I have been very happy with my Lexmark.
I have been very happy with my Lexmark.
I have been very happy with my Lexmark.
I have been very happy with my Lexmark.
This looks fascinating. I’m gonna see this for no other reasons than Gaiman and Leonidas.
How many roads must a man walk down?
One day
I think they’re still in the middle of making the fourth Psych movie.
Intentionally, though lol.
For the studio it’s good enough for young folks who have never experienced anything of quality or substance.
As long as suckers keep paying for recycled toilet paper, they’ll keep selling it. Mainstream is the bottom rung of everything.
I’m thinking maybe for money. Yeah that’s probably it. They seem to really like money and want more.
It’s streets ahead!
I’m absolutely loving “What We Do In The Shadows”
Older shows I still rewatch include Community and Psych. Both are absolutely extraordinary.
If ever any of the Green Lanterns would say “I aim to misbehave,” it’s Guy Gardner!
I have also fallen out of fandom for SW. I love the original trilogy and I really loved Rebels, but they’re squeezing the franchise to death milking every penny out of it they can. And, in doing so, they’re diluting and de-flavoring something that was once special and awesome, into just another consumerized product.
It’s started to happen to Marvel, too, with all the special interest pandering - not to diminish those special interests because they’re important, but do it in a way that’s not at the expense of quality, and storytelling.
So much of pop culture is being harvested like fucking corn, just squeeze every ounce of value out of it and leave a rotting husk in its wake. They don’t care; they got theirs.
Yeah seriously there’s literally nothing to defend them about anything. Even doing so with something technically accurate is just plain blind.
Blackrock is the top level no?
And behave is like beehive!
Good luck sleeping tonight lol.
What can I say; I don’t read what random strangers say when my purpose of watching his videos is his videos. And I don’t hold him accountable for what those strangers say. I’m just focused like that. To each their own.
It definitely will be. Thousands of sci-fi writers warned us, but noooooo humanity has ZERO self-restraint. We’re already as good as gone, and not just because of AI. Climate mutilation, insatiable list for wealth at the expense of everyone, combined with AI. We are already as good as extinct. Fate accompli.