Erring on the side of maintaining the privacy of strangers is always better than the alternative.
Erring on the side of maintaining the privacy of strangers is always better than the alternative.
If they tried to hire enough mods to do a quality job of it they’d be bankrupt by the end of the year. I don’t know if they’ll have enough capable volunteers for a significant fraction of the subreddits.
Twitch is hardly a profit center, streaming isn’t where you’d go to boost profits.
Ah okay yeah I can see that reading. I think Premium has been growing well, so hopefully that’ll change in the future!
YouTube premium is pretty reasonably priced if you consume a lot of content on there. I probably consume a minimum of 12 hours every week not including music, so I feel I’m paying a fair price.
Premium more than covers costs, with a reasonable profit margin included. That’s what it really costs to host and serve that much data.
Can you expand on why you’d want to autoplay full screen videos? I’m not sure I’m understanding you correctly, or if I am then I’m not understanding why that’s desirable?
Hopefully you had the time to write out a detailed reply? ;)
Yeah that link just crashes Jerboa unfortunately. =)
Yeah I was thinking of using Perun’s referral link to Ground News, and sticking it in that spot. Probably only after the end of the month though.
I mean, there are very different flavors of communist, so it kind of makes sense. You can believe in communal ownership of all non-personal property without supporting the violent oppression of dissent.
Okay but none of that is relevant to the question of “Are computers in their current condition better drivers than humans?”. No one here thinks that Elon is cool or good, I haven’t seen a single fanboy comment so far. But that doesn’t change the hard facts about the things that a couple of his companies (who have hired a lot of very good engineers) have accomplished. Pretending that Tesla and SpaceX have zero accomplishments or benefits does not enhance your arguments against their boss, it detracts from them by discrediting you. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms to make, many of them absolutely damning, there’s no need to falsify anything to condemn them.
I’m finally making my way through all the MegaMan X games. I only ever beat the first one as a kid, so there’s a lot for me to explore. I’m still beating my head against X2, so it’s not going super well…
Oh gods no, that’s one of the only companies who would make an even more toxic mess of a platform. I’ll stick with the fediverse, thanks.
Nope, wrong on all counts, but thanks for playing.