- cross-posted to:
- snoocalypse@lemmy.ml
Someone throw a padlock on that group to keep them in Reddit.
I’m all for freedom of speech, but I’m really irked by the lengths people go to just to be offensive.
r/conservative is also not a place for free speech. They ban people for asking questions.
I was banned for “promoting the party switch myth” when I pointed out that the Republican Party of the 1860s is not the same as the republican party of 2020.
It’s like an alternative horrifying universe in that subreddit. It kept popping up in my feed and I eventually blocked it but not after letting it ruin my mood way too many times lol. Made me lose faith in humanity…
You can get banned quoting trunp
Well, voat is gone (i think), but Saidit is Right there, mostly empty and waiting for them, hopefully they’ll go there and stay there. i actually saw people suggesting saidit to other people last week, so fingers crossed.
This is exactly what happened to DIGG* and what’s currently happening to twitter.
Conservatives get beaten down by the vast majority of users and get a chip on their shoulder. Then as the site starts to die and the users move elsewhere conservatives jump on the sinking ship and declare their the new captain. They start drilling holes in the sinking ship cause theres nkthing else to do, and eventually realize the echo chamber sucks and then move on to the other social networks that everyone else went to, and the process repeats.
I hope with federation that the cycle doesn’t repeat but we’ll see.
- DIGG made their big DIGG 4.0 change to overhaul the algorithm because it was being gamed and brigaded by members of conservative forums at the time. It just so happened they did it with a user interface overhaul. For a while, after most everyone moved to reddit, the top posts were mostly conservative stuff.
Makes sense. I caught a bit of late Slashdot then went RSS to news sources for a while, then Reddit. I didn’t have informed and fleshed out view of the political spectrum at that time to notice. Maybe I’ve gobbled up some shit that I had to undo later. This reminds me that I miss the Slashdot comment labels. A FOSS platform like Lemmy could be a place to experiment with it.
That’s what happened to me back in the day. Being young and naive, definitely picked up some things I had to undo and look back with cringe.
Then as the site starts to die and the users move elsewhere conservatives jump on the sinking ship and declare their the new captain. They start drilling holes in the sinking ship cause theres nkthing else to do,
This is a really clever metaphor. Someone with the skills needs to draw it in the style of a political cartoon from the 1910-20s.
(Also, I saw a great quote somewhere about how conservatives destroy things because they don’t have the capacity to build. Your “drilling holes” reminded me of that.)
They’re doing the same thing that Republicans in Congress are doing/proposing: gerrymandering and raising the voting age. Conservatism is at odds with democracy.
Boots ain’t gonna lick themselves…
maybe if you pull them up by the bootstraps gently…
I wonder, will it be actual shitposting or will it just be them dropping the mask and calling that shitposting
It’s gonna be this. You will see the most racist and hideous stuff. And when called out „muh free speech“.
I mean, I kind of appreciate the fact that the mods decided to do this, because they know very well how this’ll turn out. Letting such a rancid community out of leash while many of the wholesome communities are on a break is going to be a shitshow worth remembering, and just the kinda stuff that’s going to drop Reddit stock in the eyes of advertisers.
With corporate, appealing to morals or ethical conduct is usually pointless. Hitting their potential evaluation though…
Exactly. When this shitstorm gatherers enough strength someone will report about it. Since the jailbait debacle we know that Reddit doesn’t give a shit what happens on its site. They care when important sources from the outside talk about it.
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Like the goblins of Moria.
I guess that makes spez the balrog…or maybe the cave troll.
it’s definitely gonna be some schrödinger’s asshole type stuff
Always needing to be the contrarian, no matter the subject or how it may hurt them as well.
I don’t understand the mentality behind this. Is it just a case of “They’re doing a thing so we’ll do the opposite”? What exactly is the goal here?
undefined> “They’re doing a thing so we’ll do the opposite”
That’s their gameplan most of the time.
That’s pretty much been the entire conservative movement’s MO for 30 years now.
Reactionary contrarianism is basically the conservative’s signature move.
Opportunism - they just want to profit from the black out to push their own sub. As often, the conservative principles (or in this case rules) are not so important if you can gain any success by ignoring them.
I do, they’re fucking stupid
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
They don’t understand. So they’re going against the popular movement. Fear is a bitch 🗿
I don’t hate it. I’m sure some truly vile shit will get posted. Might be enough to get them banned off the site lol.
Again? The real nutballs went off to form patriots.win, after they hilariously lost their preferred domain name in an act of negligence (and/or ignorance.) I could see them pulling the same trick again, forming up a Lemmy node that no one else would federate with a 10’ pole.
Good god I’ll be cringing all week from this
I think they hope all the other opinions will go away and they’ll get their favorite thing, an echo chamber.
I see you’re not familiar with American conservatives. This is how they operate. They’re just not always so open.
Oh my, if they were really brave they would un-ban all the supposed liberals that ever slightly ruffled their feathers.
Its not like leftist subreddits never banned Slight opposed viewpoints from conservatives. Both sides are bad when it comes to censorship
In my experience while the amount of moderating done was comparable, the actual content that got removed was different.
In left spaces you would often see people with conservative opinions getting banned and deleted… After they started saying slurs or insulting people. Some people would argue that whether or not something is considered a slur or an insult is a difference in political opinion, but those kinds of things are already against the reddit site-wide rules so it’s moot.
In places like r/conservative, people would get banned for being aggressive and insulting people, but also for ever presenting an opinion that isn’t strictly in line with modern conservatism. The moderators of that subreddit used bans to remove any and all dissent no matter how severe or mild.
This is true to an extent, however from my experience, leftist subs are much more lenient on discourse if it isn’t blatantly abrasive or offensive or trolling.
I feel like there’s a difference between being banned for “this country was built by immigrants” or “racism and nazis are bad” and “vaccines are Satan’s poison” and “trans people need to be eradicated”.
That sub in particular is just notable for banning people for even mild “offenses”. I found a post from it on r/all and asked a comment for a source on a claim they made and got permabanned for it calling me a troll.
I worded it as "Damn, haven’t heard that. Where can I learn more? " and got banned for “concern trolling”
Sounds like you got banned because your perfect grammar gave away your political leanings.
Was it equal? I’ll take your word for it :-)
mUh BoTh SIdEs!!!11one!!
The difference is you get banned from the conservative subreddits for questioning them about trivial bullshit and from the liberal subreddits for denying people their existence.
That’s really only balanced truth if we’re comparing rank-and-file conservative subs with the most extreme alt-left subs that even most leftists avoided. If you gotta compare r/conservative to r/latestagecapitalism, that says everything.
The rest of the time, you got r/conservative banning people for “maybe Jews aren’t part of a conspiracy to kill everyone” comparing with r/liberals banning people for saying that they should be thrown out of a helecopter
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Typical conservatives. Everyone else is fighting for the greater good and they’ve opted to selfish children.
It’s so obvious that they are going for a traffic grab. The message is basically “post stuff that maximizes reach and doesn’t scare off randoms”. There are subs that decided to address the problem, subs that ignore the problem and then there is r/conservative who try to take advantage of the problem. So fitting.
Gotta admire their ingenuity in taking advantage of people.
Hey, you don’t see me complaining they stay there and don’t migrate to Lemmy. I’m pretty fine with that.
I realized that Lemmy being slightly more difficult to get started would mean that the user base will be smaller, but fewer low-effort people would make the switch, so it’s really a plus.
I disagree. Us more tech-savvy people will come across, sure. But most people aren’t. And they have hobbies and jobs too, and want a place to gather online for that.
I miss the woodworking and DIY subs on reddit, I hope some of them will migrate over
Same, but I figure I can check in once in a while on the few subreddits that I’m interested in. Some of the subreddits also have a presens on discord, so that could also be an option.
I managed to figure out Lemmy, and I’m not tech savvy at all.
Its not rocket surgery. It only seems complicated because it is new. Once you get past the sign up phase and figure out how to find Communities it is easy-peasy.
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You are in a very, very small minority there
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And that’s fine. They will find their place. I’ll take a smaller community of tech savvy and people willing to learn over a large community of toxic argumentative people. If you’re not willing to learn something new it can be a reflection on how well you’ll get along with other people. I don’t care if someone is religious or what their political beliefs are but I am not interested in reading about how trans people need to be executed or how women should not have rights. I don’t care to open my notifications and see some psycho’s message saying I’m not doing my duty and God will punish me for not being interested in having kids. Many of these people go out of their way to verbally assault and threaten, triggered by something as simple as gay people exosting. It’s exhausting. So I do hope that Lemmy doesn’t become reddit. I hope it filters the best of what we had at reddit regardless of where they’re from and who they are, I enjoy discussions and conversation and points of view. I don’t want to argue with someone who believes mixed race couples should be illegal.
I see this as an absolute win!
I agree 👍
Man I blocked all right wing subreddits the day I signed up, been so nice not having to ever see or think about them.
You’re welcome.
feel free to shit post starting tomorrow
It’s funny because they’re implying that the whole sub isn’t just shitposts to begin with.
They post shit, not shitposts. Conservatives add nothing to a conversation.
What?!? You don’t think a link to a youtube channel with a Roman bust as their avatar screeching about “muh collapse of western society” is a valuable contribution?!?
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The fascists ability to appropriate cool things makes be so sad and frustrated. I love history and Roman history in particular. They are so familiar as humans but at the same time alien in their views if society and the world. Makes it really fascinating.
nazis poison everything they touch
So a corporate douche CEO wants to screw over their own userbase in the name of money alone and they are 100% onboard with opposing the boycott/protest…
…but are perfectly fine harassing and threatening stock workers at Target over Pride Month displays, outright absurd-levels of “boycotting” because of a limited-edition can with Bud Light, and the whole Chick-Fil-A DEI hire?
it’s a cult. (always has been.)
Yes, perfectly on brand.
I don’t think it’s about morals…
They won’t leave a single boot unlicked
Yep. They’re scabs, crossing the virtual picket line.
It’s more like, compulsive contrarianism.
Oh yeah, everyone else is gonna STOP using reddit? Well we’re just gonna double down!
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Well, to be fair, Conservatives see an endgame to make Reddit conservative hell-hole and to re-appriate like Twitter. The opportunity for them to have the cover of legitimacy of an established brand while forcing their regressive politics. I have to give them credit – it’s a bold move and hopefully it won’t pay out
We deep throat the whole boot.
That’s how you get boot herpes…
Oh god, I shouldn’t have looked. Their idea of free speech is posting obvious propaganda and shitting on minorities. Classic
Free speech on r/conservative does not include dissent. Celebrate terribleness, or it’s the ban-hammer.
Tbf, maybe a shitstorm of racist rants will make advertisers pull their ads, and start a bunch of bad press.
Maybe /r/conservative were playing 4D chess all along.
Or they’ll start a prayer circle in hopes that a benevolent billionaire will buy it and remove the site wide rules so they can really wallow in their own filth. Which is more likely considering their version of 4D chess is flipping the board and making claims of actually being the winner.
They’ll just get the subreddit banned. I highly doubt Reddit admins want to bother fixing smaller subreddits when most people use the bigger subs.
free hate speech
5D Chess to get the community permanently closed lol
For a brief period of time I was on a place on Reddit where new users could get help finding their way around the site.
Someone shows up there and says, “I’m not sure why I’m even on this libt++d communist site, nobody here will respect the way any good conservative American thinks.”
I’m thinking, OK, snowflake, don’t melt so hard from being a victim, but I responded with, “You might try /r/Conservative, and I can ask their moderators if they have any other suggestions.”
I did so: I sent the moderators of /r/Conservative a message explaining what I was looking for and asking for any advice they might have for this new user. The response I got back was, “LOL, F+++ off.”
Lovely, lovely people there.
(100% that good conservative American was on the libt++d communist site for the free porn.)
Yeah I tried a few good faith attempts there. People would post asking why there was “no evidence of x” or why “this has never happened” or why “liberals are too afraid to answer y”. So I’d link a news article, or a summary of the argument they were asking about.
I think I ended up getting 6 different accounts banned before I gave up.
edit: Also kind of funny how often they’d brag about never banning anyone, while being one of the most ban-happy subs on the platform.
I got banned because I called healthcare, daycare, education, and paternity leave “pro-life” measures.
Granted, I didn’t belong there, but I tried to regularly converse in good faith… which they never really deserved anyway.
I’m impressed that you managed to find 6 posts that weren’t “flared users only.”
I had something similar happen to me in r/republican. Pre-Trump, it actually wasn’t a bad subreddit. You could have relatively civil discussions in there. I often used it to see and ask how Republicans/Conservatives thought about various things. I always tried to be respectful, understanding that that the wasn’t “my sub.” I flaired myself with a ‘D’ or something so it’d be obvious that I wasn’t hiding and trolling. Had some OK discussions in there the few times I’d dare to chime in.
But it changed once Trump started running. I once was having a civil discussion with a user, trying to understand their take, and ended up linking to an article from a large, mainstream publication, to show what I was talking about.
I was banned with no comment. When I politely asked mods what I did wrong and if I could be unbanned if I promised to not do whatever I did again, I got the message: “Don’t link liberal sources.” And it wasn’t a liberal source! Just something not from Fox or wherever. From then on, I could lurk, but I could never comment.
And the mods got crazier. I’d see that they’d remove comments and ban anyone, even Republicans, who spoke out against Trump. At that point, there was no reason to go there anymore.
Oh, yeah. The subs that claim they never ban are the ones with the biggest ban hammers.
There used to be some really icky subreddit dedicated to… basically being a bunghole. “Public Health Watch”, I think. It was anti-LGBTQ+, anti-women, anti-just about everything. Everything was a threat to these poor little pseudo-incels (they couldn’t even be incels right). I forget how I stumbled on it, but one day one of them posted a link to a study that “proved” something about women and their sexuality and how it damaged men and I don’t remember clearly, but their conclusion was so stupid. So I read the damn study and it explicitly said the exact opposite of what they said. I replied with whole paragraphs from the study showing that the study said disagreed with what that post claimed. I was banned within minutes.
On the one hand, I kinda get it: I regularly deal with pseudoscientists who cherry pick through studies to find one or two sentences that agrees with them, instead of what the study actually says, and claim I’m “interpreting” the study wrong. On the other hand, when you’re the cherry-picker, you don’t get to be angry when someone else reads the rest of the words and finds out you’re the dimwit.