I do it every day, just to check, as I’m not gonna be one of these idiots with the force for years without realizing it.
May the force be with you.
How do you think I open automatic doors?
Same with changing the traffic lights.
You use incantations for changing lights “red light green light one, two, three”
Was it red-red-green or red-green-red?
Remember when automatic doors were activated by a switch under a rubber mat?
Pepperidge Farm remembers
My local pharmacy has the mat still, it doesn’t operate the door anymore
As a kid you had to jump on them to make them work
I’ve been trying since I was 9 and I’m still trying with 33.
You really have to! Spider-Man wasn’t born Spider-Man, he became Spider-Man one day. You can’t know what/when will trigger your ability to use the force. So constant testing is required.
Small tangent, that’s the excuse I also use every time I’m drinking something and it goes down the wrong tube “Nope, still not Aquaman”.
At least once? Almost any time something is just out of reach, I give it a go before moving. It’s just plain fun.
My brother in the force, it’s at least once a week.
I do it every time I walk into the grocery store. AND IT WORKS.
It’s every time I want the remote.
Every time I notice it’s time to turn some lights on. 👋
Admit it you’re doing it right now too
At least once? I try all the time, it takes training, what if it just starts working and I just don’t try?
Yeah but I’d expect more stories of telekinesis if it ever worked, so I only try sometimes. Once did the Jedi mind trick hand wave for fun while high, got a laugh but don’t think they were swayed to whatever I suggested. Though was mostly hoping for a laugh at the time so got some success.
Maybe that’s our problem, no one’s done it before so there’s still a small part of us that doesn’t think it’s possible. The solution is simple, start wearing robes and train every day (👁 ͜ʖ👁) like it was literally one of Yoda’s first lessons to Luke that he fails because he doesn’t believe… Brb gonna try to lift my car out of that tar pit again, and this time I’m gonna believe so hard
Hell, that’s the least I’ve done.
When I was a kid, me and my friend were obsessed with the movie Tron. Like the makers of that movie, we had no concept of how computers actually work. But we wanted to be inside one! So one night we typed “START: TRON >> ENTER GAME GRID” on the command line of his dad’s PC and the laid our sleeping bags around the PC and went to sleep; hoping we’d wake up inside the computer all dressed in blue…
Did it work?
Of course. I test myself for spontaneously-developed superpowers all the time, just in case.
I just hope if it’s the human torch thing that eventually works, that I’m also fireproof…
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In the 80’s, I had a stress ball that I put on my entertainment center and tried it, only took a few seconds and the thing fell off!.. because it had expanded back into a ball shape and rolled. At least I learned a fun trick to amaze my younger sister with :)
Yes, i tried once very recently out of habit because i have been playing Half Life Alyx
Saaame. Did it in a dream too
No, I tried telekinesis.
I’ve attempted many times.
I’ve only succeeded once.
I don’t think certain body parts count.
I do it everyday.
Sure, the force is kinetic, but that’s just details.
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Remote controls. You’ve all done it.
Similarly, after playing Portal, I was constantly scheming on how to get an object.
“OK, open portal on the ceiling, open portal under remote on the kitchen counter…”
While we’re at it, I’ve been chunking stuff aside like Skywalker chunking his lightsaber and refusing to fight the Emperor. This has been going on for 30+ years.