Dear patient lemmings, I am in need of your help. I’m searching for games that have some GOD DAAMN OSTs and come with a great story or/and gameplay.
Games that tick these requirements for me:
- Danganronpa 1/2/V3 + Ultra Despair Girls (most recently finished)
- Persona 4/5 (waiting for Persona 3 remaster)
- NFS Most Wanted (2005, 2012), Carbon, ProStreet
- Doom 2016, Eternal
- Test Drive Unlimited 2
- Life is Strange
- Ace Combat 7
- Omori
Neir Automata has an absolutely banging soundtrack. You need to “finish” the game I think 3 times to see the final ending. Push through the run as 9s it is worth it. The ending has all the feels and the ending song is with it is phenomenal.
To The Moon has a beautiful soundtrack and a story which made me cry. It’s not a long game, I highly recommend it.
Syonara Wild Hearts is a video game music album. It’s really simple mechanically but the songs are great and it’s a proper Zen game.
Journey has a wonderful sound track, just get to like level 3 where your doing the big slide downhill and tell me that’s not magical.
Similar to Journey (but not quite as good) is Gris.
Bastion has some excellent songs and is a short experience.
Terraria has a brilliant soundtrack and great gameplay, very little story though. Great in multiplayer so find a friend.
Death Stranding has some great songs, a bit to spread out though. The story is Kojimas usual eclectic madness but I enjoyed it.
+1 for Sayonara Wild Hearts!
Bastion has some excellent songs and is a short experience.
Every song in Bastion is exceptionally good. I’ve had this soundtrack on my phone since the game came out.
The ending has all the feels and the ending song is with it is phenomenal.
I refuse to listen to it via the OST. Full online-enabled playthrough only, for silly little reasons.
How has nobody said Hotline Miami yet?
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami
Hotline MiamiOh thank you for the reminder! I had put that game down somewhere in the start, because it was a bit harsh to beat the levels with an ergonomic mouse.
Oh hm its definitely tough by design. Don’t feel bad about reloading a lot.
Also i think controller support is good.
Nier: Automata
Disco Elysium
Outer Wilds
These came right into my head when I read great OSTs
How in the fuck is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance not mentioned yet?
A+++ OST, A+ gameplay, and a surprisingly good story for a Platinum game.
Not surprised that it was memed a hella lot not that too long ago. Absolute banger songs.
Outer Wilds
Disco Elysium of Rain 2
- The whole set of NES Mega-Man games had amazing soundtracks, although 2 is the best. There’s barely a story there, but the gameplay is solid.
- Final Fantasy VI has Dancing Mad, and that alone would be enough, but the whole damn thing is just amazing, especially the Opera.
- Similarly, Final Fantasy VII had a stellar soundtrack, including the holy-shit-this-is-amazing One Winged Angel.
- All Final Fantasy games have great soundtracks, but these two are my faves
- Someone mentioned Terraria, and I would be remiss if I didn’t second it. Not much story there, but I’ve been playing it for like 12 years and I’m still happy every time I start it up.
- The Elder Scrolls games from Morrowind on all have bangin’ soundtracks. Oblivion had the best one (although Morrowind and Skyrim are both better games, IMHO).
- Tempest 2000 for the Atari Jaguar of all things had a phenomenal soundtrack. Seriously, it it was one of the first games in the US to have its soundtrack sold in stores. And it stands up.
I’ll add more if I think of them. Most of the others I can think of have already been mentioned.
- Chrono Cross, I can’t believe I forgot it! That OP is unforgettable, and yet somehow I managed to forget it! The game itself pales in comparison to its predecessor (Chrono Trigger, which also has a great soundtrack), but it’s not bad.
- On a similar note, the original Wild Arms had an excellent soundtrack with a western theme. Actually, the whole Wild Arms series has good music, but I just couldn’t get past one of the main mechanics that showed up in 2 and stick around.
- Another one I can’t believe I forgot, Nights: into Dreams had the best soundtrack on the Sega Saturn. It’s just perfect for the game, not a bad tune in there.
Someone mentioned Terraria, and I would be remiss if I didn’t second it. Not much story there, but I’ve been playing it for like 12 years and I’m still happy every time I start it up.
the soundtrack of one of the most popular mods Calamity for Terraria is also way too good than it ever should be
Hopefully not too many repeats from what others said.
Halo 2, 3, and ODST
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2
Age of Empires II
Midnight Club II and 3: Dub Edition
Katamari Damacy
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask
Kingdom Hearts
Grim Fandango: Remastered
Shadow of the Colossus
Chrono Trigger
Star Fox 64
Somehow, nobody’s mentioned Cyberpunk 2077 yet. Every track in this game goes so incredibly hard. The in-game radio stations are all full of absolute bangers, and even the ambient world music is fantastic and sets the mood for every scene. It’s one of the few games whose soundtracks I listen to on its own.
I suspect patient gamers have held off on this one given its relatively high system requirements, need for patches to improve performance, and super recent expansion. I’m sure you’re right, but speaking for myself, it’s not on my to-play list for at least another year. (Only mentioning it since you seem surprised)
Damn yeah you got me there. I forgot about Cyperbunk. Ponpon SHIT will never escape from my mind. XD
Roll the bones, I’m CHIPPIN IN! Commit that code, I’m CHIPPIN IN!
Super Mario Galaxy. Full orchestral music, and the game is cracking too.
Hades, Hades, and Hades. I listen to that OST all the time it’s just so good. Also DOOM 2016
You’re the 2nd one who suggested Hades. Did you find it hard as a rougelike?
As far as roguelites go, no. There’s even an option you can toggle on to make it easier every run if you’re not there to git gud.
Oh that’s reassuring. Thank you!
I can also recommend FTL, Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2. Really good OSTs, I’m listening to all of them regularly. They’ve also got great gameplay! But they’re rogue-likes so basically no story in case that bothers you.
RoR 1 and 2 are my two most favorite OSTs. So unique and awesome.
Yeah, I think it’s also very impressive how they have different styles but are still very similar in some ways. Most noticeable with Arctic and Antarctic Oscillation.
And “The rain formerly known as purple”, “Coalescence” and “The raindrop that fell to the sky” are just soooo good. Could listen to them on repeat (and have done so (: )
Into The Doldrums makes its way randomly into my brain so often
Some older games:
Breath of Fire III
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Ys VI ark of napishtim
Donkey Kong country
Final Fantasy VI
DKC2 has one of the most beautifully-melancholic soundtracks of all time imo. I was enamored by it as a child, and as a young adult, realized how influential it was for me during the time in my life I made music myself. David Wise really is something else.
Secondly anyone who said FURI - that game is a masterpiece and the OST is so well tied into the fights it’s hard to separate them. Seriously, they gave the artists details on the bosses and their arena, fighting style and other notes and said make a song that fits
Then there are good amounts of based people here. I’ve seen FURI 2-3 times if I’m right.
- Katana ZERO
- Metal Gear Rising
- That one Maze sequence in Control
- Stellaris
- Deus Ex: HR and MD
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (Mick Gordon, same as Doom)
I’ve already played with Wolfenstein, but you got me there with Katana ZERO. Thank you for the list!