• Codex
    4 months ago

    Running theory is that it relates to this book.

    I wonder also if the timing is related to it being open enrollment right now. For non-USians, you contract for health insurance for a year at a time, and are required by law to renew or buy different insurance every year. This period of renewal/purchase is “open enrollment”. For many, their employer provides a menu of 1 to a few options for plans to pick from. Or you can buy on the “open market,” but usually at worse rates than an employer can negotiate.

    Anyway, it’s a magical time of year when you realize how hard you’ve been getting fucked by the insurance companies, and “negotiate” how hard you’ll get reamed in the new year. It’s quite dehumanizing: trying to bargain and haggle with yourself over how much health you can afford, what you’ll give up so your kids can have dental coverage, whether you should “take the bet” on extra life insurance coverage, etc.

    Not a shock to me that right now is when someone would snap.