from the the-real-agenda dept

  • queermunist she/her
    4 months ago

    They’re going to overreach so hard during this Presidential term, holy shit. There’s also many unpopular things they’ve wanted to do for so long and now is their chance.

    I wonder what the breaking point will be.

    • Snot Flickerman
      4 months ago

      Breaking point?

      You have a lot more faith in Americans than I do.

      They’ll never fight back, they’re cowed by creature comforts and things will have to be absolutely bleak for everyone before they wake up.

      It will take millions starving. Like it always has in human history.

      • queermunist she/her
        114 months ago

        Taking away people’s porn does, in fact, mean taking away some of those creature comforts.

        And a lot of people are already pretty uncomfortable.

        • Snot Flickerman
          4 months ago

          As someone in poverty who has cancer in his forties, you don’t have to lecture me on how uncomfortable things can get in the USA.

          I just have never seen anyone in the USA actually care enough and angry young men will let go of the porn if they’re allowed to own and control women.

          • queermunist she/her
            4 months ago

            USAmericans burned down a police station last time Trump was president. People got pretty close last time.

            Every new little shitty thing only makes it inevitable.

            • Snot Flickerman
              4 months ago

              US Americans burned down a police station last time Trump was president

              So you’re saying that agent provacateur who started smashing the AutoZone windows, giving the cops opportunity to fuck with protestors more and clear out the street in front of said police station, was successful in his plan to make the situation worse?

              Because that was the admitted reason the umbrella guy in all black was there to begin with, and after they started the fire in the AutoZone, the police got way more violent and used the firefighters as a barricade. The “fire” and “looting” were absolutely used as pretexts for more violence against the citizens, which would lead the citizens to burn down the precinct. Literally a white supremacist kickstarted this shit with the aim of kicking off a “race war.”

              So, all that really proves is Americans are easily tricked by people who want the situation to get worse.

              I mean, we’ve had the TSA for how many years now and the 4th amendment against unreasonable search and seizure has been dead in the water for two decades. We’re cordoned off into “Free Speech Zones” miles from the actual event we’re protesting, but sure, Americans will get angry about all of it… eventually!

              Meanwhile the non-privacy respecting Bluesky which owes tons of money to *checks notes… Blockchain Capital has millions flock to it while saying “Mastodon is janky and too hard! I don’t want to have to learn things, I want a slick corporate product!” Americans love getting a corporate boot up their ass.

              • queermunist she/her
                4 months ago

                Do you think that the police need a pretext to become violent?

                I’m skeptical of all “outside agitator” narratives that seek to frame uprisings as illegitimate. The fact is, even if he encouraged other people to take direct action, the uprisings were the result of people choosing to take matters into their own hands after that. He didn’t start those fires.

                I don’t condone individualistic violence! It doesn’t help and just creates chaos. We should be organized and disciplined, not burning random shit down.

                But let’s not pretend the uprising was fake. The purpose of blaming him for all the other protesters taking their own direct action is so people like you are reassured that good USAmericans will never do anything drastic. That’s the actual function of this article.

                Things can only get so bad before we hit a breaking point. It will come. Have some revolutionary optimism.

                • Snot Flickerman
                  4 months ago

                  Look I’ve been angry as fuck and leftist since I was a teenager. I’ve had 40 fucking years of proof on my plate that Americans are cowed, uneducated, and don’t give a fuck.

                  No, police don’t need an extra pretext, but I’m saying that these people didn’t just do it, they were influenced by an outside party who wanted it to get chaotic. If they’re letting their emotional state get the better of them, that’s not organized and disciplined.

                  We should be organized and disciplined, not burning random shit down.

                  We both agree on that point. I’m arguing that most Americans are too toothelessly undereducated for that to work, because “organization” and “discipline” both require education which most Americans lack, and due to that they’re more likely to be influenced and directed by someone who wants it to get chaotic and bad. (Gee, I wonder if that’s how Trump became President twice?)

                  If the populace is too stupid to save itself, we’re done for. Because communism from the top-down doesn’t work, it will only ever work when organized from the bottom-up, and that requires so much more education of the general populace. There are no Lenins who will save us, we have to work together to save ourselves.

                  I’ve put in my time and effort politically with these undereducated cretins. I am tired, exhausted, really. I have more than enough evidence to trust that Americans will never stand up to tyranny and everyone who thinks they will is huffing massive amounts of copium.

          34 months ago

          You underestimate the Bible belt in the Midwest US. This is exactly what they want, and unfortunately, they are in charge in most of these areas. Why do you think Oklahoma and now Texas are putting bibles in schools. No one in high enough positions to push back.

    74 months ago

    After roe vs Wade and another 4 years of Republicans getting the chance to replace the old Republican appointees and maybe Sotomayor kicking the bucket, I wouldn’t be surprised if the SC did enable some future bans in the next couple of decades

  • Dem Bosain
    44 months ago

    I might sympathize with them more if they didn’t work just as hard protecting Republican sex-offenders.