The renowned German classical violinist Christian Tetzlaff was blunt in explaining why he and his quartet have cancelled a summer tour of the US.

“There seems to be a quietness or denial about what’s going on,” Tetzlaff said, describing his horror at the authoritarian polices of Donald Trump and the response of US elites to the country’s growing democratic crisis.

“I feel utter anger. I cannot go on with this feeling inside. I cannot just go and play a tour of beautiful concerts.”

Tetzlaff is not alone in acting on his disquiet. A growing international move to boycott the US is spreading from Scandinavia to Canada to the UK and beyond as consumers turn against US goods.

    117 days ago

    Same people who were fine with anti-BDS laws are now boycotting 🤣🤣. Libshits can rot and die

      222 hours ago

      fr… “bUy EuRopEaN” they say…

      wait till they find out where most of the money that is handed over to their favorite European name brand go to… Oh wait, when they do bother to find out (unlikely), the best reaction they can muster is in the loose form of “Oh no! Anyway…”

  • 小莱卡
    37 days ago

    Trump flicked a switch and all the imperial core countries revealed their chauvinism.

  • 🇨🇦 tunetardis
    87 days ago

    In Sweden, about 40,000 users have joined a Facebook group calling for a boycott of US companies – ironically including Facebook itself – which features alternatives to US consumer products.

    The Made In Canada Facebook group now has 1.2 million users, which is pretty insane considering the population of the whole country is 41 million.

  • ☭ Blursty ☭
    67 days ago

    “I can excuse genocide but I draw the line at being rude to a Nazi collaborating puppet dictator!”.

    Fuck these people. Too little, too late.