Finally representation in porn. I always feel weird because women in porn have such small lips.
Welcome! We will watch your career with great interest.
Thanks! Have you any recommendations for getting to grips with Lemmy?
You’ve already done what is arguably the most difficult part of the process which is signing up for an account on a instance and getting your first post through, so kudos!
I’ll just mention that I noticed your account is on so be careful about which instance you’re posting to as they each have their own set of rules - there are a few where sexual content is banned entirely because it’s tough to moderate. A good analogy I’ve found to help wrap your head around things is to think of it like email. You can have your Gmail( account and it will have it’s own set of rules, features and communities, but it can talk to and post with an Outlook ( account which also has its own set of rules even though they are two separate entities. The whole concept is weird at first, but you’ll get used to it pretty quickly if you stick around.
The communities themselves are a lot smaller than you may be used to if you post on Reddit, for example. Be a bit more mindful of spamming since there’s a smaller number of posts overall. Otherwise I’ve found the people around these parts to be very friendly and welcoming.
I noticed your other post mentioning some technical issues. There isn’t an official Lemmy app (unless maybe you count Jerboa) so it may be best to check the community dedicated to that app for more specific details.
Edit: I kind of figured because of the user watermark, but I saw another comment confirming you came over from Reddit. One specific thing to mention if that’s the case is that there isn’t any form of Karma system in place. Upvotes and downvotes are purely used to indicate post quality and fit to the community and impacts feed sorting mostly. That doesn’t mean people won’t use it as an I don’t like this button though.
Ah thank you so much for all of this. I did realise I had made an account on but couldn’t seem to figure out how to make one on Lemmy.nsfw, can it be done? Super useful insight though thanks so much. How do you know so much yourself? Just curious!
I find the apps make it really easy to switch between multiple accounts so it’s not a bad idea to have a couple.
Good shout, I’ll keep both so
And welcome to Lemmy! You look amazing ;)
No problem!
You can always make a new account on lemmynsfw if you want and I’d bet your username would be open. You’d need to go to and make a brand new account. Just like with the email analogy, trixi6el@Lemmy.World and would be two completely separate and different accounts so keep that in mind. Though, you really don’t need to if you don’t want to as I doubt it will cause actual problems.
I’m by no means an expert, I’ve just picked up bits and pieces over time truthfully. The crowd around Lemmy is a bit more techy in general at this stage. Happy to have you added to it and feel free to ask any questions ☺️
That’s great thanks a mil - think I did make a separate account and it’s still just being verified maybe, anyways not to worry, yet lol. Thanks again, looking forward to making a dent on here!
You’re free to create an account on mine.
If you did the account creation that’s definitely likely. I’ve seen some users mention it can take a little bit of time for the verification to go through.
You’re welcome and I’m looking forward to the dent you make here also 😉
Hooray! I was a big fan over on reddit, glad to see some of my favorite people finding and using lemmy! It was hard giving up all the things I followed.
I hope you enjoy it here.
Thanks!! I’m hoping so too!
Thank you! I feel very appreciated with that comment, hope to see more of you on here!
Indeed. Her’s are the best labia on Reddit. Best here.
The perfect start 😍
Chef’s kiss* The labia and then it meeting up to your ass as well… pretty damn inviting.
deleted by creator
It’s like an orchid, very nice!
Oh my god it’s beautiful 😻
Raise the curtains and let my protagonist enter the stage
deleted by creator
Wow! I love your lips, very sexy!
That one was posted directly to Lemmy, idk what you changed for the subsequent uploads from your account that made it so the image went to imgur instead.
Uploaded this one from desktop I think
So meaty! Wow!