something” went wrong, yeah :)
I broke Reddit :(
I mean, is it more likely that they’re trying to save face by breaking the website, that they’re incompetent, or that some angry users are ddosing?
I’d go incompetence, ddos, deliberate in that order.
Also from Canada, dead on my end too. It’s hard to imagine the servers crashing with so much less traffic than usual (even if those servers are probably just a few toasters duct-taped together)
@globalboy70 yes same here. nice job!