I think part of the problem is the MMR in the United States is associated with a medical abortion. Certain religious groups won’t take the MMR in account of that. There’s an ethical alternative but it is not commercially available in the US. It would be a good idea to make the alternative strain available here because it would help protect a segment of the population that’s otherwise exposed.
We got married while still in college. Our first was born exactly nine months from the date we married. I kinda expected it to take 18 months of two years but we certainly didn’t mind that things went faster than expected.
People are saying don’t get an echo but this is the tip of an iceberg. My coworkers’ cell phones are eavesdropping. My neighbors doorbells record every time I leave the house. Almost every new vehicle mines us for data. We can avoid some of the problem but we cannot avoid it all. We need a bigger, more aggressive solution if we are going to have a solution at all.
So I have 11 children and am the sole income for my family. Most of my working life I’ve made median or below median income. I’m open to questions for anyone who wants to know how we made this work.
I can’t watch an hour video. Anyone want to condense this for me?
It should also be a big clue: If insurance companies don’t want to take your money, you are doing something dumb. Don’t build stick houses in wildfire zones.
Does anyone know if Blockada mitigates this problem on Android?
(not so) fun fact: The average black male American never sees a penny from social security because the program is biased toward those who live long enough to reap the benefits of the program. So, despite paying in an entire working life, dying too young rewards you with a big fat nothing.
Who wants to directly deal with those peasants?
It would be a shame if the government relieved him of his ownership/control after discovering the company useful for national defense. It won’t be Trump but I hope that’s the result of the next election.
In the meantime, it looks like his businesses are circling the drain.
I’d buy a small private ship and sail around the globe. I’d occasionally port to pickup a friend or family member or drop someone off.
The best center-right news sources are behind a paywall. The crazy ones, those are free.
If we impeach, it needs to be Trump and Vance together.
The Constitutional Court must now decide whether to formally end Yoon’s presidency or reinstate him.
What’s the timeline on that?
Get Heliboard and then download a gesture library such as this: https://github.com/erkserkserks/openboard/blob/master/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/libjni_latinimegoogle.so
Heliboard is on F-Droid.
Don’t look at it on a county-level, then. You’ll be disappointed. The highest murder rates are in blue counties inside red states. The statistics correlate with race and poverty.
He is doing this because he plans to instigate a hot war with China. It will be terrible. Many will die. He wrongly thinks his trolling will invite Russia to his side but he is wrong. Wrong and stupid and evil.
Kids in their 20’s aren’t kids, they are adults.