I love this because more people will comment. A majority of my time on Reddit was reading through comments and hearing all of people’s interesting takes and learning random information. The daily increase is fun to watch especially since I’m not the one maintaining the servers!
totally agree. I’ve been trying to engage more myself to encourage others to do the same
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This is probably just the first big wave. The biggest will be when the apps themselves actually shut down - fence sitters will then have to make a choice to download the official app or try an alternative and I think a lot of people will be curious to see if the grass is greener.
The grass is always greener where one side has grass and the other side is a desolate nuclear wasteland created by the incompetence of the land owner.
I’ve noticed that Lemmy is getting more and more usable as more users join and add more content.
Um, I am desperate for them to fix their main page algorithm. I browse Lemmy cause fuck Reddit, but the main page is mostly useless.
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New is good
New is only good in small communities. A feed with, I’m guessing, 10,000+ users, it’s a challenge to read titles before new posts causes them to scroll off the screen.
For me it was the total fuckery of the reddit owners. I quit twitter. I’ve put zuckbook on read only. I can do without reddit too. The internet needs to be de-oligarched.
Hear Hear!
I’m sick of the internet being only 5 websites!
The jump is caused by Spez being a twat.
I was one of the ~80k new accounts made on that day. I haven’t fully left reddit yet, due to morbid curiosity. I’ve left several subreddits because of the rampant unchecked hostility in the comments. Even today I left the DreamlightValley sub (a disney game!!) because there’s some really strange mod behaviour going on there.
Reddit is turning into a massive internet trash fire and I just can’t look away 🫣
I haven’t “left” Reddit yet, but I also have been avoiding the site as much as possible. If they’re going to be a terrible site, the least I can do is try to avoid going on and making them money from ads.
Or at least only doing so at home where I have my PiHole box to remove them.
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Wow, that bad, eh? Haven’t been there for a month now. Just bot accounts everywhere?
/u/spez brought us here.
Thanks spez!
Think he has an account here to check it out? I hope he does and sees this: Fuck. You.
In another way: “Thank you and fuck you /u/spez, I hope your IPO crashes and burns.”
I really hope Lemmy becomes a Reddit alternative. It really has so much potential. I wanna stay here.
I have signed up to so many communities on here with the hope that once Lemmy gets bigger, I can leave the ones I don’t actually want to be involved in. I also posted my first-ever meme. Let’s contribute to make this a reddit alternative!
Seems like reddit just fresher. Not clogged up with all the bullshit. Also I feel like I’m on the ground level of a reddit competitor that seems to be protected from corporate bullshit.
It’s snowballing. A few friends tell a few friends, and so on, and so on, and so on…
spez’s continued jackassery. I made the switch about 24h ago.
The post by the Apollo creator was the final nail for me. It really laid everything out there pretty well. Let it go be Tumblr somewhere
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Honestly, I’m excited! We are potentially the early comers to get the ball rolling if/when a huge number joins. We are the early people (not to discount those who came before everyone coming from reddit originally) that can help out and grow the communities
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Wow, holy shit. Servers must be getting slammed with requests. Good thing there’s lots of instances to spread the burden.
I’ve been thinking about joining for the last few weeks. The reason I did today was because the developer of my favorite app (sync) announced they would be releasing a lemmy version
Everyone figuring out /u/spez is full of shit
No idea myself but we have to remember that not all the users that come try this will stay, so I anticipate once the Reddit nonsense blows over the community will shrink a bit. I am going to stay, but I was “lemmy curious” before the reddit business.
Most likely it’s because of Reddi’s bots, targeting all the other good options and making content pro-staying
What do you mean?
Someone made a great site for people coming from Reddit to find communitie they were a part of. https://sub.rehab/