Protip: If your thought process begins to sound like “either you’re with me, or you’re against me”, you may be in the middle of the process of turning into a tv villain.
Sometimes people forget the lesser evil is still evil. And Benjamin “lets-prop-up-hamas-to-weaken-the-PLO” Netanyahu definitely fits the bill.
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This whole conflict is nothing but villains and victims. There’s no moral high ground and no good guys.
Totally agree. I don’t support Hamas and their terrorism, nor do I support Isreal’s genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Or a movie villain.
Obi Wan: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to Democracy!
Anakin Skywalker: If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy!
Dubya intensifies
It is important to … recognise the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation
This is the statement they’re doing this over? It seems pretty tame. What the fuck Israel?
Is it because Gaza was blockaded but not occupied at the time of the attack?Erdan has already demanded Guterres’ resignation and described his remarks as blood libel.
That’s not what blood libel means.
Pointing out that Palestinians have been treated like dirt for half a century is the same thing as claiming Jews drink kids’ blood, don’t be thick.
1-month ago:
“Jews controls the world sheeple!”
Fucking fruitcake…
You get fired for saying anything remotely fair about Palestine. Look at the backlash in the fields of law, banking and entertainment.
That they have the audacity to say this shows how powerful a hold Zionists have in the West.
Israel is seriously losing the plot. And possibly it’s grasp on reality.
Don’t they have a super right-wing government right now? This kind of frothing at the mouth sure sounds like it.
So, summaries like this are never completely accurate because theres just too much going on to shorten it so much, but it’s kind of like this:
Very few Israel government terms have been established by moderates or peacekeepers, one of the most notable was PM Rabin who was assassinated in 1995.
Netanyahu elected PM in 1996, then the youngest ever, and served until 1999 and then later again from 2009-2021. Bit of a frother, he is probably happy Hamas gave him a reason TBH.
Netanyahu was in charge until he went to trial for corruption with various associated companies conflict of interests with the multiple offices of government that Netanyahu held.
The government then had to decide who was in charge in his place, but couldn’t so they formed a “Unity Government” where one sides’ guy Bennett (Extreme Right Frother, worse than Netanyahu) ruled for 2 years then the other side, Yair Lapid, gets to rule for 2 years.
Netanyahu had made changes to laws that made it impossible to hold him accountable for his crimes.
From July to Dec 2022 Lapid was in power, and then Netanyahu established himself as leader once again.
So. Yeah, it’s totally fucked.
Bonus Fact: Israel’s Surveillance Technology has been sold worldwide and one of their biggest buyers are US Administrations who prioritize securing the Southern Border, example given: Donald Trump. Their relationship was so good that Trump’s son in law, working as an advisor in the white house, supported a pro-Israel single state solution, which is to say the destruction of Palestine.
It’s so weird because they’ve been pretty effective in the past at this. This time it just seems to be such low quality and low effort, yet it’s coming at me on almost every platform I use. The stuff that’s showing up on my YouTube where it’s like “10 most fierce IDF women soldiers,” and the thumb is a beautiful Jewish woman with a photoshopped scratch on her face.
Technically they have a war-time unity government between the previously reigning far-right government and the opposition. My hope is Bibi’s failure to prevent or respond quickly to the Hamas attack and this unity helps Israel improve their choices in leaders!
It’s obvious to any observer this Israeli government are monsters, even by Israeli standards.
I hope that history takes note of those leaders who a flocked to stand alongside them.
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Look. Look. We don’t want you to see the war crimes we are about to do, so you’re banned.
Humanity would not prevail.
Their current stance of the Israeli government is that there is no such thing as a humanitarian crisis, the UN is presenting a false picture of the situation in Gaza and that the civilian casualty numbers are severely exaggerated.
Despite them restricting food, water, electricity and fuel and even blocking on purpose humanitarian aid to the enclave.
Despite their indiscriminate bombing, flattening out complete neighbourhoods.
Despite them hitting targets south of the line the IDF suggested civilians to go.
Refusing to admit your own mistakes or wrongdoings is the first step towards dictatorship even though some might argue that they are already one.
And let’s not forget that the UN was the institution that ratified the creation of this whole country. Oh the turntables!
I’m not a tyrant, I just act like one.
Ah yes, a totally normal thing that innocent, non-fascist governments do. Nothing to see here, UN. Certainly no war crimes or ethnic cleansing!
They’re really dusting off the old playbook huh?
The UN has been sending their troops to countries for years to put a stop to genocides.
Places like Serbia must be kicking themselves right now, like they had no idea just saying “no” and carrying on killing was an option.
Ah yes, Serbia. Famously a country that didn’t just tell the UN no and keep killing…
Yeah, the mistake was not getting US backing first.
Israel will go down speed running through history as the reason why humanity can’t have nice things
You’re doing it to “teach them a lesson?” What’s the lesson? That your government is running a genocidal apartheid state? I think they’re aware already
I watched a good documentary recently called “roadmap to apartheid” that shows the comparison of the apartheid regime in South Africa and the ongoing Israeli apartheid. It touches on the relationship between the two countries during that era too. It is shocking how much worse the Israeli one is. It was hard to watch at times but it shows peace is possible. It is on youtube if anyone is interested.
At least when the US does it, they sprinkle in a liberation narrative.
"Obviously we’re retaliating hard with maximum flex-
“But! But! But! We’ll liberate a bunch of people while we’re there and be aware of civilians and their lives.”
“Oh. Well that seems nice. You won’t harm innocents?”
“We’ll be aware of civilians and their lives. And the liberation.”
“Well, okay then…”
Ah, good ole fashioned collective punishment.
Israel loves this one simple trick.
No one to watch their crimes agaisnt humanity and document them allowed on the ground anymore, eh?
Really the good guys eh?