Based on his own words, Trump is transgender.
If he isn’t, his combover is for sure.
We do secretly run this country. We’re putting testosterone and estrogen in the water supply.
Gotta turn those frogs gay.
Just to ask but… both at the same water supply?
Gotta get everyone.
I know you’re joking, but I intend to keep voting hard to put transgender people in every office I can until this bullshit stops.
I’ve encountered phobic senators and drag queens volunteering at my local library, and I know who I trust around my children!
(And in case it’s not 100% obvious, yes, I trust the people I see volunteering at the library over the people squabbling like children in Congress.)
We’re putting estradiol and testosterone in Congress. :D
They need to stop arguing and get married
Do they not cancel each other out at that point?
Hey, I’m not an endocrinologist, I’m just a henchwoman. I transgend what Big Transgender wants me to transgend.
It’s like some people have never heard of The Transagena before…
They merge to form testostrogen, the superhormone that turns frogs gary
Oh my god not gary!
you didn’t think garys were naturally occurring did you
I know exactly one trans person in real life. They are a super small minority of people. If trans issues dominate your life, then you are either a trans person, or a demented fucking lunatic who is obsessed with trans people.
Not that trans hate/hysteria isn’t a very real thing, but in addition to being its own thing, it also serves as a cover for gay hate. Because it’s briefly become socially unacceptable to go after homosexuals. But they still fucking hate them. So “trans” becomes a sort of proxy or dog whistle. Sure as fuck, gay marriage is going to be an issue before the end of the year.
Oh they are already going after Obergfell. Trans hate was always a proxy for gay hate. Just like the whole drag queen story hour thing. They are all Trojan horses to remove the rights of anyone who isn’t a straight white Christian male.
@Doctor_Satan @jerkface It’s sad that I actually recognize this shitbag, from prior stories about him. He’s a crazy mofo. He even LOOKS like a crazy mofo.
Same. They were one of the coolest and nicest people I know. I just want them to be happy.
I think conservatives also confuse transgenders with drag queens too
Most definitely.
Abolish Gender! No more gender! Mankind was never meant to enjoy diversity, much less define it within themselves. We are commodities. Human capital. We exist to be consumed. Why are these disgusting freaks and perverts coming in here and trying to treat people as autonomous, self-defined, agents of our own sociological change? Why do we keep treating people as more than cogs in a machine?!
Get in the box and do the work. Make me the money. Stop self-actualizing! Stop pursuing self-improvement! Stop inventing your own identities and cultures! STOP HAVING GENDER!
The important thing is that we all should have to be submitted to degrading invasive sex organ checks at the airport. It’s only reasonable that the government know exactly which bits we have and how we use them. (This is sarcasm.)
I’m just gonna need to check ya asshole
Oh shit was I supposed to keep that? Mine is in a jar 4 cities over
(This is sarcasm.)
Deeply depressing to know this is necessary.
I created a constructed language for my fictional world that is gender less.
I want to re-read Endymion again.
And whose fault is it for defining everyone’s sex as being at time of conception?
Preach, sister
In reality, he’s failing to grasp that gender is a spectrum and anything that isn’t 100% one gender or the other scares him.
According to him, the spectrum is also transgender and hence must be supressed
“Are the transgenders in the room with you now, sir?” Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin asked the most orange man in the world, President Krasnov in the oval office.
Krasnov declared, “Everything is transgender. Everybody is transgender. That is all you hear about and that is why we won the election in record numbers. Also they are hurting women very badly.”
Micheál Martin leaned back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. “So what you’re saying is… the transgenders are here. Right now. With us.”
Krasnov hesitated. His eyes darted around the Oval Office—the grand curtains, the gold-trimmed Resolute Desk, the bust of Churchill watching them in silent judgment. He exhaled sharply. “I’m saying they’re everywhere. The media. The schools. The military. Even… even here, perhaps.”
A tense silence settled over the room full of reporters.
Krasnov, tiny hands splayed, nodded sagely. “I see you’re doubtful but it’s true. I’ve been saying it for years. People didn’t believe me. They laughed. But now? Look at what’s happening. Look at the numbers, folks. We won the election in record numbers because the American people know. They know the truth.”
Martin tapped his fingers against the armrest. “And what truth is that, Mister President?”
Krasnov leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper. “That everything is transgender now. It’s in the air, the water. You drink a Diet Coke? Boom—transgender. You turn on your microwave? Guess what? Transgender. You use a self-checkout at Walmart? Folks, I hate to say it… but that machine is gender non-conforming at best.”
Martin sighed, “Sir, we should speak on the economy and the tariffs you’ve placed on Ireland! Fiddle dee dee, potatoes!”
Trump waved him off. “The economy is fine. Best economy in history, actually. But you know what’s not fine? The radical gender agenda. The woke mind virus. We have to stop it, and we will. Believe me, we will.”
Martin let out a slow breath. “And how, exactly, do you plan to do that?”
POTUS smiled. “We are going to have the greatest, most incredible ban you’ve ever seen. A total and complete shutdown of transgender until we figure out what the hell is going on.”
The Irish Prime Minister cleared his throat. “Sir, respectfully, I don’t think that’s how gender works.”
Krasnov frowned. “Martin, you know, I thought you were on our side. People said you were strong on this issue. But now? I’m not so sure. Frankly, some people are saying you might be transgender. Not me, of course—I would never say that. But people are saying it. A lot of people. Yuge numbers.”
Martin’s face turned red. “Mr. President, I am not—”
Just then, the lights flickered. The air in the room grew unnaturally cold. The American flag in the corner shuddered as if caught in an invisible breeze.
Martin sat up straighter. “Did you feel that?”
Krasnov swallowed. “Yes. They’re here.”
A voice echoed from nowhere and everywhere at once.
“We have always been here.”
The two men froze.
And then, the room went dark. All that could be heard were screams and the clickety-clacking of pills in plastic bottles.
i fucking hate him so much
When you start to accuse baseless assumptions constantly, you start to see everything as what you accuse, aka Paranoia
Thats how science works old man