Video is censored by blurring, but still disturbing.

  • Annoyed_🦀
    751 year ago

    “MaYBe tHEre’S a MiliTAnT hiDiNG iN THerE sO iT iS A LeGitiMATe tARGeT” -cum socks apologist.

  • Redex
    441 year ago

    I don’t get it? Why? What do they gain from this? Killing a few random civilians in an airstrike on an evacuation corridor serves no purpose other than bad PR. If they want to commit genocide, there’ll be lot’s of people left in Gaza City. Like I genuinely can’t come up with something that makes sense for why they would do this, other than they might think that there are maybe militants in that convoy? But that’s still overkill and not worth the cost. Maybe they want to scare people into not leaving the city, and then say they gave them the option but they didn’t leave?

      611 year ago

      You can swap out the entirety of what you wrote with Hamas and last week.

      There is no point to any of this other than it keeps existing power structures entrenched. Hamas benefits from this because what the hell else do you do after Israel behaves like this. Netanyahu benefits because how the hell else do you respond after what Hamas has done?

      The world’s opinion was shifting on Palestine to the point it felt like the world was ready to start calling the apartheid state of Israel for what it has become. Then Hamas does the dumbest thing possible as ruins any kind of international condemnation of how Israel had been behaving for decades. But only dumb from the perspective of the Palestinian people. From the perspective of Hamas, any kind of international coalition in support of the Palestinian people would have zapped their power.

      The same with Netanyahu. Both parties get power in the extended conflict, and can be considered to be aligned in incentives in that regard. Likewise, the Palestinian and Israeli people are also aligned in incentives. Neither wants the kinds of atrocities both sides are conducting.

      It’s time for the Israeli people to stand up and take accountability for how they’ll e t let their government manage the last several decades of this conflict. They are a first world nation, incredibly wealthy, and are in a position of privilege that the Palestinians simply do not have. The solution will not come from leadership. It will come from the people standing up and demanding peace.

        251 year ago

        One thing other commenters pointed out is that Saudi Arabia was about to normalize relations with Israel in exchange for a US defense pact and a civilian nuclear program. Who is Saudi Arabia’s biggest foe? Iran. Who arms Hamas? Iran. Do you think the Saudi’s could now go through with this as Gaza is being invaded? No. It is as if Saudi and Iran are having a proxy war.

        141 year ago

        I saw a comment saying that both Hamas and the Netanyahu administration need each other. It’s the only way either stays in power

        Both aren’t good for their own people, and both need to go before we can get peace in the region

          1 year ago

          Netanyahu is on record saying propping up Hamas is in the interest of anyone who opposes a Palestinian state. They funneled money to them and tried to use them to take all power away from Fatah and the Palestinian Authority.

        • bobalot
          31 year ago

          This was literally the strategy of Netanyahu and his far right allies.

          This is solidly documented. Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing. According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Anyone who opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support the transfer of the money from Qatar to Hamas. In that way, we will foil the establishment of a Palestinian state (as reported in former cabinet member Haim Ramon’s Hebrew-language book “Neged Haruach”, p. 417).

          In an interview with the Ynet news website on May 5, 2019, Netanyahu associate Gershon Hacohen, a major general in reserves, said, “We need to tell the truth. Netanyahu’s strategy is to prevent the option of two states, so he is turning Hamas into his closest partner. Openly Hamas is an enemy. Covertly, it’s an ally.”

        51 year ago

        Unfortunately for the world and for the Palestinians this is exactly what’s going down. Makes me cry.

      261 year ago

      Fascism isn’t rational. It searches for enemies to expand power and control. In this case, Netanyahu isn’t popular and this gives him the chance to consolidate control.

      1 year ago

      Their ideal solution would be to kill every Palestinian and grind their buildings into dust.

      International attention prevents them from doing so. Although far too many countries are far too chummy with Israel, they wouldn’t be able to maintain that in the face of open genocide.

      So instead they take what they can take. Bulldoze a few houses, execute a few people at the border, the usual stuff they get away with.

      But Hamas handed them an excuse on a silver platter and there has never been a better time for them to get what they want. It’s clear they’ve decided on at least half the city and any civilians who get in the way.

      151 year ago

      You are asking the wrong question. The question is “what are they losing from this” and the answer is nothing. They have committed war crimes for decades and not only is nobody turning away from them instead they get pumped full of even more and better weapons. Look at all the aid the west (mainly US) is sending them.

      Why would they ever think about potential consequences if there are never any?

      131 year ago

      Maybe they want to scare people into not leaving the city, and then say they gave them the option but they didn’t leave?

      This. They bomb the “safe” routes so people don’t feel safe trying to leave and just wait to be bombed(Just like Iraq vs US and Russia vs Ukraine) and The extremists in Israel believe that the Jewish people are owed the entire territory of King Solomon’s empire. That territory, at minimum, includes parts of Jordan and Syria. At maximum it extends from the Nile to the Euphrates to the Persian Gulf and up into Turkey.

      Palestine’s existence to Israel is analogous to Ukraine’s existence to Russia, except Russian sees Ukraine as “the same” people and Israel sees Palestinians as unrightful occupants that have no right to the lands of the Israeli people deeded to them by god according to scripture.

      The Palestinian people will be removed persistently and then it is on to the Jordanians, and so on until the Israeli extremists have their “sacred lands of the chosen people”. The extremists Israelis will make small “palatable” cuts until they achieve their goals.

      It is a horrible situation for every innocent involved and this continuous and senseless death is absolutely worthless; all for the desires of corrupt and vile people believing nonsense.

        1 year ago

        and The extremists in Israel believe that the Jewish people are owed the entire territory of King Solomon’s empire. That territory, at minimum, includes parts of Jordan and Syria. At maximum it extends from the Nile to the Euphrates to the Persian Gulf and up into Turkey.

        Founding your claims on legends is never a good idea.

      • Cethin
        51 year ago

        I don’t think that’s what they’re saying. I think they’re just saying that Israel is being really fucking aweful. They’re being so bad it defies logic.

        I don’t know though. I’m sure there are people saying what you’re getting from it.

  • SeaJ
    401 year ago

    There are old people in wheel chairs following that convoy. Not sure how you could even justify this as an accident.

    • Limitless_screaming
      321 year ago

      Not sure how you could even justify this as an accident.

      You don’t. What are they gonna do about it? The US will supply you with another carrier in a couple of days, and suck your dick shortly after.

    • Cethin
      131 year ago

      There were tiny Hamas militants hiding under those wheelchairs though, so it’s fine.

    261 year ago

    It is astounding that after all the Jewish people were put through, Israel looked at the Nazi playbook and copied it.

    I will never be able to understand it.

    • AggressivelyPassive
      131 year ago

      That’s what’s happening to a society, if they are threatened yet unchecked. Israel managed for decades to turn a legitimate threat to a complete dehumanization of the Palestinians, and because Holocaust, nobody really reigned them in while it was happening.

    1 year ago

    Any doubt remains on the evil nature of the governing entity of this occupation force? We’ve been attacked by monsters, let’s show “em” we are worse by a mile and some

      1 year ago

      Isn’t that the other side of the truck, which does have it?

      We do need more information to get proper justice, but in the meantime we also need things to quiet down so things don’t just keep getting worse