Considering the amount of people that either voted trump or not voted at all, I’d say that there’s a portion of americans lying.
I am not a velociraptor
Considering the amount of people that either voted trump or not voted at all, I’d say that there’s a portion of americans lying.
Nah, he’s cutting corners in bomb detecting dogs, it’s gonna be a Carrero Blanco 2 electric boogaloo
I thought that we already established that in Magastan “illegal” is only for poor people.
Yes. Yes it is. It’s a xenophobic and racist government you have there. Of course talking against it is a deportable offense. They don’t want you there, and they will do whatever in their hands to kick you out from the country.
Magastan is not a democracy anymore, it’s becoming Russia v2.0
My point, sadly.
We’re already seeing ads in infotainment systems that cover the whole screen every time the car stops; a system this stupid to open a door, coming from Ketamine Karen, is not so improbable.
Also, no offense taken :)
No, no. It’s just that this article is focused on the first one. When the fuck up is so big, you need to break it down to smaller bits to understand it better.
Issue here is I’m not sure I recognize where the sarcasm is. This description of the door functioning system looks plausible to me when we talk about a Swastikar.
Took his sweet time to realize he could put +100% tariffs.
It’s fine tho, we’ll sell our high quality liquors to other markets. See? The problem with putting tariffs to the whole world is that the whole world answers in kind. But only against you, wno started the tariffs. We can sell our liquors to Asia, to Canada or to Australia just fine. But your whiskey is right now nuclear waste; nobody wants it.
The swastikar goes from 0 to 1939 in 4 seconds. When the ad says that, it means it. Complete nazi experience. Ovens included.
Guys, if you live in Magastan, talk to your doctors, ask them to give you any shot they can of anything that needs a booster over time (or that you miss) and do it ASAP. If a new pandemic from a new virus comes, you’ll be fucked, but at least you won’t be if what you suffer is an epidemic of a fucking preventable disease.
They what!?
How can they end such a nice initiative? What was the problem with secret santa?
As a Spaniard who comes from a place where that kind of ham is a typical food (like THE typical food), it hurts me to see how they are butchering that ham cutting it that way. I feel personally attacked.
Pity they released him so fast. Idiots like this are part of the reason the whole world is now suffering the turd presidency, so no amount of schadenfraude will be enough when it comes to them.
But McMaster denied the clemency plea. No governor has ever commuted a death sentence in the state
Just admit that you are a sadistic piece of shit living in a sadistic shithole and that it’s not about justice but about revenge and cruelty.
So much for the “true christians”… It’s sad that hell doesn’t exist. You all would be rotting there for eternity.
I am starting to consider seriously that he might be mentally challenged or showing signs of neuronal decline due to age and other conditions.
Awesome! For what I’ve heard, living near a Magastan consulate is a major pain. Checkpoints everywhere, military pressence, you can’t take pics near the area…
I’ve been doing that for years. And I’m trying to make my friends see how these things are bad for them even if they don’t pirate.
But then, Nintendo releases a new Pokemon and everyone goes “eh, I know that Nintendo is the worst, and I know they are harming the industry… but I can’t skip this pokemon game!”.
Nintendo customers suffer from a big case of Stockholm syndrome and nobody can’t convince me of the opposite.
They are probably highly understaffed. Also underfunded, and working on yearly releases.
There is reason for this: either greed or incompetence. Or both. There is no reason for game freak to keep their studio so small if not to save money or because they can’t manage more people. They have the most profitable IP in the world, it can’t be a lack of funds.
Not only. BotW was a wiiu title too, so it had to be made considering the limits of wiiu!
This is the kind of situation in which we win whatever the result.
Billionaires losing billions is a great thing.
But billionaires “solving” their losses issue is certainly enticing.