Every time I see a meme like this, I freak out a little bit because I wonder if it’s happening soon
I’ve been an adult through 20+ changes of the clock, and I still will not know when it’s time to change them until 3 days before
3 days before?
If anything I notice the wrong time on my oven.Found the guy without kids. Each switch is hell for 3-7 days, regardless of age. I like to know it’s coming way ahead of time so I can start adjusting their schedules to limit the damage.
This guy kids.
I hate daylight savings even more since I have kids.
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TIL Austrialia has their own weird daylight savings time
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Perhaps the only good thing about living in Arizona is that I don’t have to deal with daylight savings time. We have too much daylight here as it is
20+ time changes just accounts for the last 10+ years (assuming you live in an area with DST)
And I’m 28, the math maths
Goddamnit , I thought the US Congress got rid of daylight savings time, but as always, it looks to have does in the house.
IIRC there are only 2 states that don’t abide by Daylight Saving Time: Arizona & Hawaii
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Daylight Savings is bad and its defenders should feel bad.
I wouldn’t mind moving forward an hour permanently, but first light at 3 AM with a 4:30 sunrise fucking blows. I’d much rather have it be light until 9 than 8, and I suspect way more people are still awake until 9 than those who get up around 4.
Western Australia has successfully defended itself against the restern Australia and their demonic timewizardry
To be fair: If you live in the south, it doesn’t make much sense, but if you live a bit further north it’s the difference between getting up when the sun is a a reasonable place, or getting up in the middle of the night (winter) or the middle of the day (summer). I want it to be light out when I’m awake, not when it’s sleeping time.
Turns out it’s easier to adjust the clock than to say “work starts at 9 in the winter and at 8 in the summer”
I don’t want it to be dark so early. Living in the north, even with the extra morning hour in winter I still have to wake up in darkness. What’s the use of it?
Yea leaving work with the sun halfway down suuuuuuuuuuuuucks
me returning from work in the dark after spending all afternoon under cold white artificial lighting, and no dst:
Let’s just flip a coin. Heads we stick with summer time, tails we stick with standard. In 2026 it goes live. Gives everyone 2 years to update what they need. Humans will adapt.
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Sure, I’m down. My point is, there’s really no point to over-analyse it. Choose one, flip a coin, hold a referendum, I really don’t care as long as we stop having these pointless changes twice a year.
There just always seems to be an excuse and then it goes into an argument of standard over summer. It really doesn’t matter. It’s impossible to please all and cover every single use-case. Humans will adapt.
I know I might be crazy for saying this, but I prefer midnight to be at 00:00, not 01:00.
Unless you live on one of the 24 astronomical borders between timezones it’s neither anyway
alarm goes off
me staring at the numbers
“I’ve forgotten how to read.”
Did daylight savings just start somewhere in the world or is this meme completely out of season?
Australia 😌
Yeah, this shit needs to stop.
Just push the whole world time 30mins into the past/future and abolish it completely. No need for that stupid shit.
No. Just leave it at the current summer setting.
Meanwhile, I have to take Vitamin D supplements during winter because I’m up in the dark, working inside during the sunlight hours, and knock off just in time for the sun to disappear and take the dog for a run on a sport field under flood lights.
But let’s save an hour of sunlight in summer months so dinner can feel like second lunch and we have to block out the windows to start feeling sleepy in the evening to prepare for bed.
Fuck the circadium rythm! /s
because I’m up in the dark, working inside during the sunlight hours, and knock off just in time for the sun to disappear and take the dog for a run on a sport field under flood lights.
That’s the current pattern with changing the time back for the winter to try to get people more light. Daylight at the (eg) NYC latitude at the solstice is about 7 to 4:30, so most people get up with or before the sun, then leave work after it sets. Unless you’re proposing we shift back 2 hours, permanent summer clocks would only change that people would see the sun as they leave work rather than when they go to it.
Either way people with seasonal affective disorder still wouldn’t get enough sun.
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There are a bunch of US states that already have trigger laws ready for when the federal government does away with DST. I personally cannot wait for that change.
Instead of springing forward, let’s just keep falling back every year. Eventually it’ll work out.
It’s Limmy on Lemmy!
We would all be better off if each respective time zone re-aligned with each region’s respective mean solar time. The entire state of Michigan should be on Chicago winter time (UTC-6) year-round.
My room is still messed up, and I know why! Yea-yeah!