I’ve made an open source RPG, available on itch and gitlab.

Domain: ttrpgs.com


ssh -p 2222 soft.dmz.rs

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The internet’s fine - the web’s the problem.

    ssh, Call of Duty, email, random voice-call software on strange ports - all of them work fine. People have problems with websites.

    Plenty of websites of course are fine, the problems present when people use search engines and find a bunch of guff written by a bot, Paywalls, and sign-up screens.

    They say the best way to predict the future is to create it, so if you want to help there, ‘make good art’, write and share good content, don’t feed the machine. Sounds like you’re doing that already if you’re on Lemmy.

    And if you want to check out a quieter corner of the internet, where things aren’t all in-your-face-sing-up-click-here-now-NOW-DOIT…download the lagrange browser and check out Gemini. It’s a mostly plain-text protocol, where people read and write, and sometimes share whacky music.

  • For online-usage, nothing will ever beat spreadsheets. They exist to crunch numbers and compare values. They work with both text and numbers. And they’re flexible.

    • Want to add +2 to perception for elves? Check if race = "Elf" and if so, add +2.
    • Want to add a fixed list of weapons for the player to choose from? Stick the entire list on a secret sheet, then reference them in a drop-down menu.

    If a bespoke tool ever came out, it would only do one system, badly. Spreadsheets do any system, and the skills you learn with them are transferrable to almost all other spreadsheet programmes.

    There’s my indie RPG character spreadsheet (requires Libreoffice Calc). Fill in your name, and it’ll use numerological constants to find your race and stats, then tracks your XP every time you buy a skill.

    People want to use something like a pdf because it looks like paper, but this instinct is wrong. PDFs are for printing. Their fill-in text boxes are ugly, and programming them is clunky.

  • About 50% of what I read online is just RSS. For cli fans, newsboat lets you extend the RSS feeds really easily. So far, I have:

    • gemini translation, to get gemini feeds, and a hotkey to open them.
    • a hotkey to open things in w3m (most articles work fine in the terminal, many are easier to read)
    • a hotkey to open youtube videos
    • another to download them and watch later

  • I don’t think anyone can tell where we’re going. Mastodon.social was the largest instance by far for some time, then at the deluge, it splintered.

    Part of the reason for Mastodon to fracture is specialization - each instance does something unique. Maybe Lemmy will do the same, maybe not.

    But if we end up with 3 primary instances, it’s still decentralized - I think the most useful feature of Lemmy isn’t that we’re spread out, it’s that we could be.

  • The features sound good, and judging by Lemmy, I imagine they’re coming, depending on how much free time the devs have.

    there’s no reason for a general-purpose instance to defederate from lemmynsfw.com

    This one’s trickier. The mods have mentioned both moderation and legal difficulties with nsfw instances. If something illegal’s posted, then whoever has the server would (verifiably) have a copy of that image and has been (verifiably) distributing it. Reddit probably managed to skirt these issues by a) being early, when the world was new, and laws were weak, and b) having the money for a legal team.

    I wouldn’t want to be an admin trying to answer legal questions.