It’s crazy how the authour keeps shutting on the phone, being like “wow we’ve learned so much since then”, but physical keyboards were the fucking best.
Touchscreen keyboards are super error prone and you need to physically look at it as you type. It used to be the case that you could write and send messages without needing to look at your phone at all. Under your desk while you kept eye contact and a verbal discussion with your teacher and they wouldn’t even know.
You’re assuming the bulk of the interaction with your phone is producing content instead of consuming.
That’s an interesting perspective that I hadn’t considered.
I’m not big on doomscrolling, I don’t have Facebook or Instagram or Twitter… I MOSTLY use my phone for activities that involve dialogue. I’d never really considered that this maybe isn’t representative of broader behaviour.
Has this always been the case? Did the phone changes meet existing behaviour, or drive people to a fundamentally different behaviour?
Idk I can still type without looking at it as long as I take a quick glance when I first start typing. But it is easier with a physical keyboard for sure.
I can still type without looking as long as I can look
For one second, I’m sure most people would do this with a physical key word too. being pedantic about this is just dumb but thanks for the “lol” it added a lot to the conversation. Also you had to change my wording to make it work for you, fuck right off.
So many morons on this planet lol
Physical keyboards have markers on home row so you don’t need to look. They existed on the phone keyboards too.
The guy is right about being able to do things without looking. I remember using speed-dial to open a text conversation and send a message without ever looking at my phone. It was pretty great.
I’ll try to type without looking: this is me round without looking in a phone keyboards. Yeah, it just doesn’t work as well without knowing where exactly I’m pressing.
It would be hard to make a phone slim enough and handle a physical keyboard again, but it would be awesome. It would make writing code on mobile a possibility again. Today it’s too tedious.
Not bad this us me not l99king at the keyboard and just at what I’m typing on screen above and of course auro correct correcting a hunch of things as I go
Edit: Its better than I expected but still not great
Considering the fold and flip Samsungs are a thing you definitely can.
This is an extreme reaction
i was running the last keyed blackberry until android 9 became incompatible with some necessary apps.
I had practically no errors in my writing. Now on the touchscreeb i keep making constant mistakes even after half a year of being back on a touchscreen.
Fuck, a quarter of the time i have to repeat typing in my unlock code because it didnt recognize the jeystrokes properly.
They can break tho
I’m sure you know someone with a phone like this right now.
Physical keyboards can break much easier, also if you speak more than one language they are impractical.
I have broken way more screens than I have physical keyboards. I have found that when using the typical alphabet the keyboard was just fine for Tagalog and Spanish. I could see it being an issue if you spoke Ukrainian or something with a different set of characters.
Who else would love to see a phone similar to the G1 get released again? Modern specs, larger screen, but a similar housing design, just less clunky.
I’d love to see a modern Xperia Play phone with a sliding gamepad! I even considered buying a Surface Duo when it was released but gave up because well, Microsoft…
You can put linux on them
Turns out that was a good decision
The only phone I ever dared to write code on. It was a brave new world.
Give me a modern Nokia N900 form factor and I’ll buy it in a heartbeat. Better yet if it can dual boot Android and Linux.
This would make me as happy as a kid on a Christmas morning.
This looks perfect! A pitty the price with the currency conversion is kinda prohibitive, but the product is just perfect. I’ll take a hard look into it. Thanks a lot for the heads up!
I still miss my G1.
I, for one, will keep waiting for Android 18.
Krilin I think you’re in the wrong community
Krillin’s response: Hurry it up, you’re killing me here…
My god, the memes that will drop when Android 18 releases. Now that I think about it, I’m surprised I haven’t seen any for Android 13 or 14.
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Those buttons sucked though.
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Wow I feel old, when I was 11 a cell phone was bigger than a brick, literally.
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I still have a G1 in a drawer, every couple years I find it again and spend a few minutes flipping the screen open and shut. What a fun mechanism.
What happened to those doomsayers who claimed fragmentation will kill the ecosystem. And yet here we are.
The other side of fragmentation is making accessible a usable smartphone for those who might not otherwise have access.
I think the availability of Android does lead to more affordable devices.
-Sent from my LG
The G1….brings back memories 🥲
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If only they stuck with maemo…
I was in preschool when Android came out, crazy how far times gone.
Cool I feel ancient
Stop making me feel old, godamnit.
My first Android phone was a Samsung Galaxy S, and the main reason I picked it back then was that some apps, mainly Anki, were free on Android but you had to pay for them on iOS (even when both are from the same open-source project), and I thought it would be cool to be able to go through my flashcards during my commutes. Oh and you could remove the back cover and easily replace the battery on that one.
Mine was the HTC Dream. Had some issues with the radio, so it would just lose signal (without telling you) for hours.
I didn’t know anything about Android, but I heard you could flash a new radio. I followed some random guide, bricked the phone, and gave up on Android until the Nexus 4.
Yeah that was my first too. I remember that I found the S2 ridiculously large when it came out. Also I was super jelous for the build quality of the iPhone 4 which was released at the same time. Glad that these times are over.
Bring back Holo, cowards
god I miss my G1
Musk: “So you are telling me it can drive cars…”
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I miss my motorola that looked like r2d2
I think I returned mine and stuck with the HTC Dash for a year or two more until the software was better.