Ever heard about the Reichstagsbrand?
Ever heard about the Reichstagsbrand?
Eine Messengergruppe? Oder was für eine Art von Gruppe meinst du?
“Chasing Cars” by Snowpatrol is pretty easy to play.
Bookshelf NFTs? Only possible to buy with crypto?
A hundred ton steel ship floats, a hundred ton steel block does not. Density equals weight per volume. If you increase the volume without increasing the weight, the density will go down.
Because minerals that are washed out by mountain creeks do not evaporate while water does.
I also am in fact “fun at parties”
Washed the dishes FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Uhhh! I remember something else,the Concrete mixer: 3 parts Baileys & 1 part limejuce (you also could add salt and call it “Blowjob”
Does Bar mean the whole Pub, or does bar mean only the “Barkeepers workbench”? If the latter is the case, I may know of something worse. There once was a “Bar” called “Clochard” where people said you had to drink a beer made up of all the leftover sips you could find on the tables around you to enjoy the full “Clochard-experience”
Wait 'til you hear about “Seagull Shit”
Pour 2 cl Helbing (caraway liquor ) into a shot glass. Place 1 solid slice of Mettwurst or Blood sausage on the glass and top with a thick dollop of remoulade (or spicy mustard).
Depending on your preference: eat the sausage first and then drink or drink first and then eat the sausage.
This! Best treatment against homelessness is:
Give them a home!
Where I live, stoners wear carhartt, skaters wear dickies and blue collar people wear Engelbert Strauss.
This reminds me of a line from K.I.Z.:
“Nazis erkenn’ ich an der Kopfform.”
(I recognise Nazis by the shape of their skulls.)
A Shadowrun game that feels like the lovechild of Fallout and Deus Ex.
And I want BioWare to be the midwife.
“Mommy!! Bring me more tendies, I’seen the picture of a female that doesn’t make my peepee go hard! And mean people on tv say she is allowed to look like that!”
And they’re gonna fuck with you even further…
Albert Camus [alˈbɛːʁ kaˈmy]
Well, there is a rise in farmers protests in Europe which are taken over by fascists in farmers clothing…
The book it pretended to be from is the short story “Story of your life” by Ted Chiang which seems to be a bit different from “Try to remember”:
Aliens arrive
Woman learns their language and it completely changes her perception of time which makes her tell her daughter her(the daughter’s) whole life’s story on the day of her birth (Hence the title)
Aliens leave at some point and nobody knows why
If I would loan money to people, I want them to pay me back as soon as they can. But if I wanted to make money with loans, I’d want my customers to pay their loans as slowly as possible to put a lot of interest rates in my pocket.
Thats not a spoiler to anyone WHO AKCHUALLY HAS RED THE FRIGGIN COMIC BOOKS!!!11!!!