Clown company doing clown things.
To be fair, I’m not aware of any fediverse instances or other reddit alternatives that even have an appeals process. Reddit might be throwing away its best features, but it is a feature its competitors don’t even have yet.
On the Fediverse, you can go to a different instance.
And get re-banned if you post on the first instance from the remote. You can still be kicked out of communities because of misunderstandings and power tripping admins.
Every online community I’ve ever seen has it’s fieflords.
At least with lemmy, if mods / admins regularly over-step, alternative communities can easily replace them.
That was possible on Reddit too. Every single sub with overbearing mods could have been replaced at any time with an alternative. A bunch of alternatives tried to get off the ground, some succeeded more than others, but most never overcame the original, if they ever picked up at all.
It’ll be the same way here. If the community doesn’t leave the original home because they’re “settled there”, alternatives will not grow.
This entire migration from Reddit should make it it very, very plain how utterly impossible it is to get large groups of users to move. Reddit is all but whipping them with jumper cables right now and they’re still using it.
You can’t just expect communities to move because the admins suck. You have to actually attract them there.
That was possible on Reddit too
Not really. Reddit is a single platform, you get the same overbearing comment-editing admins, with the same tunnel-vision automod tools and black-hole recurse process no matter what new sub you make.
Moving people off a platform is the hardest part, they need to learn new tools an ways of doing things… and TL;DR you lost them.
On lemmy and the fediverse, leaving unwelcoming mods/admins behind is as easy as going to another instance, no need to change the ways of using it. Still need to attract that community, but it’s orders of magnitude easier on a federated platform.
A good point well made.
Yeah, I haven’t used Lemmy in a month because this site is more transphobic than Reddit. I’ll be here more now that Reddit isn’t an option, but it’s not like I think this place is good either. Lemmy needs to step up its game.
I haven’t used Lemmy in a month because this site is more transphobic than Reddit.
Well that’s very disappointing if true. Could you give an example?
Btw, just to be clear-- Lemmy isn’t “one site,” so you’re likely to get a wide range of reactions depending on issue/cause where you happen to be (communities, instances).
You are probably on a transphobic instance. Try to go on an LGBTQ+ instance, there are a lot of them. Example:
deleted by creator
Why would you go back to a community you don’t agree with? There is a reason there are like 20+ “cats” communities on so many different instances; you can pick a different one, or start one yourself (and be the mod you want), or even a whole instance (and be the admin you want).
Sometimes some of the users are nice and you want to hang with them. Sometimes it’s just a misunderstanding. Sometimes you have a political motivation and are motivated not by self-interest to hang with cool people, but by a moral duty to make the world a better place
Create a community and invite over the nice users? If it’s just a misunderstanding, try talking it out with the mods? If you have a political motivation… sorry, can’t help you there, most online forums are not the place to run a campaign that doesn’t align with the nod’s views, there is no free speech protection on non-government property.
deleted by creator has an appeals matrix channel 😁
Hey db0, love your instance
Yeah, but that doesn’t matter when the rules of dbzer0 prohibit prosocial behaviour. It’s against the instance rules to insult someone for being a nazi.
Removed by mod
Hang on, you think dbzer0 is Ableist, I really don’t see how since he basically just explained that the rules aren’t black and white and that it’s a case by case basis. Nor how the users or dbzer0 itself is fascist by your opinion.
I like to give people a chance but you must understand this seems very baity and kind of like trolling.Yeah I’m 100% certain you are a troll who provides very little value to this platform.
Lol this is the person who was trying to argue the other day that narcissism was a disability that should provoke sympathy, rather than a negative trait that should be called out and worked on. So according to that logic, we should we feel sorry Donald Trump because of his narcissism now and not despise him, to use a topical example. I guess it’s subjective but I’d call that sort of argument a form of gaslighting. Like they’re saying, it’s not the narcissists who are the problem, it’s the people who don’t understand the narcissists who are the problem. Keep yelling into the wind buddy.
I made a meme about that thread and posted it to !autism. Many autistic people agreed that dbzer0’s behaviour is a common problem faced by autistic people.
Honestly, I don’t think a message board has to have one. If a mod is powertripping, then why would you want to be a part of the community? If they’re not, then you’re probably not a good fit for the community and the mod doesn’t have to deal with trolls and angry back-and-forth’s.
That isn’t to say what Reddit did isn’t wrong. They established that system and they have a culture of appeals. Suddenly removing that isn’t really fair from a “social contract” or whatever perspective.
Honestly, I don’t think a message board has to have one. If a mod is powertripping, then why would you want to be a part of the community?
Example: To make sure nonsensical posts, for example from tankies, get countered.
If they’re not, then you’re probably not a good fit for the community
Same example: I an not supposed to disrupt their little get-together-with-bullshit.
To make sure nonsensical posts, for example from tankies, get countered.
Why are any of us entitled to that though? If they don’t want us around then they can show us the door. To use (at least to me) a better example: why should LGBT communities have to allow people to debate them on whether or not it’s a choice? If they don’t want to, they shouldn’t have to. They may just want a corner to be together and chat.
We aren’t entitled to a debate if people don’t want to participate you know?
For one thing this is why echo chambers are dangerous. They have real world implications. For another though, there’s a difference between a debate and downright trolling or inciting behavior regardless of topic. Conflating the two is kind of disingenuous.
And if you don’t want to debate you don’t put that information on a public forum because debate is literally a baked in feature of public forums. That part of the reason they exist. You’re putting something out into public. It doesn’t just belong to you anymore/doesn’t just affect you anymore. That’s literally the basis for a lot of civil rights laws and why you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater.
You can’t just say a stereotype or something racist in public. What should in theory be happening is people of the LGBTQ should have the same protections under the law (anti-discrimination) as other protected groups get.
If the community is founded on that as a rule (no discrimination) and the comment is in violation that’s one thing. Ban people. Do what you need to to follow the rules, enforce the rule, and protect the community. But at the same time discourse in a community isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Do you not want nonsensical posts on your LGBTQ communities about “gay frog water” or whatever to face discourse? Do you not want people in the community to counter anyone bold enough to claim that as fact?
Conflating the two is kind of disingenuous.
I’m not conflating so much as saying the line between them can be incredibly thin and hard to find. Additionally, some people are ignorant/hard headed/saying horrible things but they’re also completely unaware of the issue so where do you say “that’s enough”? Some people also hide behind rules and weaponize speech so they can use it as cudgel to cause issues in a community. It is exhausting dealing with these people sometimes and some communities just don’t want to, which I think is their prerogative!
I get why my stance is getting pushback. I just think ultimately it’s up to a community how much they want to deal with friction. Some people don’t. That’s fine!
Communities can be built to be insular and require things of their members that would allow for what you seem to want but that involves a time investment to vet users and essentially make the community read only for people who aren’t members. That comes with a whole host of other problems but it is doable.
Protest is a fundamental part of a functioning government, a functioning society, and a functioning community. I’ve been a mod on queer forums, and I always gave people a way to argue their case so long as they were engaging in respectful debate. I would tell people the boundaries and make sure they followed them. For example, if someone wants to say I’m not really nonbinary, I’ll argue the point with them because it’s my duty as a community leader, but I will establish they must gender me correctly and not use slurs for the duration of the debate, even if they disagree. They’re welcome to make their disagreement while respecting me, and usually they couldn’t manage that balance and I banned them. They would run out of patience before I did. It is absolutely essential that community moderators have an abundance of patience.
But not everyone wants to mod that community and not every community wants that debate to be happening. I am very grateful for your work and I have run communities that encourage discussion as well, but it’s not really a moral imperative or legal requirement or anything. Every community has its own culture, tone, rules, expectations, etc.
Again, I think it’s great that you run a community that operates like that and I think those discussions are very important and good for our society. Thank you for doing it, truly. But not every single Internet community has to allow extensive debate.
You and I have very different ideas about the moral responsibilities of people in authority. I think it’s essential that leaders be held to a higher standard in all cases.
It doesn’t have to have a fair appeals policy, but an instance that has an appeals policy is one that you would probably want to join more. So an instance should have a fair appeals policy, because that’s what the users who use the instance want - assuming the instance wants users.
As for what reddit did, there’s a lot of pulling the rug out that you’re casually ignoring. Reddit is what it is because of the users that contributed to it. In spite of Huffman talking about “their dataset”, they don’t actually own the data - it belongs to the users, reddit merely has a license.
Now, reddit is trying to change the rules - as a user, you’re no longer in charge of the subreddit you created and became moderator of anymore, you’re expected to serve “will of the users” (as defined by reddit admin), the users you attracted to the house you built. Reddit was founded on the idea “if you don’t like it, make your own space, and users will flock towards the better one”.
Reddit changed the moderator code of conduct. And yet, if you strictly apply the moderator code of conduct as they sometimes do, it completely undermines many of the bans that reddit admin also enforce. They’re hypocrits, now all they want is to exploit everyone that put them where they are.
If a mod is powertripping, then why would you want to be a part of the community?
Because the size of a community matters, and they’re not fungible. Back on reddit, my city’s subreddit was run by power-tripping mods. Sure, I could try to create an alternative – and somebody actually did – but it had multiple orders of magnitudes fewer users than the original sub and almost nobody would actually see what you posted there, so what’s the fucking point?
The entire reason I wanted to comment in the original sub was to try to politically persuade and influence people in my city. Censoring me from that sub was extremely effective even if alternatives theoretically existed.
But your city has other communities on other platforms and local social meetups. You don’t have to use Reddit.
Well, I don’t use Reddit anymore – it has joined the list of oligarch-owned shit that I’m boycotting (along with Facebook and Twitter). And yes, I do participate in local politics IRL.
But that still doesn’t invalidate what I wrote. The fact is that these platforms have too much fucking power as de-facto replacements for the public forum, and whether you refuse to use them or you get kicked out from them, it marginalizes you in a very real way that affects the real world. That’s a problem even if the possibility exists to go commune with other rejects on a platform the majority don’t give a shit about.
Not to mention, if I had a nickel for every real-world event hosted by a real-world local government, community, or activist organization that I missed because it was only advertised on Facebook, I’d have a big pile of nickels.
Oh I completely agree these platforms have too much power. Zero argument here. I’m just saying on an individual basis you have other options. But yeah i get what you’re saying
I got a temp ban for ‘trolling’ here on .world a few weeks back. Literally no notice at all. Had to go to the discord and ask. They instantly reversed it because they could tell I hadn’t been trolling.
Ehh . . sort of?
Appealing a ban for a social media post is . . . I dunno. Weird.
Well in this case, my best guess is I’ve been banned because I contacted a mod team that doesn’t want to hear from me. Problem is, they’re leaking sensitive chats from back when I was a mod and using them to attack me on other platforms. I asked them to stop. I’m a victim of harassment, but they probably reported me and the Reddit employees don’t care enough about doing their jobs to investigate. I’ve been in situations like this before, and I was able to resolve it through the appeals process. But that’s not going to happen if they don’t tell me precisely why I’ve been banned or let me appeal it.
they’re leaking sensitive chats from back when I was a mod and using them to attack me on other platforms. I asked them to stop. I’m a victim of harassment, but they probably reported me and the Reddit employees don’t care
A surefire way to make a company care, is to sue them. Just saying.
I already contacted the police about the situation and they said it’s not illegal. And I’m way too poor to sue a billion dollar company.
IANAL, but if they’re using private conversation contents without your permission to harass you… that sounds illegal to me.
And you don’t need to be rich to sue anyone. To win the case, maybe, but not just to sue.
The law doesn’t exist to protect people, it exists to protect capital. If you’re expecting to law to help trans people deal with abuse, you’re looking up the wrong tree.
deleted by creator
Most instances have some way of contacting the admins and talking things out. Unlike Reddit’s “did anyone even read this?” process, they tend to be actual people who actually answer.
No, they don’t. You can’t contact the admins from an account you can’t log into, and you can’t log into a suspended account. Also, your PMs won’t be seen by any user native to a remote instance you’ve been banned from, including admins.
First, there is email, discord, element, etc. Check your instance for contact options, they usually have some. Second, you can use an alt account from anywhere in the fediverse to PM people. If you’re honest about it, you can find a way.
Or… if you know you broke the rules and plan on doing it again, just move onto some other instance more accepting of your profile, there are 1000+ ones to choose from.
I got banned for telling someone it’s important to check for cancer, on a post about a sports person that died from rectal cancer, and I was banned permanently for “harassment”.
I appealed and lost.
Yeah, bad actors have weaponised the harassment rule to get people banned. I was banned because a tankie sub - that I had previously thought was cool - banned me from out of nowhere with an automated message and no explanation. Putting 2 & 2 together it was clearly for an anti-tankie post I made on a different sub. Literally a kind of harassment in itself. When I said “What the fuck?” In my reply, I was banned reddit-wide.
Like they’ve gotta just be fishing for anything they can call harasment to get their ideological enemies kicked.
The distinction between mod subreddit bans and site wide bans is basically gone
Yeah I got banned from greenandpleasent the same time Russia invaded Ukraine because it was taken over by a bunch of boot lickers and likely actual paid russian shills, probably some of the same crowd hosting hexbear et al. And got a site wide ban soon after…
deleted by creator
Oh I got banned from the site. Reddit admins banned me lmao.
Yeah, I got banned from the site too.
Anybody that ever said anything that could be classed as controversial has been if someone was salty enough to report them. Reddit went from corporate influenced to corporate interested above all else.
deleted by creator
yep, and yet somehow reddit never does anything about the report abuse for the ‘self help’ thing which id get dozens of PM’s a day about at one point, reported them and nothing was ever done about it
What is a tankie?
Its an epithet for authcoms (authoritarian communists) and MLs (Marxists-Leninists). Essentially referring to justifications of using tanks / violence to quash uprisings or dissent.
Fans of this (and not the guy standing there):
Years of being on reddit has conditioned me to always respond to this picture with
So brave
I literally cannot stop myself from posting it.
In a weird way, it’s kind of “so left wing it curled round the back and ended up on the far right”.
If you think of “left wing” as in “we support Pol Pot, Stalin, Putin etc” rather than “let’s open a community-run vegan art cafe to promote understanding between diverse social groups”.
“let’s open a community-run vegan art cafe to promote understanding between diverse social groups”.
It wasn’t a vegan art cafe, but the town I grew up in opened a community-run “Peace and Justice Center” that was a direct evolution from the protest camp that was set up at the start of the 1992 Iraq war. It lasted about 2 months because they had no idea what a peace and justice center was supposed to do. They did let several homeless people sleep there in violation of zoning regulations, though.
I agree with your characterisation, but obviously I think that version of left-wing isn’t really left. It’s state capitalism with a red flag.
That said, I’d add that the anarchist and other libertarian leftists (ancaps stole the word libertarian from the left btw) absolutely have revolutionary aims and activities, we aren’t just sitting around singing kumbaya. I didn’t sense you were trying to belittle us but I wanted to add that.
You’re right to give it a little more detail - my slightly silly summary skipped over a lot.
Definitely not trying to belittle anyone, though I am slightly poking fun at myself :)
Got it, that was the vibe you gave off but also since we’re trying to educate I thought I’d be a bit pedantic about it :)
deleted by creator
A stalinist communist.
deleted by creator
Funny, both the Cambridge and (among others) seem to think it is.
deleted by creator
It doesn’t make much sense. Stalin practiced Marxism-Leninism and didn’t consider himself to be inventing any new ideology.
It’s about as ridiculous as “Bidenomics” — just what exactly is Biden actually doing differently?
People actually take Bidenomics seriously…? I thought it was a meme like dark brandon.
deleted by creator
There’s two definitions, the former means redfash who overlook the fascist elements of former socialisms, particularly those of Marxist-Leninist orientation. (the fact they use tankie rather than redfash should tell you they’re not entirely comfortable using fascist as a pejorative, want to guess why?)
The latter is basically a dog whistle used by reactionaries to mean communist. Basically a synonym of “woke” for those not overtly racist and applies to anyone with left-of-hitler politics. Think your blue maga types who swear they’re progressive.
Regardless, the word was invented by the CIA to sew division among the left and should not be used by anyone.
If you approach things from a scientific perspective, the meaning of harassment is just “political speech I don’t like”. Some kinds of political speech, like protests and appeals, are important and should be allowed, but can easily be labelled harassment. Other kinds of political speech, like sexual harassment or hate speech, are bad. “Harassment” as a word isn’t a useful one. Two people having a fight are harassing each other, regardless of who’s right. We have created a society that hates political speech and welcomes the use of state and corporation violence to suppress dissenting politics.
I don’t say this from a place of callousness. I’ve been a victim of the most vicious harassment and it’s given me PTSD. And what I learned from the experience is, talented manipulators and people with social power will always benefit from being able to call political speech harassment.
harassment is just “political speech I don’t like”
Some communities on Lemmy have switched to calling it “misinformation”. As in: you provide links to reputable sources to support your point, and it’s “misinformation”.
Harassment seems to be more of a label for “too many people downvoted you, and you still dared to answer”.
That explains why a troll tried ban baiting me for “disinformation” when I said something they didn’t like.
Yeah, that’s better. Misinformation covers situations like defamation and many kinds of hate speech. Although there still needs to be a solution for stalking and sexual harassment, as long as it doesn’t overlap and outlaw protest or deplatforming.
Misinformation covers situations like defamation and many kinds of hate speech.
Not really:
- Misinformation: “false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead.”
- Disinformation: “deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda.”
The difference is between “I don’t believe you, so you get banned” vs. “I think you’re trying to mislead people, so you get banned”.
Misinformation allows banning any information a mod believes to be “false”, for whatever reason, no matter the proof.
(PS: if any mod doesn’t agree with these definitions, they could remove this comment based on “misinformation”)
God that’s actually worse than my banning (I posted a Google Streetview link of a layby). Incredible. Has anyone ever appealed and won? Ever?
I won my appeal once. I was banned for “hate speech”. I was literally being 100% sarcastic against someone who was truly being a hateful shithead. I assume I was banned by an idiot who doesn’t understand sarcasm exists, but unbanned by someone who has talked to another human before.
Person: “nien! slur slur”
You: “don’t be a cracker”
Reddit: “Your comment has violated hate speech rules”
Yes, I did. But only because multiple subreddit mods, including all of the mods in the subreddit that triggered the ban, got behind me due to the bullshit nature of the ban.
I really need context before I can get on the “mods bad” wagon for this one
Sorry, I don’t know where or how I broke the rules, can you show and explain it to me?
But then how will I avoid breaking rules in the future?
“Please familiarise yourself with reddits content policy… which doesnt matter because your banned for life anyway”
your banned
See, I’d ban you just for that. Off you pop now 😂
You have been banned for this content.
Reason: threatening violence
Perfect. Outside, now 😊
But then how will I avoid breaking rules in the future?
That won’t be an issue.
Nothing new, actually. When I was banned years ago (suspiciously after calling out some astroturfing), they didn’t give a reason either.
I pointed out that the Australian subreddits were being very obviously astro-turfed. And then I made a post naming the Aus PR companies that were openly running bot campaigns on Reddit and who was using them.
That account got banned in record fucking time lol. And no reason was given either, it was a site-wide IP ban. Luckily one call to my ISP and that was sorted lol.
They welcome the evasion since they don’t actually want their number of ad impressions going down. They were just letting you know that under no circumstances were you to show anyone what’s behind the curtain.
Mind if I ask how long ago you were banned? It seems like over the last 6-9 months nationalist subreddits have ended up with a huge amount of sway in gettting people banned for arguing with them.
IP ban isn’t the only way they can get you though. I’ve had them catch me out even with a fresh IP. They fingerprint browsers, using their own implementation of backend Google captcha (you don’t connect to, but
I think they use the email too. I once made a second with the same email and it was fine for a few minutes and then banned. I hadn’t voted or commented on anything yet.
Then I made another with a brand new email on a different service and it too was banned pretty quick before I engaged with anything. That one I think was fingerprinted because my home IP changes every couple months naturally, so I wasn’t on the same IP that would have been banned. Also sometime around then I started using a VPN and it was still banned, so I’m thinking it was a fingerprint.
At that point I was kinda over it but I was curious about the system. So I tried once more with another new service email, on a different IP from being on a mobile away from home. That one worked. It probably still works, but I don’t remember it or the password or the email I made for it. So it’s out there somewhere, but I don’t care any more because this all finished up around the time reddit killed third party apps, so I found this and my app came over, so I just entered the fediverse.
I still have my NSFW account there which does still have all of my niche interests in far greater supply than I’ve found here so far. I’ve got my NSFW account here, but all the communities die pretty quick, so it’s not much use yet.
Somewhat, yes. I had a bunch of alts that used similar emails, they all got axed, but one was spared, perhaps because I never clicked to confirm the email. Then I suspect they linked any remaining or new accounts with different emails via a recent desktop browser.
It was kind of cool looking into when everything was banned. Accounts I hadn’t logged into for years had been banned, all together - but not immediately with the first main ban.
I think IP alone isn’t enough for them to decide to ban, though.
sounds about right. I got perma banned for “harassment” for essentially saying spez is a piece of shit lol
I got perma banned because I’ve gotten 4 or 5 accounts banned over the years for being toxic and harassing people. I made a joking “call to violence” and they hit me with a perma.
Meh. I deserved it for sure. If they let me back on the platform I’d do it again 😈
Congratulations, fuckwit.
Thanks! Yeah there are some other websites where people share their reddit troll victims and funny comment threads where people are losing their minds. It’s a fun little game to see how many people you can get.
You got me there. It really does sound like you’re living life to the fullest of your potential.
deleted by creator
It’s so weird how people want to downvote you for trolling shitty Reddit. If you love it so much, go back?
I can’t go back :( they fingerprinted my computer, phone, email, all of it. Allegedly I can go to a library and make a new account with a burner email but I haven’t tried.
They can’t fingerprint your computer, that’s a lie that Moderators tell to non-techsavy users to discourage ban evasion, just use the browsing history data you and the browser voluntarily give them, use Reddit through Tor and it won’t be effective, you can harass their admins constantly and they can’t do a thing about it, just keep banning the accounts (unless they want to Ban Tor which I don’t forsee happening at least for a while).
Just don’t try pushing your luck because if you say anything too evil (i.e. threats of mass violence, mass destruction, violence or harm against the government, etc.) Dpeartment of Investigation, FBI, or Secret Service could still come after you with Tor.
deleted by creator
Yea this recently happened to me. A had an argument with a mod and he reported a non offensive comment I had on his subreddit as a ban evasion. I got suspended for ban evasion despite not having another account. After my suspension ended he reported the exact same comment again giving me a second suspension. After the 3rd time I got banned entirely. 10+ year account with no prior suspensions/bans just gone because of one mod. Between that and RIF being gone, I’m just done with reddit.
Also ran afoul with a mod. Merari01 specifically. I reported one of his comments, and he sent it up as abuse of the report button. Insta perma banned. My account was registered in 2010.
Reddit’s been awful for a while though so the loss wasn’t too bad.
The only good thing that came out of the API protest was watching AwkwardTheTurtle and iBleeedOrange get stabbed in the back and purged from the site by Spez.
I dunno, I have like 15 accounts. One gets banned I move to the next lol!
I’m IP banned. doesn’t matter if it’s a new email, or device. I’ve tried many times and my accounts always get banned within 48 hrs. I haven’t tried getting a new modem yet, cause I don’t care that much about reddit.
Doctor eggman is that you?
Star trek mod fucked me, I hate worf.
deleted by creator
All trek is good, some is just far better. Fuck Worf and prosper.
It’s almost like total control over content and no recourse is the goal! Garbage company, move on from it…
deleted by creator
They are over here too! A mod on world news on was saying that Ukraine probably bombed their own people yesterday. Then when evidence came out that it was Russia he deleted his comment and everyone’s involvement with the conversation calling him out
a mod on
Well there’s your problem.
Yeah I’m currently browsing everything and filtering out communities I absolutely don’t want to see. Unfortunately that’s the experience most new users will have here on lemmy too, and think that represents the vibe across the whole platform.
deleted by creator
yeah, TONS of furries too. It used to be you could just block (and have an alt account just for that instance if you like) but now new communities are popping up on random instances. I never know whether to block the whole instance or just the community every time.
FYI, if you’re not interested in that stuff at all, some instances block all that for you.
Well there’s your problem.
I can’t help but not read that in the Bostonian accent of the guy on the podcast now. I didn’t even like the podcast much and only listened to one or two episodes, but, well, theeyrs yer praahblem.
Funny, I was actually thinking of Adam Savage on MythBusters.
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.
That mods username doesn’t start with a z does it?
Yup, I was also banned from talking about China and Uyghurs on world news on
Not much different from Lemmy really. Atleast on reddit you get a message that you have been banned.
Dude, lemmy has a modlog that shows you everything.
Open the webpage, scroll to the bottom.
Yeah, but you don’t get a notification.
Maybe not. However it would be hard to say whether this is malicious or whether it’s just a development oversight on a pre-1.0 version. Or just the moderator’s lack of due action.
Either way, though, I’d prefer no notification but a mod log to reddit’s way, where sometimes they would notify you but other times they would shadow ban.
Yeah! Shadow banning really is awful.
Yeah I know, but unless you regularly go there to search for your name you might be shouting into the void for a month before you realize no one is hearing.
Lemmy is worse on one hand and better on the other. You could be banned from an instance for much more spurious reasons than you’ll be banned on Reddit, but you then you can just move to another instance.
I’ve had the opposite experience.
On Reddit I’ve actually had to self-censor my comments to avoid them from being nuked from orbit by Automoderator. I legit can’t use words like ‘incel’, ‘OnlyFans’, ‘e-girl’, ‘Trump’ etc on most subreddits. It actually feels liberating to be able to speak my mind here.
Idk about much more spurious reason, could just be a specific mod thing that you came across on here but not on reddit. I could be wrong but I don’t see any reason lemmy would be worse on this metric.
By spurious I mean there is a wider pool of weaker reasons for banning.
Would you think the frequency and application of bans on say lemmygrad would be more or less spurious than Reddit or, for example?
I haven’t personally interacted with that instance afaik, but I have heard people say it’s much worse
true but this is an admin ban (sitewide). they are still arsehols
Stop! You’ve broken the law!
Chances are you engaged in one of the following:
Arguing an objectively correct viewpoint with a moron.
Engaged in political sarcasm.
Made use of hyperbole, facetiousness, or facetious hyperbole.
Made a mod look stupid on their alt. account.
Hurt a fascists feelings.
Engaged in dark humour. (It’s like food, not everybody gets it.)
Engaged in anti-reddit activism.
Or just cause.
If you’re feeling vindictive you can still request your data under GDPR every 30 days even on banned accounts and they have to comply by law.
Make sure you leave a bad review on the play/app store too, there’s so many negative reviews ‘absolute trash’ appears as a review topic
My guy, at this point you’re only abusing yourself. Time to look at the writing on the wall, that site died months ago (or years ago in my opinion), you will only suffer using it.
No one regrets getting banned from digg.
No one regrets leaving Digg in any way.
It’s crazy to think or maybe my memory is misremembering history a little bit(?), but for Reddit users in general it was like “it’s sad to leave this platform after +10 years” but with Digg it was mostly “yeah…fuck this place went to hell, I’m out!”
Isn’t it trivial anyway, since you can still create unlimited anonymous accounts via old.reddit? I guess getting banned may actually matter for the subs that have a karma minimum to post, but…
…You could also just not use reddit.
Isn’t it trivial anyway, since you can still create unlimited anonymous accounts via old.reddit?
wait, you can do that? does it check IP?
Yes but IP is less useful nowadays as a way to identify users. VPNs are commonplace now, everyone has at least two or three IPs (their home, their mobile, their work/school), more than one person can be using the platform in the same place, etc.
Not to say they don’t pay attention to that but it’s not enough on it’s own.
sweet. well ill give it a shot for education and see how long it lasts. when i was permabanned my old alts also got banned within a few days (even though i hadnt used them in months)
It checks IP for things like you trying to boost your own posts. Beyond that it’s fine.
I had over 10 different reddit accounts throught the years. Few of them were banned from certain subs but I just came back later with a different account and they never banned me again. I’m using a VPN though.
sweet. new test account on old reddit good so far, I’m expecting to wake up to it banned. will see. no VPN
If you use it from the same IP, browser, device, or App, that you have previously used with any banned account, then you’ll likely get it banned for ban evasion.
that’s what I expect as well. will see how long it takes
yeah banned again, took about 12 hours. lovely aggressive message about my ‘multiple, repeated violations’. VPN sounds better idea, tried it once but was also banned again quick, someone suggested the IP might have previously been used for similar things
They also fingerprint your browser, so make sure to clear any data Reddit can access.
It’s never been something I’ve done, and I can’t say I really care, but that would make it difficult to comment in subreddits with a karma threshold.
Well there’s subreddits created specifically for garnering enough karma to post around Reddit.
Ban their domain name in yours “hosts” file
Stop giving them views and complain about it
Reddit? That’s still a thing?
Yes but it’s in decline
Definitely not
Sure, you can close your eyes and live in a make believe world. But Reddit clearly still has a ton of activity.
And that activity will MySpace itself just as fast. It seems to me that’s their goal. All that investment money hates free speech.
I can not see any decrease in activity, but I am only active in one sub, so I don’t know. From all I hear… they are fine for now.
If you go to the modcoord subreddit, that is not the case everywhere. There have been several posts from mods complaining that their numbers are down, and they’re spending all their time modding to combat bot accounts. Reddit recently implemented a social credit score as well that not even mods can access. And they were vague as hell about what would make your score high/low.
Reddit recently implemented a social credit score as well that not even mods can access.
This is the first I’ve heard about this. Got any more info about it? A quick Google search just gives me Reddit results from people talking about China’s social credit score system instead.
Holy shit that took me longer than expected to find.
Reddit’s u/spez liked what Musk was doing with
Twitter𝕏… just look at how that’s going, to know where Reddit is heading.No question, but I see a ton of activity on Reddit. A few 10’000 moving to Lemmy is not going to matter for now.
Also: just call it Twitter.
Lemmy is possibly over 300K now, with the whole fediverse over 12 million, but maybe only 4 million active. Reddit claims 1.7 billion active users, while some sources claim they only have 300M.
It’s really BS counts anyways, they don’t count interactions, or quality of interactions. From my time on Reddit, the quality had been going steadily down, then took a nosedive around 2021.
And even on TV they call it “X, formerly Twitter”, so that’s going to be it. They should register the domain 😈
People are saying there’s lots of bots on reddit now
There are lots of bots on Lemmy. Much more than I see in Reddit.
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There actually were no bots on Reddit when it first went online (were bots a thing in 05?). But Alexis and Steve both admitted to having multiple accounts to post links for those first few weeks to make it seem like there were more users than there actually were. Remember back when it first went online all you could do was post news articles. No comments, gifs, pics, or subreddits. It wasn’t until someone created Imgur for the express purpose of being able to post pictures on Reddit that you were able to do so.
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I got banned from Reddit while I was on a work trip to the USA. Hadn’t posted in over a year at the time. I’m absolutely mystified as to why.
They refer you to the content policy but they won’t tell you which post might violate it. I asked a few times what it was that caused the ban, but they either just referred to the content policy or once they said “Repeated violations”. I actually requested my user data so I could stick up my complete post history publicly and see if anyone else could figure it out. My username was / is sirdeadbeef on reddit.
I haven’t put any work into displaying them nicely, this is the format you get them in if you request your data:
Hmm, what the acutal f_? Read all the comments, couldn’t figure it out in the slightest.