Bobby Kotick acting like a giant piece of shit? I’m shocked.
It’s so mindbending to see people that nerdanwere yelling about on the Internet about drm and micro transactions literally protect rapists and abusers. Like, we tried warning everyone.
Even if it was, is higher union membershop so bad? If you treat your employees right you should have nothing to fear from unions
But he doesn’t want to treat them right!
if only that were true
Great news!
I mean, unions famously are antagonistic to businesses regardless of worker treatment. I am in favor of unions usually but they often end up needing to justify their existence by continually pushing for more and more OR are pawns of the company anyway. Irrelevant to this post, but either way they are simply redistributing imperial wealth
It’s true outside of police unions
police unions suck so bad because they are doing exactly what unions do: pushing for more rights and benefits for the works (who happen to be cops!)
didn’t a woman literally kill herself over the sexual harassment? and the bill Cosby room??? that seems difficult to fake and surely would have been disproved if it was???
Bobby should be introduced to Luigi
Luigi should only be introduced to people whose decisions actually make a difference. Kotick is a cunt, but the decisions he makes aren’t the difference between life and death. He deserves a good smack to the head, but not death.
Someone committed suicide under his watch
Just fuck off already, Bobby.
Another rich person asking for Luigi.
Ok. Well I say that I don’t believe him.
How about that, Mr. Fung?
Just how far up his own ass is this guy?
All the way.
Genuinely evil creature
Your gamepass subscription put ungodly amounts of money on Kotic’s pocket. MS did nothing but layoff the employees to clean house after. It’s on you, and the outlets that peddle gamepass and take advertising money from Acti/MS. You don’t get to play innocent, especially eurogamer who shills egregiously for the highest bidder.
I mean, I agree that EuroGamer plays shill to the highest bidder, but to say that people paying for Xbox GamePass directly paid Kotick is pretty disingenuous. Yes, it went into the same money pool that Microsoft used to fulfill Koticks contractual agreement to get him to leave, so did all of their other revenue.
I could just as easily say that your grandmother’s Office 365 subscription money, or the money I spent on a new PC that came preinstalled with an OEM Windows 7 key, all went into that payment. At the end of the day, blaming the consumer can only take you so far, but in this instance it is too many levels removed from direct consumer payment.