I’d be interested in these! I’ve played all the big ones so would love to find some obscure stuff!
I’d be interested in these! I’ve played all the big ones so would love to find some obscure stuff!
Beat me to it
I was apout to suggest this, I get leg cramps semi often and this tip is a life saver.
Netflix does let you add “guest” users in different households now, although It could be it just hasn’t hit you yet. When they announced the password crackdown it stopped Netflix working in my second household, but we just logged out and in and we haven’t been “blocked” since.
It seems for the initial debacle they blocked loads of accounts but I don’t know how often they do a ban wave or if they just figured the original announcement would get more people to buy subscription’s (which seems to have worked).
I second this, was about to recommend Kagi, auto filters listicles, fantastic for actually finding information written by real people on blogs and things that aren’t SEO spam
I’ve signed up for it, it’s got a few books that I imported from Goodreads but I like it overall.
I think Storygraph is the best reading social media but happy to support something like this.
I just use Vanilla Firefox, I use chrome for work but all my personal stuff on Firefox, left chrome after there was talk of stopping ad blockers.
This is completely untrue and I don’t know why people keep repeating this.