Hoo boy lol
Let me translate from corporate language: “We see that LOTR is a huge franchise with a lot of devoted fans and it wasn’t compromised yet in any serious sense. So it’s a gold mine right here. We need to squeeze every cent from it in any way imaginable and let the remains rot while we’re moving to the next mine”. Whatever they will do, LOTR is and will be great
I think everything after the movies only antagonized the devoted fans more and more :D
Well, if they tried to release something like Gollum again, I don’t think it will happen
Do you not see? That’s the point - release anything with the lowest effort possible, because the “established franchise” status will fill their wallets anyway.
How about not calling the lord of the rings a fucking franchise? Not everything has to be a franchise and absolutely milked dry.
needs to be
Ok I’m out
I feel like the COO of Embracer should focus on operating their studios instead of mismanaging them to the point where they’re shutting them down and restructuring.
While I love LotR, I think it’s time to let it be. The original movie trilogy is the peak that anything outside the books will get. As for games, it’s hard to beat Battle for Middle-Earth II. (Shadow of Mordor was fun, but incredibly lore-breaking.)
It’s sad to see what Tolkien’s work has become between Gollum and Rings of Power. I don’t want to see it get any worse.
Looking at the state of AAA games I have very little hope for any LOTR game coming out. I think I’d rather have fond memories of BFME2 than a new games filled with mtx and battle passes
They’re going to have a tough time doing that if they continue to follow the Ubisoft open-world formula :/
i could live with this tbh