At this point it seems that Blizzard can’t decide what it wants to do with Overwatch. It seems kind of baffling how they’ve handled what is basically a live service cash cow.
I still don’t understand why the community has been so tolerant of blizz forcing a sequel so they can directly charge money for skins.
OW2 came with some genuinely good gameplay changes (depending on who you ask. The topic of 5v5 is contentious at best.) that made the game feel legitimately fresh. Could it have been a “2.0” patch/expansion instead of being presented as a sequel? Probably. But skins are optional as always because the real meat of the game was the gameplay since the start.
Feels worth noting that the Pve was always planned on being a paid module for Ow2, but now it looks like they’re making us pay per mission which is just absurdly greedy, Holy fuck.
Feels worth noting that the PvE was always planned on being a paid module, but now they’re making us pay per mission instead of just buying a campaign which is absolutely ridiculous.
Before long you’ll pay per kill, and then per shot. “It costs $400,000 to fire this gun for 12 seconds” will come true in the wrong game.
This game is dead. Very sad because OW1 prime was one of the best gaming experiences I had
I’d love to get OW1 back. It was better in every single way.
lmao, eat my ass blizzard
This was a fantastic game several years ago, it’s a shame what they did to it.
Biggest rug-pull in gaming history
So wait did they or did they not cancel the PvE, because the Xbox showcase made it seem like there was more PvE but it smelled of desperation.
PvE wasn’t canceled, what was cancelled was unique talent trees for each hero and whatever “hero missions” was. What we’re getting is (what appears to be) episodic story content with scripted events and cinematics.
I think Blizz is still doing PvE in a similar vein as OW1’s PvE events but utilizing some of what they worked on, but there won’t be a full-fledged story mode for PvE anymore.
It’s really not clear what exactly they canceled, since they never announced much to begin with. I think they just scrapped the talent trees?
Every day news of this game comes out I thank God that I stopped playing when OW2 came out.
The idea of charging for PvE missions sounds bad on the surface (especially given the attitude surrounding Overwatch 2 at the moment) but honestly I think this sounds totally fine. I mean it’s basically like a paid expansion, which is a rare thing nowadays in the age of live service games. Personally I like the idea of paying a finite amount of money for a finite amount of content. The only question is whether these three missions are actually fun and replayable enough to be worth $15.
Sure, charging a reasonable price for additional content is fine. This has been happening for decades as expansions.
This feels particularly odd because Overwatch previously had events (Summer, Halloween, etc) where they released PvE content for free and the community loved it. I played a fair bit of Junkenstein and Lucio ball, it was exciting when it happened for a limited time.
I hope the missions have enough content to warrant the $15 USD price. OW2 disappointed me and it feels like every news article continues that trend.
The only reason I would go back and play overwatch 1 every once in a while was for the free pve events. I’d then get sucked into pvp again for a bit, spend some money without thinking, and then leave again. If they start charging for pve events I won’t be tempted back into that loop.
“The blog post does note that you’ll have permanent access to the Overwatch 2: Invasion story missions…”
Yeah, after I bought Overwatch and can’t access it at all I have little trust for dropping more money on anything Overwatch 2.
The blog post doesn’t actually make it that clear if they’re charging to play the PvE (optimistic I know).
Permanent access to the Overwatch 2: Invasion Story Missions
But given it’s Overwatch, the bad press has already started and will no doubt spread like wildfire. They only have themselves to blame so w/e.