A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must never make a management decision.
An AI fuckup is a management fuckup, and it’s becoming increasingly important that everyone remembers that.
They love AI because it gives them something to blame when people notice their underhanded evil actions. “I’m not a racist piece of shit - it’s just a programming glitch.”
The AI that we trained on racism is racist? Clearly it’s the AI’s fault, we’re totally innocent!
And stuff like this:Loops video
Interesting. Doesn’t airbnb employ the same tactic? Automatically changing pricing based on demand - would that be considered algorithmic collusion too?
But are they putting the content back? I’m guessing their answer would be that it’s too hard to do…
You know, they blame AI but it’s just a fucking 20 year old intern using Ctrl find and replace. I have literally been that person before, although not such that my indifference to my job involves nuclear secrets and a whole nations SSNs.
Maybe AI stands for “an intern”.
Why is your ai racist then? that shit had nothing to do with dei
We should definitely use that same AI to teach our kids!
The racist ai we made is racist.
If it was anyone but the current administration, I would almost believe it.
Honestly not even completely unbelievable.
Isn’t the whole DOGE thing to remove people and replace them with AI or something? Isn’t this kind of a bad endorsement?
This honestly makes me feel a lot better. If the second Trump admin is anything like the first it’ll only kill a million Americans with a middling response to a pandemic disease while it fumbles around incompletely and issues a bunch of offensive pronouncements. I’m serious, things could be worse.